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Merge pull request #7 from avvo/use_json
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Use json instead of ruby with eval
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chingor13 committed Nov 18, 2013
2 parents d34f108 + c6227f4 commit b36529f
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Showing 9 changed files with 336 additions and 346 deletions.
26 changes: 7 additions & 19 deletions delsolr.gemspec
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,17 @@ do |s|
s.authors = ["Ben VandenBos"] = %q{2009-11-02}
s.description = "Ruby wrapper for Lucene Solr"
s.files = [
s.homepage = %q{}
s.require_paths = ['lib']
s.summary = %q{DelSolr is a light weight ruby wrapper for solr. It's
intention is to expose the full power of solr queries while keeping the
interface as ruby-esque as possible.}
s.test_files = [
s.add_dependency(%q{faraday}, ["~> 0.8.8"])

s.add_development_dependency(%q{mocha}, [">= 0.9.0"])
s.files = Dir["{app,config,db,lib}/**/*"] + ["License.txt", "Rakefile", "README.txt"]
s.test_files = Dir.glob('test/*_test.rb')

s.add_dependency("faraday", ["~> 0.8.8"])

s.add_development_dependency("mocha", [">= 0.9.0"])
s.add_development_dependency("rake", ["0.9.2"])
308 changes: 5 additions & 303 deletions lib/delsolr.rb
Expand Up @@ -7,310 +7,12 @@

require 'faraday'
require 'json'
require 'digest/md5'

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'delsolr', 'response')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'delsolr', 'configuration')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'delsolr', 'query_builder')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'delsolr', 'document')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'delsolr', 'extensions')

require 'delsolr/extensions'

module DelSolr

class Client

attr_reader :configuration, :logger

# [<b><tt>:server</tt></b>]
# the server you want to connect to
# [<b><tt>:port</tt></b>]
# the port you want to connect to
# [<b><tt>:cache</tt></b>]
# (optional) a cache instance (any object the supports get and set)
# [<b><tt>:shortcuts</tt></b>]
# (optional) a list of values in the doc fields to generate short cuts for (ie: [:scores, :id], you will be able to call <tt>rsp.scores</tt> and have it return an array of scores, likewise for <tt>ids</tt>.) Defaults to [:id, :unique_id, :score]
# [<b><tt>:path</tt></b>]
# (optional) the path of the solr install (defaults to "/solr")
# [<b><tt>:logger</tt></b>]
# (optional) Log4r logger object
def initialize(options = {}, &connection_block)
@configuration =[:server], options[:port], options[:timeout], options[:path])
@cache = options[:cache]
@logger = options[:logger]
@shortcuts = options[:shortcuts]
setup_connection(&connection_block) if connection_block

# <tt>request_handler</tt> - type of query to perform (should match up w/ request handlers defined in solrconfig.xml)
# options
# [<b><tt>:query</tt></b>]
# (required) effectively the 'q' param in the solr URL. The treatment of <tt>:query</tt> depends on the type
# of request handler you are using. The supported values are Strings and Hashes. Any valid Lucene query string is acceptable
# (ie: :query => "brand:apple" and :query => "apply" are both valid). If given a Hash delsolr will build the appropriate
# query string given a hash of fieldnames => values. For instance, the following two queries are effectively the
# same. Both will end up passing "brand:apple" as the 'q' param to solr.
# c.query('standard', :query => {:brand => 'apple'})
# c.query('standard', :query => "brand:apple")
# [<b><tt>:filters</tt></b>]
# (optional)array, string, or hash of additional filters to apply. Filters end up in the 'fq' param in the solr query URL.
# The value can be a String, Array of Strings, or Hash. The following are all equivelent.
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => {:instock => true})
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => "instock:true")
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => ["instock:true"])
# as are the following
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => {:instock => true, :onsale => true})
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => ["instock:true", "onsale:true"])
# [<b><tt>:facets</tt></b>]
# (optional) array of hashes for all the facet params (ie: {:field => 'instock_b', :limit => 15, :mincount => 5})
# <em>Faceting by field...</em>
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :facets => [{:field => 'brand', :limit => 15, :mincount => 5}])
# ...will request counts for the 'brand' field name that have a minimum of 5 documents, returning
# a max/limit of 15. The counts for this facet can be pulled from the response like so:
# rsp.facet_field_count('brand', 'Apple') => 17 # returns count as fixnum
# The list of values for this facet can be pulled from the response like so:
# rsp.facet_field_values('brand') => ['Apple', 'Microsoft', 'Dell'] # returns an array of strings
# <em>Faceting by query...</em>
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc',
# :facets => [:query => {:city => 'seattle', :instock => true},
# :prefix => {:key => 'seattle_instock'}}])
# ...will request counts for the number of documents where "seattle" matches on the "city" field and "instock" is set to true.
# Faceting by query requires you to assign a name to the facet so the counts can easily be fetched from the response. Solr
# resolves facet querys to count by the actual facet query string, which can be cumbersome. The delsolr response object maintains
# a mapping of query name => query string for you so your application only needs to remember the query name.
# The count for this facet query can be pulled like so:
# rsp.facet_query_count_by_key('seattle_instock').
# [<b><tt>:sorts</tt></b>]
# (optional) array or string of sorts in Lucene syntax (<fieldname> <asc/desc>)
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :sort => "product_name asc")
# [<b><tt>:limit</tt></b>]
# (optional) number to return (defaults to 10). (becomes the 'rows' param in the solr URL)
# c.query('standard', ;query => 'abc', :limit => 100)
# [<b><tt>:offset</tt></b>]
# (optional) offset (defaults to 0, becomes the 'start' param in the solr URL)
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :offset => 40)
# [<b><tt>:enable_caching</tt></b>]
# (optional) switch to control whether or not to use the cache (for fetching or setting) for the current query. Only works if a cache store was passed to the constructor.
# c = => 'solr1', :port => 8983, :cache =>
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => {:instock => true}, :enable_caching => true)
# c.query('standard', :query => 'abc', :filters => {:instock => true}, :enable_caching => true) # this one should hit the cache
# Cache keys are created from MD5's of the solr URL that is generated.
# [<b><tt>:boot</tt></b>] becomes the 'bq' param which is used for query time boosting
# [<b><tt>:fields</tt></b>] becomes the 'fl' param which decides which fields to return. Defaults to 'id,unique_id,score'
# NOTE: Any unrecognized options will be passed along as URL params in the solr request URL. This allows you to access solr features
# which are unsupported by DelSolr.
# Returns a DelSolr::Client::Response instance
def query(request_handler, opts = {})

raise "request_handler must be supplied" if request_handler.blank?

enable_caching = opts.delete(:enable_caching) && !@cache.nil?
ttl = opts.delete(:ttl) || 1.hours

query_builder =, opts)

# it's important that the QueryBuilder returns strings in a deterministic fashion
# so that the cache keys will match for the same query.
cache_key = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(query_builder.request_string)
from_cache = false

# if we're caching, first try looking in the cache
if enable_caching
t1 =
body = @cache.get(cache_key) rescue body = nil
from_cache = true unless body.blank?
cache_time = ( - t1).to_i * 1000 # retrieval time from the cache in ms

if body.blank? # cache miss (or wasn't enabled)
response ="#{configuration.path}/select", query_builder.request_string)
body = response.body

# We get UTF-8 from Solr back, make sure the string knows about it
# when running on Ruby >= 1.9
if body.respond_to?(:force_encoding)


response =, query_builder, :logger => logger, :from_cache => from_cache, :shortcuts => @shortcuts)

url = "http://#{configuration.full_path}/select?#{query_builder.request_string}"
if response && response.success?
log_query_success(url, response, from_cache, (from_cache ? cache_time : response.qtime))
# The response from solr will already be logged, but we should also
# log the full url to make debugging easier

# Cache successful responses that don't come from the cache
if response && response.success? && enable_caching && !from_cache
# add to the cache if caching
@cache.set(cache_key, body, ttl)


# Adds a document to the buffer to be posted to solr (NOTE: does not perform the actual post)
# [<b><tt>docs</tt></b>]
# docs must be a DelSolr::Document or array of instances. See DelSolr::Document for how to setup a document
def update(docs)

# Exactly like <tt>update</tt>, but performs the post immediately. Use <tt>update</tt> if you wish to batch document updates.
def update!(docs, options = {})
update(docs) && post_update!(options)

# Calls <tt>update!</tt> on the docs and then <tt>commit!</tt>
def update_and_commit!(docs, options = {})
update!(docs, options) && commit!

# posts the buffer created by <tt>update</tt> to solr
def post_update!(options = {})
rsp = post(prepare_update_xml(options))
success?(rsp.body) or log_error(rsp.body)

# deletes <tt>unique_id</tt> from the index
def delete(unique_id)
rsp = post("<delete><id>#{unique_id}</id></delete>")
success?(rsp.body) or log_error(rsp.body)

# deletes documents matching <tt>query</tt> from the index
def delete_by_query(query)
rsp = post("<delete><query>#{query}</query></delete>")
success?(rsp.body) or log_error(rsp.body)

# commits all pending adds/deletes
def commit!
rsp = post("<commit/>")
success?(rsp.body) or log_error(rsp.body)

# posts the optimize directive to solr
def optimize!
rsp = post("<optimize/>")
success?(rsp.body) or log_error(rsp.body)

def setup_connection(&connection_block)
@connection_block = connection_block

# accessor to the connection instance
def connection
@connection ||= begin => "http://#{configuration.server}:#{configuration.port}", :timeout => configuration.timeout, &connection_block)

# clears out the connection so a new one will be created
def reset_connection!
@connection = nil

# returns the array of documents that are waiting to be posted to solr
def pending_documents
@pending_documents ||= []


def connection_block
@connection_block ||= lambda do |faraday|
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

def log_query_success(url, response, from_cache, query_time)
if logger
l = []
l << "#{query_time}ms"
l << (from_cache ? "CACHE" : "SOLR")
l << url l.join(' ')

def log_query_error(url)
logger.error "ERROR #{url}" if logger

# returns the update xml buffer
def prepare_update_xml(options = {})
r = ["<add#{options.to_xml_attribute_string}>\n"]
# copy and clear pending docs
working_docs, @pending_documents = @pending_documents, nil
working_docs.each { |doc| r << doc.xml }
r << "\n</add>\n"
r.join # not sure, but I think Array#join is faster then String#<< for large buffers

# helper for posting data to solr
def post(buffer)"#{configuration.path}/update", buffer, {'Content-type' => 'text/xml;charset=utf-8'})

def success?(response_body)
response_body.include?('<result status="0"></result>') ||
response_body.include?('<lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">0</int>')

def log_error(response_body)
return unless logger
autoload :Client, 'delsolr/client'
autoload :Document, 'delsolr/document'

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