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Laravel Framework development environment

Documentation in Russian

Using Docker, we raise the server for development. We use the bunch:

  • Nginx
  • Php-fpm
  • MySql
  • Redis


  1. We open the terminal and go to the root folder of the development environment
  2. We launch the command: docker compose up composer. We wait for the container to stop
  3. We launch the command: docker compose up composer-update. We wait for the container to stop

Installation completed


  1. We open the terminal and go to the root folder of the development environment
  2. We launch the command: docker composer up nginx. We expect the launch of 4 containers (nginx, php, db, redis)

The development environment has been launched


  1. We open the terminal and go to the root folder of the development environment
  2. We launch the command: docker compose stop. We expect a stop of all containers

The development environment is stopped


  1. We open the terminal and go to the root folder of the development environment
  2. We launch the command: docker compose down. We expect to remove all containers

The development environment is completed

Additional Information

  • It issues an error related to access rights to folders and files.
    1. You need to go to the neglected container php docker exec -it server-php
    1. Launch the command:
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/storage \
    && chmod -R 666 $(find /var/www/html/storage -type f) \
    && chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/bootstrap/cache \
    && chmod -R 666 $(find /var/www/html/bootstrap/cache -type f) \
    && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/storage \
    && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/bootstrap/cache
    1. To leave the container indicating the key combination in the terminal: ctrl+d or console command: logout

Links to the site:

  1. https://localhost
  2. http://localhost