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First version of PORE-cupine. Detecting SHAPE modification using direct RNA sequencing

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Chemical utilized probing interrogated using nanopores (PORE-cupine)

Detecting SHAPE modification using direct RNA sequencing

For single gene is suitable for running one gene at a time.
For transcriptome is recommeded for running multiple genes.
Both will yield the same results.

Programs needed to run the analysis:

Albacore (Oxford nanopore)
Nanopolish ( a modified copy that removes the outliers from fast5 is included (
Graphmap (
R (

R packages required:



To basecall raw fast5, output for both fast5 and fastq is required -i "location of fast5" -s "output_location" -r -k SQK-RNA001 -f FLO-MIN106 -o fast5,fastq --disable_filtering

To map

cat fastq* | sed 's/U/T/g' > coverted.fastq
graphmap align -r "reference.fa" -d coverted.fastq -o gene.sam --double-index
samtools view -bT "reference.fa" -F 16 gene.sam > gene.bam
samtools sort gene.bam > gene.s.bam
samtools index gene.s.bam

aligning of raw signal with nanopolish

nanopolish index -d "location of basecalled fast5" converted.fastq

scaling of events current to the model current is required

nanopolish eventalign --reads converted.fastq --bam gene.s.bam --genome "reference.fa" --print-read-names --scale-events > gene.event

For single genes

To combine mulitple events from same position and strands

./Read_events.R -f gene.event -o combined.RData

To generate reactivity

./SVM.R -m "modified_gene.RData" -u "unmodified_gene.RData" -o "output file names.csv" -l length_of_transcipt(a number)

For transcriptome

split events to individual transcript

./ "folder to store tmp files" gene.event

Optional step run if needed to combine tmp files from multiple flowcells

combined tmp files will be found in folder named combined


To combine mulitple events from same position and strands

./ "number of parts" "input folder" "output folder"

To generate reactivity profile for mulitple transcripts

./ -s "number of parts" "RData folder containing modified samples" "RData folder containing unmodified samples" "Output folder"

To calcuate error rates in bam files

File found in Error_rates are used to calcuate the error rates of mismatch, deletion and insertion per position.


Li Chenhao for his help in getting me started and the calculation of error per strands (

Shen Yang for his code for aligning transcript positions to genomic position and for the TRipseq analysis (

Zhang Yu for the calculation of error rates.

For combining of standard deviations with mean, standard deviations and number of samples. Headrick, T. C. (2010). Statistical Simulation: Power Method Polynomials and other Transformations. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.


First version of PORE-cupine. Detecting SHAPE modification using direct RNA sequencing






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