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🖼 Giphy search with Vue.js

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15 Commits

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A GIF search web app powered by the Giphy API and Vue.js.

Set up

Complete in order.

1. Install Dependencies

Gifsearch uses a tiny number of third-party libraries (not including Vue.js core).

"dependencies": {
  "animejs": "^2.0.2",  # for the heart animations
  "axios": "^0.16.1",  # HTTP client
  "clipboard": "^1.7.1",  # interface for copying to the clipboard
  "local-storage": "^1.4.2",  # interface for managing browser local storage
  "moment": "^2.18.1"  # simple date formatting

To install the dependencies, we first need to install nvm to manage our Node.js version:

$ curl -o- | bash
$ command -v nvm  # verify that nvm was installed
$ nvm install node
$ nvm use node
$ which npm  # verify that npm was installed

Now we install the dependencies from the package.json:

$ git clone
$ cd gifsearch
$ npm install

2. Build Instructions

$ npm run build

3. Run Instructions

Run the following (default web browser will open to http://localhost:8080/):

$ npm start


A brief snapshot of how the project was completed (is not exhaustive).


Used the Vue.js CLI to scaffold a simple Webpack project. Updated webpack.config.js to include support for Sass, asset/file loading, etc. Set up store with initial state and routes with blank pages. Fetch search data from the Giphy API.


Add favorites to browser local storage. Create custom masonry grid layout for GIFs (see src/components/MasonryGrid/ for more). Create GIF details page and get random GIFs.


Implement related GIFs, favorite animation, and responsive styles. Create


To view each individual commit run:

$ git log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

* 0a6b7c5 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Finish project (34 minutes ago) <Tom Meagher>
* 35c7828 - Add favorite animation (5 hours ago) <Tom Meagher>
* 9131919 - Related gifs, start refactor (10 hours ago) <Tom Meagher>
* a8bd6fc - Random GIF (2 days ago) <Tom Meagher>
* abc5c1a - Gif details (2 days ago) <Tom Meagher>
* 21a9700 - Update grid layout, search (2 days ago) <Tom Meagher>
* a8470bc - Add favorites (6 days ago) <Tom Meagher>
* 75243ea - Initial commit (6 days ago) <Tom Meagher>

Design, Tech/Tools Used, & Other Thoughts

Parting thoughts on why it looks the way it does and what I used to make it.


The goal was to create a simple, clean design: Guide the user, but stay out of the contents' way.


Masonry grid layout is familar to user and easy to browse.


Favorite animation provides a small detail that delights users.

favorite gif

GIF detail view allows users to browse by tags, copy links, view related GIFs, etc.

detail view

Empty state messages encourage action.

empty state

And everything looks great on mobile!



These are the main tools. You can check out the package.json for specific libraries I used.

Name Purpose Website
NPM package manager for JavaScript
Webpack JavasScript module bundler
Vue.js JavaScript app framework
Sass CSS extension language
Babel Next generation JavaScript


If a user searched for favorites, then the proposed routes for the search (/:search_term) and detail (/:search_term/:gif_id/) views collided with the favorites (/favorites) view. To solve this problem a /g/ was added before the /:search_term/ (i.e. See src/router/index.js for more info.