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Updated chat functions
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awolven committed Mar 21, 2023
1 parent f217326 commit 3e2526b
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 127 deletions.
282 changes: 155 additions & 127 deletions client.lisp
Expand Up @@ -169,35 +169,11 @@ arguments:
(check-for-error jso)
(make-model jso)))

(defmethod create-completion ((model model) &rest args)
(apply #'create-completion (id model) args))

(defmethod create-completion (model &rest args
(prompt nil prompt-present-p)
(suffix nil suffix-present-p)
(max-tokens nil max-tokens-present-p)
(temperature nil temperature-present-p)
(top-p nil top-p-present-p)
(n nil n-present-p)
(stream nil stream-present-p)
(logprobs nil logprobs-present-p)
(echo nil echo-present-p)
(stop nil stop-present-p)
(presence-penalty nil presence-penalty-present-p)
(frequency-penalty nil frequency-penalty-present-p)
(best-of nil best-of-present-p)
(logit-bias nil logit-bias-present-p)
(user nil user-present-p)
(version *default-version*)
(server *default-server*)
(key *key*)

&aux (service-point "/completions"))
"Creates a completion for the provided prompt and parameters
(defgeneric create-completion (model &rest args)
(:documentation "Creates a completion for the provided prompt and parameters
string or symbol
model, string or symbol
ID of the model to use. You can use the List models API to see all of your available models, or see our Model overview for descriptions of them.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +288,35 @@ As an example, you can pass (list \"50256\" -100) to prevent the \"<|endoftext|>
A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse."
A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse."))

(defmethod create-completion ((model model) &rest args)
(apply #'create-completion (id model) args))

(defmethod create-completion (model &rest args
(prompt nil prompt-present-p)
(suffix nil suffix-present-p)
(max-tokens nil max-tokens-present-p)
(temperature nil temperature-present-p)
(top-p nil top-p-present-p)
(n nil n-present-p)
(stream nil stream-present-p)
(logprobs nil logprobs-present-p)
(echo nil echo-present-p)
(stop nil stop-present-p)
(presence-penalty nil presence-penalty-present-p)
(frequency-penalty nil frequency-penalty-present-p)
(best-of nil best-of-present-p)
(logit-bias nil logit-bias-present-p)
(user nil user-present-p)
(version *default-version*)
(server *default-server*)
(key *key*)

&aux (service-point "/completions"))

(declare (ignore args))
(assert (or (symbolp model) (stringp model)))
(let* ((content (apply #'st-json:jso
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,18 +374,30 @@ A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor
(check-for-error jso)

(defgeneric create-chat-completion (model messages &rest args)
(:documentation "Creates a completion for the chat message.
(defgeneric create-chat-completion (model prompt &rest args)
(:documentation "Creates a completion for the chat message. Note, the combined number of tokens in `prompt', `context' `system-instruction', and the generated completion cannot exceed 4096 for model :gpt-3.5-turbo and 2048 for older models.
string or symbol
ID of the model to use. See the model endpoint compatibility table for details on which models work with the Chat API.
The messages to generate chat completions for, in the chat format.
The prompt to generate a completion for.
an even length list of strings
Defaults to nil
List should be composed of alternating pairs of prompt and it associated completion, for context.
string or null
Defaults to nil
Should be an instruction to chatgpt of what role it should assume.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,70 +471,84 @@ Optional
A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse."))

(defmethod create-chat-completion ((model model) messages &rest args)
(apply #'create-chat-completion (id model) messages args))
(defmethod create-chat-completion ((model model) prompt &rest args)
(apply #'create-chat-completion (id model) prompt args))

(defmethod create-chat-completion (model messages &rest args
(defmethod create-chat-completion (model prompt &rest args
(temperature nil temperature-present-p)
(top-p nil top-p-present-p)
(n nil n-present-p)
(stream nil stream-present-p)
(stop nil stop-present-p)
(max-tokens nil max-tokens-present-p)
(presence-penalty nil presence-penalty-present-p)
(frequency-penalty nil frequency-penalty-present-p)
(logit-bias nil logit-bias-present-p)
(user nil user-present-p)
(version *default-version*)
(server *default-server*)
(system-instruction nil system-instruction-present-p)
(context nil)
(temperature nil temperature-present-p)
(top-p nil top-p-present-p)
(n nil n-present-p)
(stream nil stream-present-p)
(stop nil stop-present-p)
(max-tokens nil max-tokens-present-p)
(presence-penalty nil presence-penalty-present-p)
(frequency-penalty nil frequency-penalty-present-p)
(logit-bias nil logit-bias-present-p)
(user nil user-present-p)
(version *default-version*)
(server *default-server*)
(key *key*)
&aux (service-point "/chat/completions"))
(declare (ignore args))
(assert (or (symbolp model) (stringp model)))
(assert (typep messages 'sequence))
(let* ((content (apply #'st-json:jso
"model" (stringify model)
"messages" (list
(apply #'st-json::jso messages))
(when temperature-present-p
(assert (numberp temperature))
(assert (<= 0 temperature 2))
(list "temperature" temperature))
(when top-p-present-p
(assert (numberp top-p))
(list "top_p" top-p))
(when n-present-p
(assert (integerp n))
(list "n" n))
(when stream-present-p
(list "stream" (if stream :true :false)))
(when stop-present-p
(assert (typep stop 'sequence))
(list "stop" stop))
(when max-tokens-present-p
(assert (integerp max-tokens))
(list "max_tokens" max-tokens))
(when presence-penalty-present-p
(assert (numberp presence-penalty))
(list "presence_penalty" presence-penalty))
(when frequency-penalty-present-p
(assert (numberp frequency-penalty))
(list "frequency_penalty" frequency-penalty))
(when logit-bias-present-p
(assert (listp logit-bias))
(list "logit_bias" logit-bias))
(when user-present-p
(assert (stringp user))
(list "user" user)))))
(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-request-url server version service-point) (make-request-arguments key content))))
(if stream
(let* ((jso (st-json:read-json response-stream)))
(check-for-error jso)
(assert (listp context))
(assert (evenp (length context)))
(flet ((create-messages-argument ()
(mapcar #'(lambda (plist)
(apply #'st-json:jso plist))
(append (when system-instruction-present-p
(list (list "role" "system" "content" system-instruction)))
(loop with list = ()
for (prompt completion) on context by #'cddr
do (push (list "role" "user" "content" (format nil "~A" prompt)) list)
(push (list "role" "assistant" "content" (format nil "~A" completion)) list)
finally (return (nreverse list)))
(list (list "role" "user" "content" prompt))))))
(let* ((content (apply #'st-json:jso
"model" (stringify model)
"messages" (create-messages-argument)
(when temperature-present-p
(assert (numberp temperature))
(assert (<= 0 temperature 2))
(list "temperature" temperature))
(when top-p-present-p
(assert (numberp top-p))
(list "top_p" top-p))
(when n-present-p
(assert (integerp n))
(list "n" n))
(when stream-present-p
(list "stream" (if stream :true :false)))
(when stop-present-p
(assert (typep stop 'sequence))
(list "stop" stop))
(when max-tokens-present-p
(assert (integerp max-tokens))
(list "max_tokens" max-tokens))
(when presence-penalty-present-p
(assert (numberp presence-penalty))
(list "presence_penalty" presence-penalty))
(when frequency-penalty-present-p
(assert (numberp frequency-penalty))
(list "frequency_penalty" frequency-penalty))
(when logit-bias-present-p
(assert (listp logit-bias))
(list "logit_bias" logit-bias))
(when user-present-p
(assert (stringp user))
(list "user" user)))))
#+NIL(pr (princ (st-json:write-json-to-string content)))
(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-request-url server version service-point) (make-request-arguments key content))))
(if stream
(let* ((jso (st-json:read-json response-stream)))
(check-for-error jso)

(defun create-edit (instruction &key
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -977,7 +1007,7 @@ The sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the
(apply #'drakma:http-request (make-request-url server version service-point) (make-request-arguments key))))

(defun upload-jsonl-file (file &key
(defun upload-file (file &key
(purpose :fine-tune)
(version *default-version*)
(server *default-server*)
Expand All @@ -988,7 +1018,7 @@ The sampling temperature, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the
string or pathname
The JSON Lines file to be uploaded.
The file to be uploaded.
If the purpose is set to :fine-tune, each line is a JSON record with \"prompt\" and \"completion\" fields representing your training examples.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1526,27 +1556,38 @@ The default is text-moderation-latest which will be automatically upgraded over
(apply #'drakma:http-request
(make-request-url server version service-point) (make-request-arguments key content)))))

(defvar *conversation-history* "")
(defvar *conversation-history* ())

(defun reset-chat-context ()
(setq *conversation-history* "")
(setq *conversation-history* ())

(defun drop-some-interactions ()
(setq *conversation-history* (subseq *conversation-history* (search "Prompt:" *conversation-history* :start2 (+ 512 (- (length *conversation-history*) 4096))))))
(defun drop-some-interactions (&optional (n 1))
(setq *conversation-history* (subseq *conversation-history* (* 2 n))))

(defun chat (prompt &key (output *standard-output*) (model :text-davinci-003) (temperature 0.7))
(setq *conversation-history* (concatenate 'string *conversation-history* "Prompt: " prompt (list #\Newline)))
(when (> (length *conversation-history*) 4096)
(let ((stream (create-completion model :prompt (list *conversation-history*) :stream t :temperature temperature :max-tokens (- 4096 (length *conversation-history*))))
(defun chat (prompt &key (output *standard-output*) (model :gpt-3.5-turbo) (temperature 0.7) (reset-context nil)
(max-context-length 6)
(system-instruction "You are a helpful assistant."))
(when reset-context
(when (> (length *conversation-history*) (* 2 max-context-length))
(drop-some-interactions (- (/ (length *conversation-history*) 2) max-context-length)))
(let ((stream (create-chat-completion model prompt
:stream t :temperature temperature
:context *conversation-history*
:system-instruction system-instruction))
(completion ""))

(block do-chat
(setq line (read-line stream nil :eof))
(when (eq line :eof) (return-from chat (values)))
(when (eq line :eof)
(setq *conversation-history* (append *conversation-history* (list prompt completion)))
(return-from do-chat (values)))

(setq json (concatenate 'string json line))

Expand All @@ -1557,20 +1598,19 @@ The default is text-moderation-latest which will be automatically upgraded over
(when (eq 0 (search "data: " line))
(if (string= json "[DONE]")
(setq *conversation-history* (concatenate 'string *conversation-history* (list #\Newline #\Newline)))
(terpri output)
(princ "[DONE]" output)
(finish-output output))
(let ((jso (st-json:read-json-from-string json)))

(let ((choices (st-json:getjso "choices" jso)))
(if choices
(let ((text (st-json:getjso "text" (first choices))))
(if text
(setq *conversation-history* (concatenate 'string *conversation-history* text))
(princ text output)
(finish-output output))))))))
(when choices
(let ((delta (st-json:getjso "delta" (first choices))))
(when delta
(let ((content (st-json:getjso "content" delta)))
(when content
(setq completion (concatenate 'string completion content))
(princ content output)
(finish-output output)))))))))
(go get-line))
(st-json:read-json-from-string json :junk-allowed-p nil)
(go check-error)))
Expand All @@ -1580,16 +1620,4 @@ The default is text-moderation-latest which will be automatically upgraded over
(let ((jso (st-json:read-json-from-string json :junk-allowed-p nil)))
(unwind-protect (check-for-error jso)
(return-from chat jso))))

(return-from do-chat jso)))))))

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