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@release-drafter release-drafter released this 12 Feb 13:50
· 3147 commits to develop since this release


This patch release fixes a) a bug in Tracer when multiple traces are collected and reach Lambda X-Ray agent payload limit, and b) a minor type issue in Parser that made mypy unable to validate models.

This release also marks our documentation system migration from Gatsby to MKdocs, including navigation improvements to address customers feedback on finding getting started vs advanced information.


🌟New features and non-breaking changes

  • test: add internal benchmark on AWS Lambda for core utilities (#261) by @nmoutschen

📜 Documentation updates

  • docs: migrate documentation from Gatsby to MkDocs material (#279) by @am29d

🐛 Bug and hot fixes

This release was made possible by the following contributors:

@am29d, @heitorlessa and @nmoutschen