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Demonstrates sending AWS Security Hub findings to your Email

This is the companion GitHub repository for the AWS blog post

Send Security Hub Finding to Email

This CloudFormation template will create an Amazon SNS Topic and Amazon SNS Subscription, as well as a CloudWatch Event Rule to route findings from Security Hub’s custom actions to your email.

  1. Launch CloudFormation Stack

    • Download CloudFormation template by right clicking on “SecurityHubFindingsToEmail.json” and “Save Link As..” on your local machine
    • Navigate to (
    • Select Create stack
    • Select Upload a template file
    • Select Choose file and locate “SecurityHubFindingsToEmail.json” on your local machine
    • Select Next
    • Complete Create Stack form

    Stack Name: EnableSecurityHubFindingsEmails
    EmailAddress: "Your Email to send Security Hub Findings to"

    • Select Next, fill out any Tags and select Next again
    • Accept IAM Resource creation
    • Select Create Stack, CloudFormation will then begin creating the stack
    • Wait for the CloudFormation console to report stack creation complete
  2. Check your email to confirm SNS Topic Subscription

  3. Enable Security Hub

  4. Create Security Hub Custom Actions

    • In the Security Hub Settings ( - /settings) choose the Custom Actions tab. Select Create custom action. Then in the Create custom action pop up, specify the action name, description and ID then choose OK to create the action

    Name: Send to Email
    Description: This custom action sends findings to email defined in an SNS Topic Subscription.
    Custom action ID: SendToEmail

    • Your custom action will now show in the listing of Security Hub custom actions console.
  5. Step to customize the Email notification
    Outlined here is an option to customize the email notification. By default, the email body contains the full JSON formatted text of the Security Hub finding. By making these optional edits the email notification will be one line with enough information for you to decide what your next steps will be.

    • Navigate to the CloudWatch Events console ( and select the Events/Rules menu.
    • Click on the CloudWatch Event Rule that was created by the CloudFormation Template. It will be named “SecurityHubFindingsToEmail”
    • Select Actions and click on Edit
    • On the right-hand side of the “Create Rule” console, the SNS Topic “SendFindingsTopic” should be the selected target.
    • Click “Configure Input”, Select the “Input Transformer” Radio button and fill in the following fields. Customize if you want.

Input Path:


Input Template:

"AWS SecurityHub finding in <region> for Account: <account>. The finding is <finding> and the description of the finding is <findingDescription>."

  • Click Configure details, then Click Update rule to save
  1. Testing the Send to Email Custom Action
    • Navigate to AWS Security Hub Console (
    • Navigate to Findings
    • Select the check box next to one or more findings
    • Click the drop-down Actions menu and choose the Send To Email Custom Action

The Security Hub Console will then report “Successfully sent findings to CloudWatchEvents” and you should then receive an email from “AWS Notifications


Demonstrates sending AWS SecurityHub findings to your email



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