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Game Server Glutamate is a game-servers' traffic switch. It is a process that multiplex UDP traffic to its target game-servers – wherever it finds a game server receptor to dock with.


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Game Server Glutamate is a game-servers' traffic switch. It is a process that multiplex UDP traffic to its target game-servers – wherever it finds a game server receptor to dock with.

In this project, we demonstrate how to increase dedicated game servers availability by applying advanced scheduling in Kubernetes and an NGINX-based load balancer. Our core motivation for this project comes from the unfolded need in the gaming industry to reduce compute costs to accommodate emerging gaming patterns such as free-to-play.

AWS Spot Instances offers a viable compute offering for casual mobile game servers because of its 2-minute interruption notification and the low interruption rates observed. More info about determining the chance of interruption is available in Spot Instance Advisor. In such cases, customers can save up to 90% of their compute cost.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


We present an option for hardcore games dedicated game server workloads that unlikely interruption is undesirable. We use a naive approach to reduce the already negligible chance for an interruption by doubling the amount of Spot compute resources in the elastic k8s worker nodes (ASG-based). We partition the worker nodes to two main instance groups and enforce a scheduling policy that will prevent two target game servers to run on the same spot instance. By that, we reduce the likelihood for spot interruption by 50% from the already low probability.

The project includes the following main components:

  • The game server mockup-udp-server. This is a simple UDP socket server that accepts a delta of a game state from connected players and multicast back to its players the updated state based on pseudo computation. It is a single threaded server, and its goal is to prove the viability of UDP-based load balancing in dedicated game-servers. The model presented herein is not limited to this implementation. It is deployed as a single-container Kubernetes pod that uses hostNetwork: true for network optimization.
  • The load-balancer udp-lb. This is a containerized NGINX server loaded with the stream module. The load balance upstream set is configured upon init based on the dedicate game-server state that is stored in DynamoDB table game-server-status-by-endpoint. Availiable load balancer instances are also stored in a DynamoDB table lb-status-by-endpoint to be used by core game services such as matchmaking service.
  • SQS queue that captures the initialization and termination of game servers and load balancers instances deployed in the Kuberentes cluster.
  • DynamoDB tables that persist the state of the cluster w.r.t. game servers and load balancer inventory.
  • Lambda-based API game-server-inventory-api-lambda that serves the game servers and load balancers for an updated list of resources available. The API currently supports /get-available-gs needed for the load balancer to set its upstream target game servers. It also supports /set-gs-busy/{endpoint} for labeling already claimed game servers from the available game servers inventory.
  • Lambda-based function game-server-status-poller-lambda that triggered by the SQS queue and populates the DynamoDB tables.

The Data Flow

alt text

Scheduling Mechanism

The goal is to reduce the chance for two game-servers that serves the same load-balancer game endpoint will be interrupted at once. Therefore, there is a need to prevent the scheduling of the same game servers, mockup-UDP-server in this sample. In general, this project uses advanced-scheduling-in-kubernetes where Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity policy is being applied.

This project defines two soft labels mockup-grp1 and mockup-grp2 under the podAffinity section as follow:

            - labelSelector:
                  - key: "app"
                    operator: In
                      - mockup-grp1
              topologyKey: ""

The requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution will indicate the scheduler that the rules below must be met upon pod scheduling. The rule says that pods that carry the value of key: "app" mockup-grp1 will not be scheduled on the same node as pods with key: "app" mockup-grp2 due to topologyKey: ""

When a load balancer pod (udp-lb) is scheduled, it will query the game-server-inventory-api endpoint that query for two game-server pods that run on different nodes. If this request will not be fulfilled, the load balancer pod will enter a crash loop until two available game-servers are ready.

The Setup Process

gs-status-by-endpoint and lb-status-by-endpoint with status-group-index, status is key and group is sort key

  • Create a regular SQS queue serverstatus
  • Deploy the game-server-status-poller lambda function under game-server-status-poller-lambda
  • Deploy the game-server-inventory-api lambda function and API gateway using Chalice.
  • Build the images of both mockup-udp-server-image and udp-lb-image using the script
  • Deploy the first group of game servers k8s deployment using the spec mockup-udp-server-grp1-deploy.yml
  • Deploy the second group of game servers k8s deployment using the spec mockup-udp-server-grp1-deploy.yml
  • Observe both tables gs-status-by-endpoint and lb-status-by-endpoint for the values alloacted by the scheduler.
  • Scale the game servers deployments and load balancer deployments and observe the value assigned.
  • Deploy app clients that will connects one of the load balancers public endpoints (one of the values from lb-status-by-endpoint)
  • export the SERVER_ENDPOINT with the LB value and execute


Game Server Glutamate is a game-servers' traffic switch. It is a process that multiplex UDP traffic to its target game-servers – wherever it finds a game server receptor to dock with.



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