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Policy as Code


This repo contains the source for both the content and examples for the Policy as Code Workshop. Refer to the Getting Started guide for details.

Repo structure

├── contentspec.yaml                  <-- Specifies the version of the content
├──                         <-- This file.
├── static                            <-- Directory for static assets to be hosted alongside the workshop (ie. images, scripts, documents, etc) 
└── content                           <-- Directory for workshop content markdown
    └──                   <-- At the root of each directory, there must be at least one markdown file
    └── introduction                  <-- Directory for workshop content markdown
        └──               <-- Markdown file that would be render 
├── cdk                               <-- AWS CDK applications for deploying CI/CD pipeline, cfn-guard app, and IDE environment
    └── app                           <-- IaC and cfn-guard rules
    └── cicd                          <-- CICD pipeline to deploy IaC
    └── ide                           <-- Development environment includes it installs all tools needed for this workshop
├── terraform                         <-- Terraform application using Regula for validation.
├── utils                             <-- Contains utilities that are useful for this workshop.

Policy as Code Workshop Structure

The markdown source for the content in this workshop is contained in the following folder:

  • static: This folder contains static assets to be hosted alongside the workshop (ie. images, scripts, documents, etc)
  • content: This is the core workshop folder. This is generated as HTML and hosted for presentation for customers.