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Deploy Streamlit App on ECS


This project is dedicated to providing an all-encompassing solution for hosting Streamlit applications on AWS by leveraging AWS CloudFormation and a robust Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. By combining the power of infrastructure as code and automated deployment workflows, developers can effortlessly host and update their Streamlit apps, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.

This repository provides base code for Streamlit application's and is not production ready. It is your responsibility as a developer to test and vet the application according to your security guidlines.


An AWS Account, to deploy the infrastructure. You can find more instructions to create your account here.

Table of contents

  1. Architecture CICD deployment
    1. Steps to Deploy Hello World App
    2. Steps to Customize Web App
    3. Streamlit Secrets Management
    4. Invoking AWS Services from Web App
    5. Clean Up
  2. Architecture Development deployment
    1. Steps to Deploy Hello World App
    2. Clean Up

Architecture CICD deployment


  1. Developer manually deploys codepipeline.yaml stack, infrastructure.yaml is deployed as nested stack.
  2. Lambda triggers the CodeBuild project.
  3. The CodeBuild project zip's this repository content into file.
  4. CodeBuild copies into S3 bucket.
  5. PUT event triggers the CodePipeline and triggers the CodeBuild stage.
  6. This CodeBuild is responsible for creating a container image using the DockerFile and pushing this image into ECR.
  7. Deploy stage is trigged.
  8. Cloudformation stage deploys the deploy.yaml stack. This stack takes the new docker image URI as input. This stage creates the Hello world app. Follow steps here.
  9. After successfull creation of deploy.yaml stack, Cloudfront invalidate cache stage is triggered.
  10. Developer Customize's the Web App, zip's new content and uploads it into Amazon S3. This triggers the CodePipeline which results in new Docker image. These docker images replaces the old Fargate tasks. Follow steps here to customize app.


Steps 2, 3 and 4 are run only once when Codepipeline.yaml is created. To Trigger the changes to the Streamlit web applicaiton manually follow steps here.

Steps to Deploy Hello World App CICD deployment

Step 1️⃣ Clone the forked repository

git clone

Step 2️⃣ Deploy codePipeline.yaml

Create a CloudFormation Stack using the codepipeline.yaml file.

Region codepipeline.yaml
us-east-1 launch-stack
us-west-2 launch-stack

Step 3️⃣ Viewing the app

After the successful completion of CodePipeline, the deploy.yaml cloudFormation stack is deployed. Get the CloudFront URL from the Output of the stack named <StackName>deploy<EnvironmentName>. Paste it in the browser to view the Hellow World app.

Steps to Customize Web App CICD deployment

Step 1️⃣ Replace Web App Content

In order to customize the web app change the content of file.


  1. Do not rename the file
  2. Make sure to declare all packages in requirements.txt

Step 2️⃣ Zip the Repository

First commit all changes

git add .
git commit -m "All Changes"

Then zip the current repository using the following command:

git archive --format=zip HEAD

This will create an file.

Step 3️⃣ Upload

Upload the zip file into CodeS3Bucket either using S3 management console or AWS CLI.

aws s3 cp s3://<CodeS3Bucket-Name>


You have access to CodeS3Bucket name from Outputs of codepipeline.yaml cloudFormation stack

Step 4️⃣ Deploy Further Revisions of the Web App

Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 with modified content.

Streamlit Secrets Management (CICD deployment)


It is crucial to .gitignore files containing confidential information

Step 1️⃣ Create Parameter in SSM Parameter store


  1. For the purpose of simplicity we are using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. However, when dealing with sensitive secrets such as Database credentials, the best practice is to use AWS Secrets Manager.
  2. If you decide to use AWS Secrets Manager for storing credentials make sure to follow stops here to give Fargate appropriate permissions.

To get more information about creating secure parameters using SSM Parameter store visit link.


  1. Start the parameter path with /streamlitapp
  2. Use SecureString parameter type while creating the parameters to encrypt the parameters

Step 2️⃣ Use boto3 for accessing Secrets within your streamlit app

from boto3.session import Session
ssm = Session().client("ssm")

USERNAME =  ssm.get_parameter(Name='/streamlitapp/EnvironmentName/USERNAME',WithDecryption=True)["Parameter"]["Value"]


Replace EnvironmentName with value passed in infrastructure.yaml

Invoking AWS Services from Web App (CICD deployment)

Inorder to give permission to the web app to invoke AWS services add appropriate policies to StreamlitECSTaskRole-<EnvironmentName>.

For instance, if you want to invoke Anthropic Claude V2 Bedrock model from the Streamlit app add the following policy to StreamlitECSTaskRole-<EnvironmentName>:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [

For invoking Bedrock Agents from Streamlit app add the following policy to StreamlitECSTaskRole-<EnvironmentName>:

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "Statement1",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": [


Replace {Region}, {Account}, {AgentId}, and {AgentAliasId} with valid values in the above policy

Clean Up CICD deployment

  • Open the CloudFormation console.
  • Select the stack codepipeline.yaml you created then click Delete twice. Wait for the stack to be deleted.
  • Delete the nested stack <StackName>-Infra-<StackId> created by codepipeline.yaml. Please ensure that you refrain from deleting this stack if there are any additional web deployments utilizing this repository within the specified region of your current work environment.
  • Delete the role StreamlitCfnRole-<EnvironmentName> manually.

Architecture Development deployment


Steps to Deploy Hello World App Development deployment


Optionally, you can deploy the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) infrastructure using the provided infrastructure.yaml file, or utilize the default VPC. The required infrastructure components, including Amazon CloudFront, an Application Load Balancer, and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) on AWS Fargate instances, will be deployed within the chosen VPC environment.

Region infrastructure.yaml
us-east-1 launch-stack
us-west-2 launch-stack

Step 1️⃣ Deploy development.yaml.

Region development.yaml
us-east-1 launch-stack
us-west-2 launch-stack

Step 2️⃣ Viewing the app

After the successful completion of development.yaml. Get the CloudFront URL from the Output of the stack. Paste it in the browser to view the web application.

Clean Up Development deployment

  • Open the CloudFormation console.
  • Select the stack infrastructure.yaml you created then click Delete twice. Wait for the stack to be deleted.
  • Select the stack development.yaml you created then click Delete twice. Wait for the stack to be deleted.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.