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Reference implementation - Modernizing WCF Service to CoreWCF

This is a reference implementation for modernizing legacy WCF services to CoreWCF.

This repository includes 2 versions of WCF services:

  • Legacy WCF service, built on .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Modernized version of the legacy WCF service, built on .NET 6 and CoreWCF

The WCF services are exposed using BasicHttpBinding binding. The application uses custom behaviors on both client and service side, making it more similar to a real-world WCF application. In legacy WCF service, Behaviors have been configured through web.config or app.config file using classes that inherit from BehaviorExtensionElement.

Structure of the repository:

- src
  - client
      - WCF.SampleService.Client
  - legacy-wcf-service
      - WCF.SampleService
      - WCF.SampleService.Test
  - modernized-wcf-service
      - CoreWCF.SampleService
      - CoreWCF.SampleService.Test
  • src\client contains client application, built with .NET Framework 4.7.2

  • src\legacy-wcf-service contains a legacy WCF service, built with .NET Framework 4.7.2

  • src\modernized-wcf-service contains the modernized version of the legacy WCF service, built using CoreWCF and .NET 6.

    • The modernized solution supports backward compatibility, i.e., it can be built for .NET Framework 4.7.2 and for .NET 6.
    • To build for .NET Framework 4.7.2, use the 'Debug' or 'Release' configuration.
    • To build for .NET 6, use the 'Debug6' or 'Release6' configuration.
    • Unit tests in this solution would also work for .NET Framework 4.7.2 and for .NET 6. Choose the appropriate build configuration.

How to build & run

  • legacy-wcf-service

    • Build and publish, using Debug or Release configuration.
    • Host on IIS.
    • You may have to open Visual Studio as Administrator - to publish to IIS and to execute unit tests.
  • modernized-wcf-service

    • Contains both legacy WCF and CoreWCF implementations.
    • To build and run legacy WCF service (.NET Framework), use Debug or Release configuration. Host on IIS.
    • To build and run CoreWCF service (.NET 6), use Debug6 or Release6 configuration. Self-hosted on kestrel.
  • client application

    • Edit App.config and update endpoint addresses of the WCF services.
    • You may also update the endpoint address by editing the service config under 'Connected services'.
    • Build and run in Debug or Release mode.

Security considerations

This is just a reference implementation and should not be used as-is for production grade code.

The following security aspects should be addressed:



See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


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