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feat(synthetics): Synthetics L2 Support (#8824)
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This PR specifies an implementation for a CloudWatch Canary. It will be implemented in milestones specified below. 

Closes #7687.

Currently, this PR implements up to **Milestone 2**. 

**Milestone 1**: This implementation allows customers to specify a canary with these properties: 

- [x]   `artifactBucket: IBucket`
- [x]   `role: IRole`
- [x]   `timeToLive: Duration`
- [x]   `schedule: Schedule`
- [x]   `startAfterCreation: boolean`
- [x]   `successRetentionPeriod: Duration`
- [x]   `failureRetentionPeriod: Duration`
- [x]   `canaryName: string`

- [x] generate `name` for users if not specified
- [x] metric methods that reference those emitted by CloudWatch

**Milestone 2**: This is the next step needed to allow customers to specify their own canary scripts:

- [x] `test:Test`
    - [x] `Test` class with static method `Test.custom()`
    - [x] `Code` class with static method `Code.inline()`
- [x] `Code.fromAsset()`
    - [x] validate correct folder structure for assets `nodejs/node_modules`
    - [x] validate correct file name
- [x] `Code.fromBucket()`

**Milestone 3**: These are features that make a more robust Canary API:

- [ ] static method `Test.apiEndpoint()`
- [ ] additional static method templates for `Test`
- [ ] support runConfig properties - `memorySize` and `timeout`

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kaizencc committed Aug 14, 2020
1 parent 3178961 commit 691b349
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136 changes: 134 additions & 2 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics/
@@ -1,16 +1,148 @@
## AWS::Synthetics Construct Library
## Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics Construct Library


![cfn-resources: Stable](

> All classes with the `Cfn` prefix in this module ([CFN Resources]( are always stable and safe to use.
![cdk-constructs: Experimental](

> The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are experimental and under active development. They are subject to non-backward compatible changes or removal in any future version. These are not subject to the [Semantic Versioning]( model and breaking changes will be announced in the release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.

This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics allow you to monitor your application by generating **synthetic** traffic. The traffic is produced by a **canary**: a configurable script that runs on a schedule. You configure the canary script to follow the same routes and perform the same actions as a user, which allows you to continually verify your user experience even when you don't have any traffic on your applications.

## Canary

To illustrate how to use a canary, assume your application defines the following endpoint:

% curl ""
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


The below code defines a canary that will hit the `books/topbook` endpoint every 5 minutes:

import * as synthetics from '@aws-cdk/aws-synthetics';

const canary = new synthetics.Canary(this, 'MyCanary', {
schedule: synthetics.Schedule.rate(Duration.minutes(5)),
test: Test.custom({
code: Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'canary'))),
handler: 'index.handler',

The following is an example of an `index.js` file which exports the `handler` function:

var synthetics = require('Synthetics');
const log = require('SyntheticsLogger');

const pageLoadBlueprint = async function () {

// INSERT URL here
const URL = "";

let page = await synthetics.getPage();
const response = await page.goto(URL, {waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded', timeout: 30000});
//Wait for page to render.
//Increase or decrease wait time based on endpoint being monitored.
await page.waitFor(15000);
// This will take a screenshot that will be included in test output artifacts
await synthetics.takeScreenshot('loaded', 'loaded');
let pageTitle = await page.title();'Page title: ' + pageTitle);
if (response.status() !== 200) {
throw "Failed to load page!";

exports.handler = async () => {
return await pageLoadBlueprint();

> **Note:** The function **must** be called `handler`.
The canary will automatically produce a CloudWatch Dashboard:

![UI Screenshot](images/ui-screenshot.png)

The Canary code will be executed in a lambda function created by Synthetics on your behalf. The Lambda function includes a custom [runtime]( provided by Synthetics. The provided runtime includes a variety of handy tools such as [Puppeteer]( and Chromium. To learn more about Synthetics capabilities, check out the [docs](

### Configuring the Canary Script

To configure the script the canary executes, use the `test` property. The `test` property accepts a `Test` instance that can be initialized by the `Test` class static methods. Currently, the only implemented method is `Test.custom()`, which allows you to bring your own code. In the future, other methods will be added. `Test.custom()` accepts `code` and `handler` properties -- both are required by Synthetics to create a lambda function on your behalf.

The `synthetics.Code` class exposes static methods to bundle your code artifacts:

- `code.fromInline(code)` - specify an inline script.
- `code.fromAsset(path)` - specify a .zip file or a directory in the local filesystem which will be zipped and uploaded to S3 on deployment. See the above Note for directory structure.
- `code.fromBucket(bucket, key[, objectVersion])` - specify an S3 object that contains the .zip file of your runtime code. See the above Note for directory structure.

Using the `Code` class static initializers:

// To supply the code inline:
const canary = new Canary(this, 'MyCanary', {
test: Test.custom({
code: Code.fromInline('/* Synthetics handler code */'),
handler: 'index.handler', // must be 'index.handler'

// To supply the code from your local filesystem:
const canary = new Canary(this, 'MyCanary', {
test: Test.custom({
code: Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'canary')),
handler: 'index.handler', // must end with '.handler'

// To supply the code from a S3 bucket:
const canary = new Canary(this, 'MyCanary', {
test: Test.custom({
code: Code.fromBucket(bucket, ''),
handler: 'index.handler', // must end with '.handler'

> **Note:** For `code.fromAsset()` and `code.fromBucket()`, the canary resource requires the following folder structure:
>├── nodejs/
> ├── node_modules/
> ├── <filename>.js
> See Synthetics [docs](
### Alarms

You can configure a CloudWatch Alarm on a canary metric. Metrics are emitted by CloudWatch automatically and can be accessed by the following APIs:
- `canary.metricSuccessPercent()` - percentage of successful canary runs over a given time
- `canary.metricDuration()` - how much time each canary run takes, in seconds.
- `canary.metricFailed()` - number of failed canary runs over a given time

Create an alarm that tracks the canary metric:

new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'CanaryAlarm', {
metric: canary.metricSuccessPercent(),
evaluationPeriods: 2,
threshold: 90,
comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,

### Future Work

- Add blueprints to the Test class [#9613](
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