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This repository contains a CLI to run Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows locally.



To install with homebrew:

brew install aws/tap/codecatalyst-runner-cli

To install manually, we're distributing binaries from our GitHub releases:

Instructions for installing for your platform
OS Platform Command to install
MacOS x86 (64-bit) curl -sL -o - | tar -zx ccr && sudo mv ccr /usr/local/bin/ccr && ccr --help
MacOS ARM curl -sL -o - | tar -zx ccr && sudo mv ccr /usr/local/bin/ccr && ccr --help
Linux x86 (64-bit) curl -sL -o - | tar -zx ccr && sudo mv ccr /usr/local/bin/ccr && ccr --help
Linux ARM curl -sL -o - | tar -zx ccr && sudo mv ccr /usr/local/bin/ccr && ccr --help


To execute an action against the current directory, run: ccr -f /path/to/my/workflow.yaml

Details usage options can be found by running ccr -h

Tool to run codecatalyst workflows

  ccr [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command

  -a, --action string                 action to run (default: *)
  -b, --bind                          bind working directory rather than create a copy
  -c, --concurrency int               number of policies to execute concurrently (default 12)
  -n, --dryrun                        dry run
  -e, --environments stringToString   map workflow environment names to AWS CLI profile names (default [])
  -x, --executor string               executor type [docker,shell] (default "docker")
  -h, --help                          help for ccr
  -C, --no-cache                      disable file caches
  -t, --output-format string          output mode [tui,text] (default "tui")
  -q, --quiet                         disable logging of output from actions
  -R, --reuse                         Reuse containers between executions
  -V, --verbose                       verbose output
  -v, --version                       version for ccr
  -f, --workflow-file string          path to workflow to run
  -w, --working-dir string            directory to run workflow against (default ".")

Use "ccr [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Local Development

To build ccr locally, you first need to ensure you have Go installed. For macos run: brew install go

Install golangci-lint, run: brew install golangci-lint

Install ccr locally by cloning this repo and then running make install:

To run all tests, run: make

If you want to make changes to ccr and test locally, you can run against source with: go run main.go


See development documentation to get started.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.