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A Helm chart for Karpenter, an open-source node provisioning project built for Kubernetes.

Version: 0.32.3 Type: application AppVersion: 0.32.3


For full Karpenter documentation please checkout

Installing the Chart

You can follow the detailed installation instruction in the documentation which covers the Karpenter prerequisites and installation options. The outcome of these instructions should result in something like the following command.

helm upgrade --install --namespace karpenter --create-namespace \
  karpenter oci:// \
  --version v0.32.3 \
  --set "serviceAccount.annotations.eks\.amazonaws\.com/role-arn=${KARPENTER_IAM_ROLE_ARN}" \
  --set settings.clusterName=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --set settings.interruptionQueue=${CLUSTER_NAME} \


Key Type Default Description
additionalAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to add into metadata.
additionalClusterRoleRules list [] Specifies additional rules for the core ClusterRole.
additionalLabels object {} Additional labels to add into metadata.
affinity object {"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]}]}},"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"topologyKey":""}]}} Affinity rules for scheduling the pod. If an explicit label selector is not provided for pod affinity or pod anti-affinity one will be created from the pod selector labels.
controller.env list [] Additional environment variables for the controller pod.
controller.envFrom list []
controller.extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volumeMounts for the controller pod.
controller.healthProbe.port int 8081 The container port to use for http health probe.
controller.image.digest string "sha256:afa0d0fd5ac375859dc3d239ec992f197cdf01f6c8e3413e3845a43c2434621e" SHA256 digest of the controller image.
controller.image.repository string "" Repository path to the controller image.
controller.image.tag string "v0.32.3" Tag of the controller image.
controller.metrics.port int 8000 The container port to use for metrics.
controller.resources object {} Resources for the controller pod.
controller.sidecarContainer list [] Additional sidecarContainer config
controller.sidecarVolumeMounts list [] Additional volumeMounts for the sidecar - this will be added to the volume mounts on top of extraVolumeMounts
dnsConfig object {} Configure DNS Config for the pod
dnsPolicy string "Default" Configure the DNS Policy for the pod
extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes for the pod.
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's computed fullname.
hostNetwork bool false Bind the pod to the host network. This is required when using a custom CNI.
imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy for Docker images.
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for Docker images.
logConfig object {"enabled":false,"errorOutputPaths":["stderr"],"logEncoding":"json","logLevel":{"controller":"info","global":"info","webhook":"error"},"outputPaths":["stdout"]} Log configuration (Deprecated: Logging configuration will be dropped by v1, use logLevel instead)
logConfig.enabled bool false Whether to enable provisioning and mounting the log ConfigMap
logConfig.errorOutputPaths list ["stderr"] Log errorOutputPaths - defaults to stderr only
logConfig.logEncoding string "json" Log encoding - defaults to json - must be one of 'json', 'console'
logConfig.logLevel object {"controller":"info","global":"info","webhook":"error"} Component-based log configuration
logConfig.logLevel.controller string "info" Controller log level, defaults to 'info' string "info" Global log level, defaults to 'info'
logConfig.logLevel.webhook string "error" Error log level, defaults to 'error'
logConfig.outputPaths list ["stdout"] Log outputPaths - defaults to stdout only
logLevel string "info" Global log level, defaults to 'info'
nameOverride string "" Overrides the chart's name.
nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} Node selectors to schedule the pod to nodes with labels.
podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for the pod.
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int 1 string "karpenter"
podLabels object {} Additional labels for the pod.
priorityClassName string "system-cluster-critical" PriorityClass name for the pod.
replicas int 2 Number of replicas.
revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the ServiceAccount.
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies if a ServiceAccount should be created. string "" The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels for the ServiceMonitor.
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Specifies whether a ServiceMonitor should be created.
serviceMonitor.endpointConfig object {} Endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor.
settings object {"assumeRoleARN":"","assumeRoleDuration":"15m","batchIdleDuration":"1s","batchMaxDuration":"10s","clusterCABundle":"","clusterEndpoint":"","clusterName":"","featureGates":{"drift":true},"interruptionQueue":"","isolatedVPC":false,"reservedENIs":"0","vmMemoryOverheadPercent":0.075} Global Settings to configure Karpenter
settings.assumeRoleARN string "" Role to assume for calling AWS services.
settings.assumeRoleDuration string "15m" Duration of assumed credentials in minutes. Default value is 15 minutes. Not used unless assumeRoleARN set.
settings.batchIdleDuration string "1s" The maximum amount of time with no new ending pods that if exceeded ends the current batching window. If pods arrive faster than this time, the batching window will be extended up to the maxDuration. If they arrive slower, the pods will be batched separately.
settings.batchMaxDuration string "10s" The maximum length of a batch window. The longer this is, the more pods we can consider for provisioning at one time which usually results in fewer but larger nodes.
settings.clusterCABundle string "" Cluster CA bundle for TLS configuration of provisioned nodes. If not set, this is taken from the controller's TLS configuration for the API server.
settings.clusterEndpoint string "" Cluster endpoint. If not set, will be discovered during startup (EKS only)
settings.clusterName string "" Cluster name.
settings.featureGates object {"drift":true} Feature Gate configuration values. Feature Gates will follow the same graduation process and requirements as feature gates in Kubernetes. More information here
settings.featureGates.drift bool true drift is in BETA and is enabled by default. Setting drift to false disables the drift disruption method to watch for drift between currently deployed nodes and the desired state of nodes set in nodepools and nodeclasses
settings.interruptionQueue string "" interruptionQueue is disabled if not specified. Enabling interruption handling may require additional permissions on the controller service account. Additional permissions are outlined in the docs.
settings.isolatedVPC bool false If true then assume we can't reach AWS services which don't have a VPC endpoint This also has the effect of disabling look-ups to the AWS pricing endpoint
settings.reservedENIs string "0" Reserved ENIs are not included in the calculations for max-pods or kube-reserved This is most often used in the VPC CNI custom networking setup
settings.vmMemoryOverheadPercent float 0.075 The VM memory overhead as a percent that will be subtracted from the total memory for all instance types
strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":1}} Strategy for updating the pod.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds string nil Override the default termination grace period for the pod.
tolerations list [{"key":"CriticalAddonsOnly","operator":"Exists"}] Tolerations to allow the pod to be scheduled to nodes with taints.
topologySpreadConstraints list [{"maxSkew":1,"topologyKey":"","whenUnsatisfiable":"ScheduleAnyway"}] Topology spread constraints to increase the controller resilience by distributing pods across the cluster zones. If an explicit label selector is not provided one will be created from the pod selector labels.
webhook.enabled bool false Whether to enable the webhooks and webhook permissions.
webhook.metrics.port int 8001 The container port to use for webhook metrics.
webhook.port int 8443 The container port to use for the webhook.