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v1alpha4 API Proposal

This document proposes comprehensive Provisioner API improvements prior to the v0.4 release. Due to minor backwards incompatible changes, this will result in a API version bump (v1alpha3 -> v1alpha4). This is in accordance with Kubernetes API Deprecation Policy. This API is not considered to be the final state of the Provisioner API, and is expected to evolve further as we explore more advanced scale down (defragmentation).

These changes recommend:

  1. Cloud Provider specific extensions under spec.provider.
  2. Removal of spec.cluster.
  3. Pluralization of spec.architecture and spec.operatingSystem.
  4. Provisioning limits for maximum cpu, memory, etc, under spec.limits.

Strongly Typed Vendor Specific Fields

Cloud Providers are currently limited to using well known spec.labels for configuration of vendor specific parameters. For example:

  • spec.labels['']
  • spec.labels['']

One benefit of this approach is that pods may use corresponding spec.nodeSelector[...] to request additional constraints on provisioned nodes. This information must be communicated through Kubernetes label values, which is awkward for the following use cases:

  1. Parameters are a list (e.g. subnets: ["subneta", "subnetb", "subnetc"])
  2. Parameters are a struct (e.g. tags: { "foo" : "bar" })
  3. Parameters do not comply with the label value character set. See: #646.

We introduce a new provider field that enables strongly typed vendor specific parameters without violating vendor neutrality principles in the Karpenter codebase. We leverage Kubernetes runtime.RawExtensions to encapsulate these fields as raw bytes, which are then unmarshaled in vendor specific code. Vendors may implement arbitrary validation, defaulting, and provisioning behavior over the entire structure of these extensions. These structures are versioned separately from the Provisioner GVK to enable Cloud Providers to make backwards incompatible changes to provider specific configuration without requiring a version bump to the Provisioner CRD. If versioning is not specified by the user, it will be inferred and defaulted.

kind: Provisioner
    kind: AWS
    securityGroups: ["abc", "def"]
    subnets: ["123", "456"]
    launchTemplateName: "foo"

The Cloud Provider may continue to support corresponding well known labels at the pod level (e.g.

# PodSpec: Simple key value constraints
  nodeSelector: "123" # Vendor Specific Field "m5.large" # Vendor Neutral Field
# PodSpec: More expressive than node selectors, can specify multiple or preferences
        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            values: ["123", "456"]

Note: Not all spec.provider fields must have a corresponding well known label.

Alternative: Inline vs Nested Parameters

It's possible to leverage inline json capabilities to collapse these parameters to the top level. For example

  zones: ["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b"] # Vendor neutral
  securityGroups: ["abc", "def"] # Vendor specific, but sibling of zones
  1. (+) Parameters that are natural siblings (e.g. zones, securityGroups) will be no longer be separated by provider.
  2. (-) It's not immediately clear to readers which parameters are vendor specific.
  3. (-) Key name conflicts may arise between provider and vendor fields.
  4. (-) kind and apiVersion are awkwardly placed at the top level of spec.

Alternative: Duck Typing

It's possible to follow Knative's Duck Typing approach and build vendor specific CRDs that contain vendor neutral snippets (or ducks) that Karpenter can recognize. Cloud Providers would consume Karpenter generic controllers as libraries, which would behave against the generic API snippets. For example:

apiVersion: # Vendor Specific
kind: Provisioner
  limits: {} # Vendor neutral, recognized by Karpenter generic controllers
  labels: {} # Vendor neutral, recognized by Karpenter generic controllers
  taints: [] # Vendor neutral, recognized by Karpenter generic controllers
  subnets: [] # Vendor specific, only recognized by AWS Cloud Provider code
  1. (+) Versioning is only defined in one place
  2. (+) Vendors may change versions decoupled from each other.
  3. (+) Parameters that are natural siblings (e.g. zones, securityGroups) will be no longer be separated by provider.
  4. (-) Cloud Provider must do more than simply implementing an interface (they must define an CR, etc).
  5. (-) Potential for name collision as duck types evolve or confusion about what fields providers own.
  6. (-) Knative duck typing APIs are alpha, missing documentation, and not widely adopted.

Pluralizion for all Constraints

We expand the constraints of a Provisioner from a scalar to a vector in all cases. This will apply to both operatingSystem and architecture enabling the operator to specify greater flexibility. This supports use cases such as heterogenous architectures within a single provisioner, selected dynamically at runtime by the cloud provider. More importantly, this change creates a consistent and predictable semantic for all vendor neutral constraints. Similar to other constraints, the semantic of this change allows cloud providers to choose any value in the constraint slice, e.g. prioritizing arm64 for cost reasons.


  operatingSystems: ["linux", "windows"] # operatingSystem -> operatingSystems
  architectures: ["amd64", "arm64"] # architecture -> architectures


We introduce a new field spec.limits that contains configuration parameters to limit scaling and control costs.


    unready: 20% # Flat or Percentage. Karpenter will not launch additional capacity if current unready nodes exceeds this value
    resources: # Karpenter will not launch additional capacity if current capacity exceeds this value
      cpu: 1000
      memory: 1000Gi