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Getting started with Amazon Timestream with .NET

This sample application shows how you can create a database and table, populate the table with ~126K rows of sample data, and run sample queries to jumpstart your evaluation and/or proof-of-concept applications with Amazon Timestream.

How to use it

Using .Net Core

  1. Install .NET

  2. NOTE: If the older SDK has been installed, you might have to remove the older packages and clean cache before adding new SDKs.

    dotnet remove package AWSSDK.Core
    dotnet remove package AWSSDK.TimestreamWrite
    dotnet remove package AWSSDK.TimestreamQuery
    dotnet remove package CommandLineParser
    dotnet nuget locals all --clear
  3. Install required NuGet. Ensure package version are higher than what is mentioned in provided .csproj file.

    dotnet add package AWSSDK.Core
    dotnet add package AWSSDK.S3
    dotnet add package AWSSDK.SecurityToken
    dotnet add package AWSSDK.TimestreamWrite
    dotnet add package AWSSDK.TimestreamQuery 
    dotnet add package CommandLineParser
    dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json
  4. Run the project

    dotnet run
  5. Run with kms key id for Update database

    dotnet run -- -k ValidKmsKeyId
  6. Run with sample csv data file

    dotnet run -- -f ../data/sample.csv
  7. Run Unload with sample csv data file

    dotnet run -- -t UNLOAD -f ../data/sample_unload.csv
  8. Run CompositePartitionKey sample

    dotnet run -- -t COMPOSITE_PARTITION_KEY
  9. Cleanup and delete the resources generated

    dotnet run -- -t CLEANUP