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Joining, Filtering, and Loading Relational Data with AWS Glue

This example shows how to do joins and filters with transforms entirely on DynamicFrames. It also shows you how to create tables from semi-structured data that can be loaded into relational databases like Redshift.

The associated Python file in the examples folder is:

A Scala version of the script corresponding to this example can be found in the file: JoinAndRelationalize.scala

1. Crawl our sample dataset

The dataset we'll be using in this example was downloaded from the EveryPolitician website into our sample-dataset bucket in S3, at:


It contains data in JSON format about United States legislators and the seats they have held in the the House of Representatives and the Senate.

For purposes of our example code, we are assuming that you have created an AWS S3 target bucket and folder, which we refer to here as s3://glue-sample-target/output-dir/.

The first step is to crawl this data and put the results into a database called legislators in your Data Catalog, as described here in the Developer Guide. The crawler will create the following tables in the legislators database:

  • persons_json
  • memberships_json
  • organizations_json
  • events_json
  • areas_json
  • countries_r_json

This is a semi-normalized collection of tables containing legislators and their histories.

2. Spin up a DevEndpoint to work with

The easiest way to debug your pySpark ETL scripts is to create a `DevEndpoint' and run your code there. You can do this in the AWS Glue console, as described here in the Developer Guide. Make sure to follow instruction under section "Creating a Development Endpoint for Amazon S3 Data".

3. Getting started

We will write a script that:

  1. Combines persons, organizations, and membership histories into a single legislator history data set. This is often referred to as de-normalization.
  2. Separates out the senators from the representatives.
  3. Writes each of these out to separate parquet files for later analysis.

Begin by pasting some boilerplate into the DevEndpoint notebook to import the AWS Glue libraries we'll need and set up a single GlueContext.

import sys
from awsglue.transforms import Join
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from awsglue.job import Job

glueContext = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())

4. Checking the schemas that the crawler identified

Next, you can easily examine the schemas that the crawler recorded in the Data Catalog. For example, to see the schema of the persons_json table, enter the following in your notebook:

persons = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database="legislators", table_name="persons_json")
print("Count: ", persons.count())

Here's the output from the print calls:

Count:  1961
|-- family_name: string
|-- name: string
|-- links: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- url: string
|-- gender: string
|-- image: string
|-- identifiers: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- scheme: string
|    |    |-- identifier: string
|-- other_names: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- name: string
|    |    |-- lang: string
|-- sort_name: string
|-- images: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- url: string
|-- given_name: string
|-- birth_date: string
|-- id: string
|-- contact_details: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- type: string
|    |    |-- value: string
|-- death_date: string

Each person in the table is a member of some congressional body.

To look at the schema of the memberships_json table, enter the following:

memberships = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database="legislators", table_name="memberships_json")
print("Count: ", memberships.count())

The output is:

Count:  10439
|-- area_id: string
|-- on_behalf_of_id: string
|-- organization_id: string
|-- role: string
|-- person_id: string
|-- legislative_period_id: string
|-- start_date: string
|-- end_date: string

Organizations are parties and the two chambers of congress, the Senate and House. To look at the schema of the organizations_json table, enter:

orgs = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database="legislators", table_name="organizations_json")
print("Count: ", orgs.count())

The output is:

Count:  13
|-- classification: string
|-- links: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- url: string
|-- image: string
|-- identifiers: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- scheme: string
|    |    |-- identifier: string
|-- other_names: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- lang: string
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- name: string
|-- id: string
|-- name: string
|-- seats: int
|-- type: string

5. Filtering

Let's only keep the fields that we want and rename id to org_id. The dataset is small enough that we can look at the whole thing. The toDF() converts a DynamicFrame to a Spark DataFrame, so we can apply the transforms that already exist in SparkSQL:

orgs = orgs.drop_fields(['other_names',
                            'id', 'org_id').rename_field(
                               'name', 'org_name')

The output is:

|classification|              org_id|            org_name|               links|seats|       type|               image|
|         party|            party/al|                  AL|                null| null|       null|                null|
|         party|      party/democrat|            Democrat|[[website,http://...| null|       null|https://upload.wi...|
|         party|party/democrat-li...|    Democrat-Liberal|[[website,http://...| null|       null|                null|
|   legislature|d56acebe-8fdc-47b...|House of Represen...|                null|  435|lower house|                null|
|         party|   party/independent|         Independent|                null| null|       null|                null|
|         party|party/new_progres...|     New Progressive|[[website,http://...| null|       null|https://upload.wi...|
|         party|party/popular_dem...|    Popular Democrat|[[website,http://...| null|       null|                null|
|         party|    party/republican|          Republican|[[website,http://...| null|       null|https://upload.wi...|
|         party|party/republican-...|Republican-Conser...|[[website,http://...| null|       null|                null|
|         party|      party/democrat|            Democrat|[[website,http://...| null|       null|https://upload.wi...|
|         party|   party/independent|         Independent|                null| null|       null|                null|
|         party|    party/republican|          Republican|[[website,http://...| null|       null|https://upload.wi...|
|   legislature|8fa6c3d2-71dc-478...|              Senate|                null|  100|upper house|                null|

Let's look at the organizations that appear in memberships:


The output is:

|     organization_id|

6. Putting it together

Now let's join these relational tables to create one full history table of legislator memberships and their correponding organizations, using AWS Glue.

  • First, we join persons and memberships on id and person_id.
  • Next, join the result with orgs on org_id and organization_id.
  • Then, drop the redundant fields, person_id and org_id.

We can do all these operations in one (extended) line of code:

l_history = Join.apply(orgs,
                       Join.apply(persons, memberships, 'id', 'person_id'),
                       'org_id', 'organization_id').drop_fields(['person_id', 'org_id'])
print("Count: ", l_history.count())

The output is:

Count:  10439
|-- role: string
|-- seats: int
|-- org_name: string
|-- links: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- url: string
|-- type: string
|-- sort_name: string
|-- area_id: string
|-- images: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- url: string
|-- on_behalf_of_id: string
|-- other_names: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- note: string
|    |    |-- name: string
|    |    |-- lang: string
|-- contact_details: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- type: string
|    |    |-- value: string
|-- name: string
|-- birth_date: string
|-- organization_id: string
|-- gender: string
|-- classification: string
|-- death_date: string
|-- legislative_period_id: string
|-- identifiers: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- scheme: string
|    |    |-- identifier: string
|-- image: string
|-- given_name: string
|-- family_name: string
|-- id: string
|-- start_date: string
|-- end_date: string

Great! We now have the final table that we'd like to use for analysis. Let's write it out in a compact, efficient format for analytics, i.e. Parquet, that we can run SQL over in AWS Glue, Athena, or Redshift Spectrum.

The following call writes the table across multiple files to support fast parallel reads when doing analysis later:

glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = l_history,
          connection_type = "s3",
          connection_options = {"path": "s3://glue-sample-target/output-dir/legislator_history"},
          format = "parquet")

To put all the history data into a single file, we need to convert it to a data frame, repartition it, and write it out.

s_history = l_history.toDF().repartition(1)

Or if you want to separate it by the Senate and the House:


7. Writing to Relational Databases

AWS Glue makes it easy to write it to relational databases like Redshift even with semi-structured data. It offers a transform, relationalize(), that flattens DynamicFrames no matter how complex the objects in the frame may be.

Using the l_history DynamicFrame in our example, we pass in the name of a root table (hist_root) and a temporary working path to relationalize, which returns a DynamicFrameCollection. We then list the names of the DynamicFrames in that collection:

dfc = l_history.relationalize("hist_root", "s3://glue-sample-target/temp-dir/")

The output of the keys call is:

[u'hist_root', u'hist_root_contact_details', u'hist_root_links',
 u'hist_root_other_names', u'hist_root_images', u'hist_root_identifiers']

Relationalize broke the history table out into 6 new tables: a root table containing a record for each object in the dynamic frame, and auxiliary tables for the arrays. Array handling in relational databases is often sub-optimal, especially as those arrays become large. Separating out the arrays into separate tables makes the queries go much faster.

Let's take a look at the separation by examining contact_details:

l_history.select_fields('contact_details').printSchema()'hist_root_contact_details').toDF().where("id = 10 or id = 75").orderBy(['id','index']).show()

The output of the printSchema and show calls is:

|-- contact_details: array
|    |-- element: struct
|    |    |-- type: string
|    |    |-- value: string
| id|index|contact_details.val.type|contact_details.val.value|
| 10|    0|                     fax|                         |
| 10|    1|                        |             202-225-1314|
| 10|    2|                   phone|                         |
| 10|    3|                        |             202-225-3772|
| 10|    4|                 twitter|                         |
| 10|    5|                        |          MikeRossUpdates|
| 75|    0|                     fax|                         |
| 75|    1|                        |             202-225-7856|
| 75|    2|                   phone|                         |
| 75|    3|                        |             202-225-2711|
| 75|    4|                 twitter|                         |
| 75|    5|                        |                SenCapito|

The contact_details field was an array of structs in the original DynamicFrame. Each element of those arrays is a separate row in the auxiliary table, indexed by index. The id here is a foreign key into the hist_root table with the key contact_details.'hist_root').toDF().where(
    "contact_details = 10 or contact_details = 75").select(
       ['id', 'given_name', 'family_name', 'contact_details']).show()

The output is:

|                  id|given_name|family_name|contact_details|
|f4fc30ee-7b42-432...|      Mike|       Ross|             10|
|e3c60f34-7d1b-4c0...|   Shelley|     Capito|             75|

Notice in the commands above that we used toDF() and subsequently a where expression to filter for the rows that we wanted to see.

So, joining the hist_root table with the auxiliary tables allows you to:

  • Load data into databases without array support.
  • Query each individual item in an array using SQL.

We already have a connection set up called redshift3. To create your own, see this topic in the Developer Guide. Let's write this collection into Redshift by cycling through the DynamicFrames one at a time:

for df_name in dfc.keys():
    m_df =
    print "Writing to Redshift table: ", df_name
    glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_jdbc_conf(frame = m_df,
                                                   catalog_connection = "redshift3",
                                                   connection_options = {"dbtable": df_name, "database": "testdb"},
                                                   redshift_tmp_dir = "s3://glue-sample-target/temp-dir/")

Here's what the tables look like in Redshift. (We connected to Redshift through psql.)

testdb=# \d
                   List of relations
 schema |           name            | type  |   owner
 public | hist_root                 | table | test_user
 public | hist_root_contact_details | table | test_user
 public | hist_root_identifiers     | table | test_user
 public | hist_root_images          | table | test_user
 public | hist_root_links           | table | test_user
 public | hist_root_other_names     | table | test_user
(6 rows)

testdb=# \d hist_root_contact_details
             Table "public.hist_root_contact_details"
          Column           |           Type           | Modifiers
 id                        | bigint                   |
 index                     | integer                  |
 contact_details.val.type  | character varying(65535) |
 contact_details.val.value | character varying(65535) |

testdb=# \d hist_root
                   Table "public.hist_root"
        Column         |           Type           | Modifiers
 role                  | character varying(65535) |
 seats                 | integer                  |
 org_name              | character varying(65535) |
 links                 | bigint                   |
 type                  | character varying(65535) |
 sort_name             | character varying(65535) |
 area_id               | character varying(65535) |
 images                | bigint                   |
 on_behalf_of_id       | character varying(65535) |
 other_names           | bigint                   |
 birth_date            | character varying(65535) |
 name                  | character varying(65535) |
 organization_id       | character varying(65535) |
 gender                | character varying(65535) |
 classification        | character varying(65535) |
 legislative_period_id | character varying(65535) |
 identifiers           | bigint                   |
 given_name            | character varying(65535) |
 image                 | character varying(65535) |
 family_name           | character varying(65535) |
 id                    | character varying(65535) |
 death_date            | character varying(65535) |
 start_date            | character varying(65535) |
 contact_details       | bigint                   |
 end_date              | character varying(65535) |

Now you can query these tables using SQL in Redshift:

testdb=# select * from hist_root_contact_details where id = 10 or id = 75 order by id, index;

With this result:

 id | index | contact_details.val.type | contact_details.val.value
 10 |     0 | fax                      |
 10 |     1 |                          | 202-225-1314
 10 |     2 | phone                    |
 10 |     3 |                          | 202-225-3772
 10 |     4 | twitter                  |
 10 |     5 |                          | MikeRossUpdates
 75 |     0 | fax                      |
 75 |     1 |                          | 202-225-7856
 75 |     2 | phone                    |
 75 |     3 |                          | 202-225-2711
 75 |     4 | twitter                  |
 75 |     5 |                          | SenCapito
(12 rows)


Overall, AWS Glue is quite flexible allowing you to do in a few lines of code, what normally would take days to write. The entire source to target ETL scripts from end-to-end can be found in the accompanying Python file,