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619 lines (461 loc) · 16.6 KB


  Hola, nice to meet ya 👋

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My Recent Projects

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Who I Am 😎

const Michael_Alvarez = {
  summary    : 'builds digital solutions for SaaS products & B2B marketing',
  roles      : [ 'Front-End Software Engineer', 'UI Developer', 'Problem Solver' ],
  interests  : [ 'Headless CMS', 'Serverless Functions', 'JAM Stack' ],
  key_values : [ 'curious', 'collaborative', 'creative' ],
  type_check : true && '~ 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 ~',
  nickname   : ( 'micky' || 'zoda' ),

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What I know 🌎

Tools I use on a daily basis


Tools I am interested to learn

jam-stack   storybook   graphql   apollo   trpc   prisma

testing-library   jest   cypress   playwright   contentful   strapi   prismic   storyblok   hygraph

What is my current tech stack?
BASE - Web Development
TypeScript        :: type safety transpiler
Vite              :: build tool
Next.js           :: SSR & SSG framework
React             :: js framework/library

typescript vite next.js react

UI - Component-Driven Development
Sass              :: css preprocessor
Tailwind CSS      :: css framework/library
Twin Macro        :: tailwind compiler tool
Styled-Components :: css-in-jsx
Framer Motion     :: react motion library

sass tailwind-css twin-macro styled-components framer-motion

API - Data-Driven Development
Zustand         :: global state management (for ui data)
React Query     :: async state management (for api data)
React Router    :: routing state management
React Hook Form :: form state management
Zod             :: schema declaration & validation
Ky              :: promise-based http request

zustand react-query react-router react-hook-form zod ky

What I deep dive into, experiment?
Framer Motion framer-motion
Three.js three.js
P5.js p5.js
Green Sock (GSAP) green-sock
WebGL webgl
SVG (Animation) svg
Canvas canvas
What challenges do I think about?

How to build from design system to ui library?

e.g. figma, zeplin, react, storybook

How to type check specific data?

e.g. async data, form data, generic props

How to integrate these technologies?

e.g. tRPC, Prisma, PlanetScale

How to compose content strategy for Headless CMS projects?

i.e. content structure, repeat content usage, real-time collaboration

How to improve & maintain web performance for build time?

i.e. import sizes, image optimizations, reusable components

How to manage service costs?

i.e. api usage, run server, data analytics

What otherly things can I learn to make?

  • creative coding
  • generative art
  • digital art (media, interactive)

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GH Stats 📈

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