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Offline Algorithm Simulation

This is a simulation of the algorithm for storing data offline in Meteor.

Using a simulator makes it easier to figure out the the details of the algorithm, without having to first implement the actual browser database or cross tab communication.

To run the simulator with the "todos" example:

$ git clone git://
$ cd meteor-offline-sim
$ cd examples/todos
$ mrt


The simulator runs in the parent window and the simulated "browser tabs" run in iframes. The "database" (which in a real system would be an IndexedDB or Web SQL database in the browser) is emulated in memory.

Clicking the "Go Online" or "Go Offline" button causes the applications in the iframes to connect / disconnect from the Meteor server. The simulator has its own Meteor connection (which is always connected) to display the contents of the collections on the server.

If you close the real browser window and open it again, the contents of the "database" will be cleared. (This is like a new user opening the application for the first time). Likewise if you open a second real browser window, you'll get a separate instance of the simulator -- as if two different people were using the application. This lets you see how changes made by one browser propagate to the server and back to the other browser.

Offline Algorithm

This approach to offline data creates an "offline collection" on top of standard, unmodified Meteor. This has some code duplication and inefficiencies, but is a reasonable place to start to find out what is a good algorithm.

Offline collections are reactively shared across browser tabs, so local changes made in one will be visible in another even when offline.

Because tabs share data, subscriptions are merged across tabs: if one tab makes a subscription then all tabs will be subscribed. (Currently todo is unsubscribing: at the moment once a subscription is made it lasts forever).

The core of the implementation is essentially a reimplementation of the code to run method stubs in livedata_connection.js, with relevant data structures such as "_documentsWrittenByStub" moved into the database.

I took raix's suggestion of implementing an "offline connection" which wraps the real livedata connection as a way to get a Meteor.Collection to run the offline stub code instead of the regular stub code. So far this seems to be working.


With this algorithm it's normal for an app to make a method call (such as to update a document) while offline, and then later (perhaps after the application window has been closed and then later opened again) to be able to connect to the server and to deliver the method call.

This means that it no longer works to use function callbacks to report method completion (and thus collection modification completion): the function instance will no longer exist when the application is opened a second time.

Sharing subscriptions across browser tabs means that applications can no longer rely entirely on server-side filtering; applications will need to filter collections on the client instead of or in addition to on the server. (Applications may want to do less filtering on the server anyway so that a complete set of data is available for offline use).

No attempt is made to avoid running method calls more than once on the server. This can happen if a tab dies in between sending a method to the server and getting the "method completed" reply; and when an application comes online multiple tabs can attempt to deliver queued methods. This is probably OK for idempotent method calls, though some thought would need to be given to delivering methods in order.

For non-idempotent methods calls we could have the server keep a list of recently seen methods and to avoid running duplicates. But the problem there is then we'd need to expire the list of seen method ids to avoid having the list grow ubound... and if someone enters an important note in their device and then loses it for a week and then finally goes online again, do we really want to throw away that update because it's past the expiration period?


Subscriptions should be unsubscribed when no tabs are subscribing to a subscription any more.

Will need a mechanism for detecting when tabs are dead or have been closed, not just inactive, to know when a tab is no longer subscribing to a subscription.

The code doesn't yet notice when documents have been deleted on the server while the application was closed. (Will need to listen for subscriptions ready and then delete documents that are no longer in the server collection).

Offline applications will typically need to do some kind of conflict resolution on the server. (For example, suppose the user types in a short note while offline, and then on another computer types in a long note into the same field, and then goes online with the first device. It would be an unpleasant surprise if the long note was deleted and replaced by the short note). This may not have a direct impact on the offline implementation on the client, but it would be nice to have some accommodation or default implementation on the server.

Currently unimplemented is nested method stubs.

Still todo is using offline collections with other connections besides the default connection. (This mostly involves updating the database code so that the key to documents and such is [connection, collectionName, docId]).

Completely ignored at the moment is logging in / logging out: userId, wait methods, perhaps clearing database data on logout, etc.

Some mechanism to get method completed events.

Figure out if there's some way to support the autopublish package.

And a zillion other implementation details.

Race conditions

Database operations in the browser run across multiple ticks of the event loop: in one tick you start a transaction, you get a callback when you've acquired the transaction lock and have an active transaction and fire off a read request, and then in another callback you get the result of the read and fire off a write request...

Thus while database operations are atomic with respect to each other (only one transaction will be active at a time), they are not atomic with respect to other events such as user actions or collection updates coming from the server or other tabs. Thus for example collections can change between the steps of a database transaction.

The danger is without being careful we might get obscure intermittent and unreproducable bugs: code which will usually run fine but then occasionally the timing will happen to be just right and then it will break.

This implementation is just a first sketch at interfacing Meteor collections with the browser database; some more careful thought and review will be needed to figure out what race conditions we have or don't have.

Simulator Internals

Normally code in different browser windows or tabs that were opened independently by the user don't have direct access to each other's variables and functions, even if both tabs are open on the same domain.

This is not a security policy as such (the browser's Same Origin Policy would be sufficient), but browsers such as Chrome open different tabs in different processes. This means that different tabs are running separate event loops in separate memory spaces. Even if one tab was allowed to "poke" data into the memory space of another tab, to the other tab it would appear that its variables were being changed at random times.

However when a web page has iframes opened on the same domain, the two windows do have access to each other's data and functions. This is possible because there is actually only one runtime shared between the parent window and the child windows: one event loop, and one memory space.

The simulator emulates browser tabs by opening each "tab" in an iframe. This allows each tab to be running its own copy of Meteor, but behind the scenes the tabs can communicate through shared data and functions through the parent window. This allows "cross browser tab communication" to be simulated simply by calling the broadcast listener function in each tab, and the data of the emulated "browser database" to be held in memory.

Simulator Gotchas

Separate constructors

Code running in an iframe can share data simply by referencing the parent window: = [1, 2, 3]

but there are some surprises. If another iframe checks to see if foo is an array: instanceof Array

the answer is actually false! Each window has its own separate Array constructor, and instanceof checks to see if the object's prototype is === to the constructor.

This may be weird, but JavaScript allows you to add your own methods to built-in types such as arrays. If windows shared constructors then loading a library such as prototype in one window would cause the behavior of all windows to change, even those that didn't load the library themselves.

An easy way to work around this is to only share serialized data: = JSON.stringify([1, 2, 3])

Static scoping of window

The description of iframes having a "different runtime environments" might give the impression that there might be some kind of dynamic scoping going on. That is, suppose in one window we define a function:

foo = function () {

and we call that function from another window. Which window does window in the code refer to? If window was dynamically scoped, connected to the "runtime environment" somehow, then we could imagine that window in foo might refer to the window that we're calling from.

Nope. window is statically scoped, as if code defined in a window was wrapped in

(function (window) {

thus window in code always refers to the window the code was defined in, not where it is being called from.

This isn't a big deal in practice, it just means that the only code that implicitly knows what window it is being run from is code defined in that window.

No real concurrency

Since the iframes in the simulator share an event loop there's no actual concurrency going on, as there would be in real browser tabs running separate processes. So some race conditions that might be bugs in a real system might not show up in the simulator.


A simulation of one possible offline algorithm.






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