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axelerator committed Sep 30, 2021
1 parent 8838b88 commit bcb5e90
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 65 deletions.
239 changes: 174 additions & 65 deletions src/Main.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import List exposing (all, drop, foldr, head, length, map, range)
import List exposing (all, concat, drop, foldr, head, length, map, range)
import Random
import String exposing (fromInt)
import String exposing (fromFloat, fromInt)
import Svg
import Svg.Attributes as SA
import Time
Expand All @@ -33,12 +33,18 @@ main =

type Model
= RunningGame GameDetails
| GameOver Board
| GameOver Board Score

type alias Score =

type alias GameDetails =
{ board : Board
, currentPiece : Maybe CurrentPiece
, score : Score
, tick : Int

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,8 +73,13 @@ type Field
| Field FieldColor

type alias Opacity =

type Row
= Row (List Field)
| FadingRow (List Field) Opacity

type alias Position =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,8 +149,16 @@ pieceDefinitions =

updateRow : FieldColor -> Position -> Int -> Row -> Row
updateRow newColor ( x, y ) rowIndex ((Row fields) as oldRow) =
updateRow newColor ( x, y ) rowIndex oldRow =
fields =
case oldRow of
Row fs ->

FadingRow fs _ ->

updateField fieldPosition field =
if fieldPosition == x then
Field newColor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +219,8 @@ init _ =
( RunningGame
{ board = emptyBoard
, currentPiece = Nothing
, score = 0
, tick = 0
, Random.generate NewCurrentPiece ( 0 <| (length pieceDefinitions - 1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +281,7 @@ gameOverOrNewPiece pieceIndex gameDetails =
RunningGame <| spawnPiece pieceIndex gameDetails

GameOver gameDetails.board
GameOver gameDetails.board gameDetails.score

spawnPiece : Int -> GameDetails -> GameDetails
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,6 +383,9 @@ lookUp ( tx, ty ) { rows } =
Just (Row fields) ->
List.head <| List.drop tx fields

Just (FadingRow fields _) ->
List.head <| List.drop tx fields

canDrop : CurrentPiece -> Board -> Bool
canDrop { position, tiles } board =
Expand All @@ -388,71 +412,124 @@ canDrop { position, tiles } board =
List.all canPlace translatedTiles

increaseTick : GameDetails -> GameDetails
increaseTick gameDetails =
{ gameDetails
| tick = gameDetails.tick + 1

dropCurrentPiece : GameDetails -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
dropCurrentPiece ({ board } as gameDetails) =
case gameDetails.currentPiece of
Nothing ->
( RunningGame gameDetails, Cmd.none )
if modBy 10 gameDetails.tick == 0 then
case gameDetails.currentPiece of
Nothing ->
( RunningGame <| increaseTick gameDetails, Cmd.none )

Just currentPiece ->
( x, y ) =

nextRow =
y - 1

droppedPiece =
{ currentPiece | position = ( x, nextRow ) }
if canDrop currentPiece board then
( RunningGame <| increaseTick <| progressFading { gameDetails | currentPiece = Just droppedPiece }
, Cmd.none

gameDetailsWithPlacedPiece =
{ gameDetails
| board = placePieceOnBoard currentPiece board
( RunningGame <| increaseTick <| eraseCompleteRows gameDetailsWithPlacedPiece
, Random.generate NewCurrentPiece ( 0 <| (length pieceDefinitions - 1))

Just currentPiece ->
( x, y ) =
( RunningGame <| increaseTick <| eraseCompleteRows <| progressFading gameDetails
, Cmd.none

nextRow =
y - 1

droppedPiece =
{ currentPiece | position = ( x, nextRow ) }
if canDrop currentPiece board then
( RunningGame { gameDetails | currentPiece = Just droppedPiece }
, Cmd.none
progressFading : GameDetails -> GameDetails
progressFading gameDetails =
oldBoard =

( RunningGame
{ gameDetails
| board = eraseCompleteRows <| placePieceOnBoard currentPiece board
, currentPiece = Nothing
, Random.generate NewCurrentPiece ( 0 <| (length pieceDefinitions - 1))
fadeRow row =
case row of
Row _ ->

FadingRow fields opacity ->
FadingRow fields (opacity - 0.1)

eraseCompleteRows : Board -> Board
eraseCompleteRows board =
replaceWithNothinFull ((Row fields) as row) =
if isFull row then
fadedRows =
map fadeRow oldBoard.rows
{ gameDetails
| board = { oldBoard | rows = fadedRows }


isFull (Row fields) =
all (\f -> f /= Empty) fields
eraseCompleteRows : GameDetails -> GameDetails
eraseCompleteRows ({ board, currentPiece, score } as gameDetails) =
isFull row =
case row of
Row fields ->
all (\f -> f /= Empty) fields

FadingRow fields _ ->
all (\f -> f /= Empty) fields

folder : Row -> ( List Row, List Row ) -> ( List Row, List Row )
folder ((Row fields) as row) ( nonEmptyRows, header ) =
if isFull row then
( nonEmptyRows
, mkEmptyRow (length fields) 0 :: header
folder row ( nonEmptyRows, header ) =
case row of
Row fields ->
if isFull row then
( FadingRow fields 1.0 :: nonEmptyRows
, header

( row :: nonEmptyRows
, header
( row :: nonEmptyRows
, header

FadingRow fields opacity ->
if opacity <= 0.1 then
( nonEmptyRows
, mkEmptyRow (length fields) 0 :: header

( FadingRow fields (opacity - 0.1) :: nonEmptyRows
, header

( allNonEmptyRows, finalHeader ) =
foldr folder ( [], [] ) board.rows

newRows =
allNonEmptyRows ++ finalHeader

newBoard =
{ board | rows = newRows }
{ board
| rows = newRows
{ gameDetails
| board = newBoard
, currentPiece = Nothing
, score = score + length finalHeader

Expand All @@ -463,12 +540,12 @@ eraseCompleteRows board =
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
case model of
GameOver _ ->
GameOver _ _ ->

RunningGame _ ->
[ Time.every 100 GravityTick
[ Time.every 30 GravityTick
, onKeyDown keyDecoder

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,21 +579,22 @@ toKey string =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model of
GameOver board ->
layout <|
GameOver board score ->
layout score <|
div []
[ div [ class "gameOver" ] [ text "Game Over" ]
, boardView board Nothing

RunningGame { board, currentPiece } ->
layout <| boardView board currentPiece
RunningGame { board, currentPiece, score } ->
layout score <| boardView board currentPiece

layout content =
layout score content =
div []
[ div [] [ text "Developing a Web Tetris in Elm" ]
, div [] [ text "Continuing TONIGHT at 7PM (EST)" ]
, div [] [ text <| fromInt score ]
, content

Expand All @@ -543,8 +621,16 @@ placePieceOnBoard currentPiece oldBoard =
List.maximum <|
map Tuple.second absoluteTilePositions

colorInPostions rowIndex (Row fields) =
colorInPostions rowIndex row =
fields =
case row of
Row fs ->

FadingRow fs _ ->

equalPos ( tx, ty ) ( px, py ) =
tx == px && ty == py

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,9 +681,9 @@ boardView board mbCurrentPiece =

fieldViewForRow : Int -> Int -> Field -> Html Msg
fieldViewForRow rowIndex columnIndex field =
fieldView field rowIndex columnIndex
fieldViewForRow : Int -> Opacity -> Int -> Field -> List (Html Msg)
fieldViewForRow rowIndex opacity columnIndex field =
fieldView opacity field rowIndex columnIndex

rowView : Int -> Row -> List (Html Msg)
Expand All @@ -608,7 +694,10 @@ rowView rowNumber row =
case row of
Row fields ->
List.indexedMap (fieldViewForRow rowNumber) fields
concat <| List.indexedMap (fieldViewForRow rowNumber 1.0) fields

FadingRow fields opacity ->
concat <| List.indexedMap (fieldViewForRow rowNumber opacity) fields

ffToColor : Field -> String
Expand All @@ -630,13 +719,33 @@ ffToColor field =

fieldView : Field -> Int -> Int -> Html Msg
fieldView field row column =
fieldView : Opacity -> Field -> Int -> Int -> List (Html Msg)
fieldView opacity field row column =
case field of
Empty ->
[ emptyFieldView row column ]

_ ->
[ emptyFieldView row column
, Svg.rect
[ SA.x <| fromInt <| column * 11
, SA.y <| fromInt <| (boardHeight - row) * 11
, SA.width "10"
, SA.height "10"
, SA.fill <| ffToColor field
, SA.fillOpacity <| fromFloat opacity

emptyFieldView : Int -> Int -> Html Msg
emptyFieldView row column =
[ SA.x <| fromInt <| column * 11
, SA.y <| fromInt <| (boardHeight - row) * 11
, SA.width "10"
, SA.height "10"
, SA.fill <| ffToColor field
, SA.fill "#CCCCCC"

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