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Axians Parent

This is the über parent for all Maven based Java projects in Axians Netherlands. It contains the common settings and plugins for all projects.


To use this parent, add the following to your project's pom.xml:


The default Java version being used is 21. You can override this by setting the maven.compiler.source, and maven.compiler.release properties in your project's pom.xml. To use Java 17 for example you can add the following properties in your pom.xml:


The default encoding is UTF-8. You can override this by setting the and project.reporting.outputEncoding properties in your project's pom.xml. To use ISO-8859-1 for example you can add the following properties in your pom.xml:



The following profiles are available:

  • private-release - This profile is used to release the project to a private Git artifact repository. It will enable the maven-release-plugin to create and deploy a release of your project. It will also activate the maven-javadoc-plugin to generate the Javadoc and the maven-source-plugin to attach the source code to the release. It expects the <scm>, <repository> and <distributionManagement> sections to be present in the project's pom.xml.

  • public-release - This profile is used to release the project to a public Git and the public Maven artifact repository. It will enable the maven-release-plugin to create and deploy a release of your project. It will also activate the maven-javadoc-plugin to generate the Javadoc and the maven-source-plugin to attach the source code to the release. It will add and configure the central-publishing-maven-plugin will be configured to publish the artifacts to the Sonatype public Maven repository. The artifacts will be signed using the maven-gpg-plugin. You also need to add a <server> tag in your settings.xml with the id ossrh and your Sonatype token username and password. Note: This profile currently does not work in a CI pipeline as it requires user input to enter the GPG passphrase.

  • qa - This profile is used to run the quality analysis tools. It will enable the following plugins:

    • dependency-check-maven to check for OWASP vulnerabilities.
    • jacoco-maven-plugn to analyse test coverage.
    • sonar-maven-plugin to perform SonarQube code analysis.
    • owasp-sonar-maven-plugin to transform the OWASP vulnerabilities report generated by the dependency-check-maven to a format that can be uploaded to SonarCloud.
  • docker - This profile is used to build a simple docker image of your Java application. It uses the kubernetes-maven-plugin for this using the eclipse-temurin:21-jre-alpine base image. Only port 8080 will be exposed and no agents will be installed. You should add this profile to the release-private or release-public goal to build the docker image during the release process.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.


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