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duplic8r - My Personal Dotfiles, and a Little More

License: Unlicense


duplic8r is a collection of my personal dotfiles and a little more. It is primarily focussed on setting up my command line environment and tools I access from the command line. It is designed to be installed on a fresh, Ubuntu-based distribution. It has an intall script with a few options. It can be installed as a regular user in a single user environment, but can be installed as root as well.

For more information about the install script see the detailed installation instructions.

Table of Contents


Install is kept simple. The install script is a single command that can be piped to bash.


Copy and paste the following code block into your terminal to install the dependencies.

install_duplic8r_dependencies() {
        'apt update'
        '&& apt upgrade --yes --no-install-recommends'
        '&& apt install --yes --no-install-recommends ca-certificates curl openssl rsync wget' 
        '&& apt autoremove --yes'
        '&& apt autoclean'
    if [ $(id --user) -eq 0 ]; then
        echo ${_COMMANDS[@]} | bash --
        echo ${_COMMANDS[@]} | sudo --shell --
    unset _COMMANDS
} && install_duplic8r_dependencies && unset -f install_duplic8r_dependencies


To install the stable version of duplic8r, run the following command.

curl --silent | bash /dev/stdin  

To install the development version of duplic8r, run the following command.

curl --silent | bash -s /dev/stdin --development

To run the development version of duplic8r's installer, and to install the development version of duplic8r run the following command.

curl --silent | bash -s /dev/stdin --development


This will run the installer from the development branch, and install the development branch of duplic8r.


The development version of the installer may not be stable.

After Install

After the install script has completed, you will need to log out and log back in to see the changes take effect. Alternatively you can just start zsh if you want to postpone logging out.

To complete the installation of 'vim-plug' NeoVim plugins, run the follwoing command.

nvim --headless +'PlugInstall --sync' +qall


For more information on testing, see the detailed test documentation.


Fork this repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.


This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.