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BWLog - Lightweight bandwidth logger for *nix


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BWLog - Lightweight bandwidth logger for *nix

A lightweight bandwidth logger written in Go. The tool logs the incoming and outgoing network traffic from each of the specified network interfaces, and provides a web frontend to view both a live graph and statistics history for each interface.

BWLog Screenshot

Usage options

BWLog: A lightweight bandwidth logger

  bwlog -i eth0 -d ~/bwlog/ [flags]
  bwlog [command]

Available Commands:
  update      Update bwlog to the latest version
  version     Display the app version & update information

  -d, --database string     Database directory to save CSV files (default "./")
  -i, --interfaces string   Interfaces to monitor, comma separated eg: eth0,eth1
  -l, --listen string       Interface & port to listen on (default "")
  -p, --password string     Auth password file (must contain a single "<user> <pass>")
  -s, --save string         How often to save the database to disk. Examples: 30s, 5m, 1h (default "60s")
      --sslcert string      SSL certificate (must be used together with --sslkey)
      --sslkey string       SSL key (must be used together with --sslcert)


Download and extract suitable binary for your system from the releases page.

Running BWLog

bwlog -i eth0 -d ~/bwlog/

See bwlog -h for options.

Unless you have specified different listening options, you should be able to connect to with your web browser.

Basic auth

If you want to use basic auth, simply create a file with two words in it, your username and password, eg:

MyUser MySecretPass

Then just add -p <password_file> to your startup flags. BWLog does not handle multiple users/passwords.


To enable HTTPS you must use both the --sslcert and --sslkey options to specify the respective certificate files.

Compiling from source

Ensure you have go and make installed, then just:


Integrate with systemd

BWLog does not have a background daemon. If you want bwlog to run automatically in the background then you can easily integrate it with systemd.

Create a file /etc/systemd/system/bwlog.service, ensuring sure you modify the ExecStart to your requirements.


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bwlog -d /opt/bwlog/ -i eth0,eth1
# Output to syslog


Enable the service: systemctl enable bwlog.service

Start the service: systemctl start bwlog.service

If you make changes to /etc/systemd/system/bwlog.service you will need to systemctl daemon-reload before restarting the service.


There are some other things I'd like to do at some stage if I ever get inspired and have some time:

  • Switch to vue.js