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A lightweight JavaScript library to validate function arguments.


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fn-arg-validator is a lightweight JavaScript library for validating function arguments.



npm install --save fn-arg-validator


Install as above and use the fn-arg-validator.js file found in the node_modules directory. You will also need to include lodash if you aren't already using it in your application.

<script src="./node_modules/fn-arg-validator/fn-arg-validator.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/lodash/lodash.js"></script>


First, a quick example:

const is = require('fn-arg-validator');

function createUser(firstName, lastName, birthDate) {
    is.valid(is.string, is.string,, arguments);
    // ...

createUser('Thomas', 'Anderson', '1971-09-13');
// [WARN] 1971-09-13 failed date check 

is.valid() uses a functional style interface where you pass type check functions (built-in or your own) for each function argument, and as the final argument, you simply pass the arguments object to avoid writing the function parameters again.

The arguments object isn't available for arrow functions, so you need to type the parameter names in an array like [firstName, lastName, birthDate] for those.

The above code will normally log a warning and continue to run, but you may choose to check the return value of is.valid to stop the execution of the rest of the code. The decision depends on how you want to handle type errors. Sometimes, a warning is enough, and sometimes you need to be strict and throw an error.

Boundary Checks and Maybe Types

In addition to strict type checks, it's possible to do things like string length checks, and use maybe types that also accept undefined/null values:

function createUser(firstName, lastName, birthDate) {
    is.valid(is.stringBetween(1, 20), is.stringLTE(20), is.maybeDate, arguments);
    // ...

Object Property and Type Checks

is.objectWithProps can be used to check if an object has the specified properties and those properties have the correct types.

const userObjectProps = { id: is.number, firstName: is.string, lastName: is.string, birthDate: };

function updateUser(user) {
    if (!is.valid(is.objectWithProps(userObjectProps), arguments)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid user object');
    // ...

updateUser({ id: 1, firstName: 'Thomas', lastName: 'Anderson', birthDate: '1971-09-13' });
[WARN] {"id":1,"firstName":"Thomas","lastName":"Anderson","birthDate":"1971-09-13"} failed objectWithProps check

Error: Invalid user object

Note: You can have one-level of nested object property checks as shown below:

        a: is.number,
        b: is.objectWithProps({ c: is.string, d: is.number }),

Built-in Type Check Functions

Strict Type Checks

  • is.array: Returns true if the argument is an array.
  • is.boolean: Returns true if the argument is a boolean.
  • is.buffer: Returns true if the argument is a buffer.
  • Returns true if the argument is a Date object.
  • is.func: Returns true if the argument is a function.
  • is.number: Returns true if the argument is a number.
  • is.object: Returns true if the argument is an object.
  • is.string: Returns true if the argument is a string.


  • is.maybeArray: Returns true if the argument is an array or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeBoolean: Returns true if the argument is a boolean or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeBuffer: Returns true if the argument is a buffer or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeDate: Returns true if the argument is a Date object or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeFunc: Returns true if the argument is a function or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeNumber: Returns true if the argument is a number or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeObject: Returns true if the argument is an object or undefined/null.
  • is.maybeString: Returns true if the argument is string or undefined/null.

Boundary Checks

  • is.numberGT(n): Returns true if the argument is a number and greater than n.
  • is.numberGTE(n): Returns true if the argument is a number and greater than or equal to n.
  • is.numberLT(n): Returns true if the argument is a number and less than n.
  • is.numberLTE(n): Returns true if the argument is a number and less than or equal to n.
  • is.numberBetween(n1, n2): Returns true if the argument is a number and between n1 and n2 (inclusive).
  • is.stringGT(n): Returns true if the argument is a string and its length is greater than n.
  • is.stringGTE(n): Returns true if the argument is a string and its length is greater than or equal to n.
  • is.stringLT(n): Returns true if the argument is a string and its length is less than n.
  • is.stringLTE(n): Returns true if the argument is a string and its length is less than or equal to n.
  • is.stringBetween(n1, n2): Returns true if the argument is a string and its length is between n1 and n2 (inclusive).

Mixed Types

  • is.oneOf returns true if an argument's type is one of the passed types. For example, is.oneOf(is.number, is.array) returns true for 1 and [1], but not '1'.

Object Property and Type Checks

  • is.objectWithProps(props): Returns true if the argument is an object and the property-type pairs match the argument's properties and their types.


  • is.any: Returns true for everything. Great for skipping validation for certain arguments.

Passing your Own Type Check Functions

The beauty of a functional style interface is that you aren’t limited to the built-in validation functions, you can simply pass your own. The only requirement is to give your functions names since is.valid uses function names for logging purposes.

Throwing Exceptions

fn-arg-validator can be configured to throw exceptions on failed checks when is.config.throw is set to true.

Log Configuration

By default, fn-arg-validator uses the console object for logging. However, this can be configured by assigning a different logger to is.config.log.

The log level can be set by changing the value of is.config.logLevel. The default log level is 'WARN', which only logs failed checks. If you would like to see successful validations, you need to set the log level to 'DEBUG' or higher. To disable all logging, set the log level to 'OFF'.