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Algorithm exercises

Newbie challenges in Java


This repository holds some programming exercises.

Problems included:


Java 8+ (tested on Oracle JDK 1.8.0_77-b03)

Maven 2+

How to run?

mvn package -DskipTests

Please make sure that your working direcory is set to the problem folder that you run.

For Fibonacci,

java -jar target/fibonacci-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

For Did You Mean,

java -jar target/did-you-mean-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Fibonacci Series

What is the problem?

Compute nth fibonacci number. In all possible ways.

How is the solution?

There are three approaches with this module.

1.Recursive Solution

Computes precisely Fibonacci’s definition of F(n) which is;

F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)

Pros: Naive

Cons: Recursive :)

2.Iterative Solution

Calculates each number as the sum of the previous two numbers. A loop based solution.

Pros: Practical and naive as well. Reduced space complexity by swapping.

3.Binet's Formula

Finds fibonacci numbers using golden ratio.

What is Binet's Formula?

The problem is that the formula includes irrational numbers. Since the output computed as integer, it is rounded to the nearest integer of the real value. So this might be a little tricky if the program would allow us to compute bigger numbers. If you adjust the data types to long and try with bigger numbers you can get wrong fibonacci values. Or you all get the correct values. It's up to the compiler's precision capabilities.

Pros: Fast

Cons: Unreliable


MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012) - 1,8 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Since recursive function has exponential time complexity and Binet's function is platform dependent, iterative function seems more reliable. But if the case is big number computation with time constraint and approximate result is enough, better go with Binet.

See below the computation times in nano seconds to calculate F(n):

n iterative recursive binet
1 1212 1954 2307
2 736 886 1674
3 612 8528 1445
4 929 1787 1282
5 1093 1921 1235
6 909 2175 1331
7 908 2777 1167
8 1338 4490 2219
9 761 17260 1440
10 784 48542 1303
11 802 21455 1306
12 819 34843 1349
13 1248 56185 1442
14 1472 77993 1423
15 1363 124321 1438
16 1331 250545 1295
17 1411 32234 1145
18 1260 143130 1176
19 1410 85030 1294
20 1416 145516 1527
21 1605 175174 1156
22 1622 223633 1206
23 1638 345824 1455
24 1581 742690 1442
25 1551 349190 1239
26 1517 567671 1374
27 1372 954323 1192
28 1426 1593325 1321
29 1430 2427566 1392
30 1423 3752112 1264
31 1484 6462890 1203
32 1739 9896525 1263
33 1783 16069151 1439
34 1735 28961634 1150
35 1920 44593572 1131
36 1710 67448278 1252
37 1538 123945392 1576
38 1631 199820788 1279
39 1765 318796806 1250
40 1804 528100530 1261
41 2012 876180032 1384
42 2073 1380185044 1314
43 2203 2264843239 1271
44 2216 3627471960 1438
45 2195 6287965036 1382
46 2120 9611356359 1184

Did You Mean?

What is the problem?

Suggest the most similar words to searched keyword.

Example Output

> Enter a word to search: example
I found the word example

> Enter a word to search: foo
Did you mean?

> Enter a word to search: %
Sorry, couldn't find any match.

How is the solution?

This problem is solved by using minimum edit distance algorithm but there are other ways to compute word similarity such as n-grams, Hamming distance, Jaro–Winkler distance and many, good to search.

There are three class included:

  • MinEditDistanceCalculator Class:
    Calculates the distance matrix for given two words. Uses Levenshtein distance .

  • Searcher Class: Searches keyword in given file (words.txt). findCandidates method returns a dictionary for words in the file with their distance cost to entered word.
    And getMostSimilarWords picks the lowest costed pairs from that dictionary in a list which has a limit as 10 suggestions. Since treemap is used, suggestions has alphabetical order and the while loop makes them ascending cost order.

  • Main Class: Takes an input from user. Creates candidate words list. Prints results.


Newbie challenges in Java







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