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Instructions for setting up your mac


  • System Settings -> Trackpad -> Tap to Click
  • System Settings -> Accessibility -> Trackpad Options -> Dragging style -> Three Finger Drag

1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools

xcode-select -—install

(Optional) Install

brew install --cask logi-options-plus tiles monitorcontrol google-chrome


2. Clone this repo

git clone
% OR
git clone
cd dotfiles-mac

3. Install homebrew installer and zsh

Run the following command to install homebrew installer and zsh

chmod +x
./ homebrew

Change default from bash to zsh

chsh -s $(which zsh)

(Optional) Install iTerm2 terminal (Recommended)


brew install --cask iterm2

Link config files:

Links all the necessary dotfiles (configurations) to your home directory. Make sure you perform this as it is necessary for other apps as well.

./ link
source ~/.zshrc

Install FiraCode Font

Go to ~/fonts/ and install Fira Code ttf/otf files

Apply iterm2 preferences

cp ~/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/

4. Install Mac configs

It changes different settings of mac for easy usage like use list view in all Finder windows by default, Trackpad: enable tap to click, etc. You can view the complete configurations in scripts/ and edit it as you like or comment unwanted settings.

./ config

5. Install Ohmyzsh

Installs ohmyzsh which makes your zsh terminal more powerful and enables features like autocompletion, syntax highlighting, displaying github branches, etc.

./ ohmyzsh
./ link
source ~/.zshrc

6. Install Miniconda

M2 Pro

wget -P ~/Downloads ''

Intel Mac

wget -P ~/Downloads ''


bash ~/Downloads/Miniconda3*.sh

7. Install and setup Neovim

brew install neovim

Neovim dependencies


8. Install tmux and tmux plugins

brew install tmux
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

9. Set up github config and ssh key

Open and modify the .gitconfig file

# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
# Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:
	name = Your-Github-EMAIL
	email = Your-Github-EMAIL

Generate ssh key and link to github

./ ssh
vim ~/.ssh/config

Add these lines:

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

10. Install applications


Install some basic useful apps like Iterm2 terminal, VSCode, VLC, Spotify, Slack, etc from the file .Brewfile. You can open and edit the .Brewfile so that only the apps you require are installed. You may add more apps or remove the apps present in the file. While adding apps in the Brewfile, you should know whether the app is found in brew or cask. You can use Brewfile to track the apps installed in your system and may update this file automatically so that you can reuse this file later. For more information on how to use Brewfile, visit this repository

./ brewapps
./ link

11. Other useful tips and tricks

Configure iTerm2

Set shortcut key for terminal (iTerm2)

  1. Open Applications > Automator
  2. Select New Document > Quick Action
  3. Select Launch application
  4. Select iterm
  5. Save (Command + S) and give name (eg Launch iterm)
  6. Goto System Preferences > Keboard > Shortcuts > Service
  7. Select the name in step 5 (eg Launch iterm)
  8. Press Add shortcut > (Record by pressing the keys you want as shortcut (eg Command plus .)
  9. Restart

Change theme for perfect display with ohmyzsh agnoster theme


Solarized Color for iterm2

  • Download Solarized
  • Unzip it and double click on the colour scheme you want (light or dark)
  • Open iTerm2’s preferences.
  • Select Profiles > Colours > Color Presets and choose Solarized Dark. Make sure that the minimum contrast slider is set to low
  • Click on text, make sure that “Draw bold text in bright colours” is disabled

Change iTerm2 font

  • Goto dotfiles-mac/fonts/
  • Double click and install any of the two fonts
  • Open iTerm2's Preferences
  • Select Profiles > Text > Font
  • Choose FiraCode font that you installed

Create a hotkey window for iTerm2 (Sliding terminal)


  • Open iTerm's Preferences
  • Select Keys > Hotkey > Create a Dedicated Hotkey Window
  • Record Hotkey to set shortcut key (eg Option + Space) and then Select OK
  • Use the shortcut key to open sliding terminal window

Other Useful Softwares

Additional Info on setup file


You will see a list of options:

    Setup OS X

Available commands:

      all:  Complete setup of mac
     apps:  Install useful apps
 brewapps:  Install packages & applications from Brewfile
   config:  Default settings for mac
     link:  Link dotfiles to home
 homebrew:  Install homebrew installer
  ohmyzsh:  Install ohmyzsh
      ssh:  Create & copy SSH key

        q:  Quit/Exit.

Let me explain these commands so that you can execute the one you want. There are separate scripts for each option inside the scripts folder and which you can view and edit according to your need.

If you want to install complete script

  • all: It executes all the commands in the order: config - ohmyzsh - link - brewapps - apps - ssh

    ./ all
    ./ link

    Load Iterm2 configurations:

    Open Iterm2, goto Preferences > General > Preferences > Tick the both boxes and change username to your own. i.e. /Users/ayushkumarshah to /Users/yourusername

  • Fix username to display your name

    Modify ayush to your name at the end of ~/.config/zsh/ohmyzsh.zsh

    prompt_context() {
    if [[ "$USER" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
      prompt_segment black default "%(!.%{%F{yellow}%}.)ayush"

(If you want to install step by step)

If you chose the all option and run the above commands, you don't need to run the commands given below.

  • config: It changes different settings of mac for easy usage like use list view in all Finder windows by default, Trackpad: enable tap to click, etc. You can view the complete configurations in scripts/ and edit it as you like or comment unwanted settings.

    ./ config
  • ohmyzsh: Install ohmyzsh which makes your zsh terminal more powerful and enables features like autocompletion, syntax highlighting, displaying github branches, etc.

    ./ ohmyzsh
  • link Link all the necessary dotfiles (configurations) to your home directory. Make sure you perform this as it is necessary for other apps as well.

    ./ link
  • brewapps: Install some basic useful apps like Iterm2 terminal, VSCode, VLC, Spotify, Slack, etc from the file .Brewfile. You can open anedit the .Brewfile so that only the apps you require are installed. You may add more apps or remove the apps present in the file. While adding apps in the Brewfile, you should know whether the app is found in brew or cask. You can use Brewfile to track the apps installed in your system and may update this file automatically so that you can reuse this fila later. For more information on how to use Brewfile, visit this repository

    ./ brewapps
    ./ link

    After this step, use Iterm2 terminal instead of the normal terminal.

    Load Iterm2 configurations:

    Open Iterm2, goto Preferences > General > Preferences > Tick the both boxes and change username to your own. i.e. /Users/ayushkumarshah to /Users/yourusername

  • apps: Install apps which are not present in the default brew or cask packages. You can view and edit the file scripts/ as per your need.

    ./ apps
  • homebrew: It installs the default homebrew installer along with git and zsh. You don't need to install this as you have already done at the beginning.

    ./ homebrew
  • ssh: It creates a SSH key for your gihub and copies it in the clipboard ready to paste in the github account.

    ./ ssh