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# ref
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
# GitHub recommends pinning actions to a commit SHA.
# To get a newer version, you will need to update the SHA.
# You can also reference a tag or branch, but the action may change without warning.
# By default, GitHub Actions uses different shells based on the runner operating system:
# Ubuntu (Linux) and macOS: bash
# Windows: cmd
# We can test SDePER installation on multiple OS by setting os: ["ubuntu-latest", "macos-latest", "windows-latest"]
# but installation would fail in macOS and Windows...
name: Test SDePER installation across PyPI, Conda, and Docker
types: [published]
name: test-pypi (${{ matrix.python-version }}, ${{ matrix.os }})
environment: package-test # specify the environment
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# bash login mode is needed for activate environment in Ubuntu and macOS (ref
# cmd in Windows is fine
shell: bash -el {0} # `-e` means the shell will stop executing if any command returns a non-zero status (error). `-l` makes Bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell
fail-fast: false # all job combinations will run to completion even if one of them fails
matrix: # uses a matrix strategy to run multiple test configurations across different operating systems and Python versions
os: ["ubuntu-latest"]
python-version: ["3.9.12", "3.10"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download test files # note to use URL for the raw file
shell: pwsh # Changed the shell to PowerShell for all platforms to ensure consistency in command syntax and behavior across all operating systems
run: |
# a function to decompress .gz file using PowerShell (
Function DeGZip-File{
$outfile = ($infile -replace '\.gz$','')
$input = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $inFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Open), ([IO.FileAccess]::Read), ([IO.FileShare]::Read)
$output = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $outFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Create), ([IO.FileAccess]::Write), ([IO.FileShare]::None)
$gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $input, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
$buffer = New-Object byte[](1024)
$read = $gzipstream.Read($buffer, 0, 1024)
if ($read -le 0){break}
$output.Write($buffer, 0, $read)
$urls = @(
foreach ($url in $urls) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile ($url -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1)
DeGZip-File MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv.gz
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3 # create and activate an mostly-empty environment named test, containing only the latest `python-version` and its dependencies
auto-update-conda: true
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install SDePER package
run: |
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sdeper
- name: Extract version number from tag # note to create an environment variable for later reference
run: |
TAG_NAME="${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}"
- name: Test version
run: |
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(runDeconvolution -v | tail -n 1 | grep -o '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+')
if [ "$PACKAGE_VERSION" == "${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}" ]; then
echo "Version matches: $PACKAGE_VERSION"
echo "Version mismatch. Expected ${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}, but got $PACKAGE_VERSION"
exit 1
- name: Test GLRM
run: |
runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
-n 64 \
-use_cvae false \
--lambda_r 0 \
--lambda_g 0 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Test SDePER
run: |
runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_hv_gene 20 \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
--n_pseudo_spot 500 \
--num_hidden_layer 1 \
--use_batch_norm false \
--cvae_train_epoch 100 \
--use_spatial_pseudo true \
-n 64 \
--lambda_r_range_max 20 \
--lambda_r_range_k 2 \
--lambda_g_range_max 20 \
--lambda_g_range_k 2 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Print result
run: |
python --version
runDeconvolution -v
head celltype_proportions.csv -n 5
name: test-conda (${{ matrix.python-version }}, ${{ matrix.os }})
environment: package-test # specify the environment
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# bash login mode is needed for activate environment in Ubuntu and macOS (ref
# cmd in Windows is fine
shell: bash -el {0} # `-e` means the shell will stop executing if any command returns a non-zero status (error). `-l` makes Bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell
fail-fast: false # all job combinations will run to completion even if one of them fails
matrix: # uses a matrix strategy to run multiple test configurations across different operating systems and Python versions
os: ["ubuntu-latest"]
python-version: ["3.9.12", "3.10"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download test files # note to use URL for the raw file
shell: pwsh # Changed the shell to PowerShell for all platforms to ensure consistency in command syntax and behavior across all operating systems
run: |
# a function to decompress .gz file using PowerShell (
Function DeGZip-File{
$outfile = ($infile -replace '\.gz$','')
$input = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $inFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Open), ([IO.FileAccess]::Read), ([IO.FileShare]::Read)
$output = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $outFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Create), ([IO.FileAccess]::Write), ([IO.FileShare]::None)
$gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $input, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
$buffer = New-Object byte[](1024)
$read = $gzipstream.Read($buffer, 0, 1024)
if ($read -le 0){break}
$output.Write($buffer, 0, $read)
$urls = @(
foreach ($url in $urls) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile ($url -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1)
DeGZip-File MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv.gz
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3 # create and activate an mostly-empty environment named test, containing only the latest `python-version` and its dependencies
auto-update-conda: true
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install SDePER package
run: |
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge sdeper
- name: Extract version number from tag # note to create an environment variable for later reference
run: |
TAG_NAME="${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}"
- name: Test version
run: |
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(runDeconvolution -v | tail -n 1 | grep -o '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+')
if [ "$PACKAGE_VERSION" == "${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}" ]; then
echo "Version matches: $PACKAGE_VERSION"
echo "Version mismatch. Expected ${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}, but got $PACKAGE_VERSION"
exit 1
- name: Test GLRM
run: |
runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
-n 64 \
-use_cvae false \
--lambda_r 0 \
--lambda_g 0 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Test SDePER
run: |
runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_hv_gene 20 \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
--n_pseudo_spot 500 \
--num_hidden_layer 1 \
--use_batch_norm false \
--cvae_train_epoch 100 \
--use_spatial_pseudo true \
-n 64 \
--lambda_r_range_max 20 \
--lambda_r_range_k 2 \
--lambda_g_range_max 20 \
--lambda_g_range_k 2 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Print result
run: |
python --version
runDeconvolution -v
head celltype_proportions.csv -n 5
name: test-docker (${{ matrix.os }})
environment: package-test # specify the environment
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# bash login mode is needed for activate environment in Ubuntu and macOS (ref
# cmd in Windows is fine
shell: bash -el {0} # `-e` means the shell will stop executing if any command returns a non-zero status (error). `-l` makes Bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell
fail-fast: false # all job combinations will run to completion even if one of them fails
matrix: # uses a matrix strategy to run multiple test configurations across different operating systems and Python versions
os: ["ubuntu-latest"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download test files # note to use URL for the raw file
shell: pwsh # Changed the shell to PowerShell for all platforms to ensure consistency in command syntax and behavior across all operating systems
run: |
# a function to decompress .gz file using PowerShell (
Function DeGZip-File{
$outfile = ($infile -replace '\.gz$','')
$input = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $inFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Open), ([IO.FileAccess]::Read), ([IO.FileShare]::Read)
$output = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $outFile, ([IO.FileMode]::Create), ([IO.FileAccess]::Write), ([IO.FileShare]::None)
$gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $input, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)
$buffer = New-Object byte[](1024)
$read = $gzipstream.Read($buffer, 0, 1024)
if ($read -le 0){break}
$output.Write($buffer, 0, $read)
$urls = @(
foreach ($url in $urls) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile ($url -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1)
DeGZip-File MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv.gz
- name: Extract version number from tag # note to create an environment variable for later reference
run: |
TAG_NAME="${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}"
- name: Download SDePER image with specific version
run: |
docker pull az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}
- name: Test version
run: |
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(docker run --rm az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }} runDeconvolution -v | tail -n 1 | grep -o '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+')
if [ "$PACKAGE_VERSION" == "${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}" ]; then
echo "Version matches: $PACKAGE_VERSION"
echo "Version mismatch. Expected ${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }}, but got $PACKAGE_VERSION"
exit 1
- name: Test GLRM
run: |
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }} runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
-n 64 \
-use_cvae false \
--lambda_r 0 \
--lambda_g 0 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Test SDePER
run: |
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }} runDeconvolution -q MOB_spatial_spot_nUMI.csv \
-r MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_nUMI.csv \
-c MOB_ref_scRNA_cell_celltype.csv \
-a MOB_spatial_spot_adjacency_matrix.csv \
-l MOB_spatial_spot_loc.csv \
--n_hv_gene 20 \
--n_marker_per_cmp 5 \
--n_pseudo_spot 500 \
--num_hidden_layer 1 \
--use_batch_norm false \
--cvae_train_epoch 100 \
--use_spatial_pseudo true \
-n 64 \
--lambda_r_range_max 20 \
--lambda_r_range_k 2 \
--lambda_g_range_max 20 \
--lambda_g_range_k 2 \
--use_imputation false \
--diagnosis true \
--verbose false
- name: Print result
run: |
docker run --rm az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }} python --version
docker run --rm az7jh2/sdeper:${{ env.VERSION_NUMBER }} runDeconvolution -v
head celltype_proportions.csv -n 5