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NSArray Functional

An Objective-C category that adds functional programming methods to NSArray.


  • Blocks: typedefs for block types
  • Times: call a block several times
  • Generate: call a block several times
  • Range: array with range of numbers
  • Apply: call a block on an object
  • Apply All: call several blocks on an object
  • Call All: call several blocks
  • Copies: array of copies of an object
  • Copies Of: array of copies of an object
  • Each: call a block on each object
  • Every: check if every object passes a test
  • Any: check if any object passes a test
  • Contains Objects: check if an array contains some objects
  • Find: find an object in the array
  • Replace: replace all objects using a dictionary
  • Replace With: replace objects in the array
  • Map: transform each object in the array
  • Indexed Map: transform each object with index
  • Zip Map: call a block on objects from two arrays
  • Matrix Map: create a matrix using another array
  • Square Map: transform all combinations of two values
  • Child Map: transform all children in a 2D array
  • Nested Map: transform all objects in a nested array
  • Map All: call several blocks on each object
  • Filter: objects that pass a test
  • Remove: objects that don't pass a test
  • Filter Objects: objects that are in another array
  • Remove Objects: objects that aren't in another array
  • Reduce: iterate over the array using an accumulator block
  • Sort: sort using a comparator
  • Sort By: sort by performing a calculation on each object
  • Group By: group by performing a calculation on each object
  • Partition: divide into chunks of a given size
  • Partition By: divide into chunks using a block
  • Reverse: reverse the array
  • Unique: remove duplicates
  • Dedupe: remove consecutive duplicates
  • Limit: just a few objects
  • Take Nth: just every nth object
  • Join: convert array to string
  • Nested Join: convert nested array to string
  • Random Object: random object from the array
  • Random Sample: random objects from the array
  • Shuffle: random order
  • Zip: alternating objects from two arrays
  • Flatten: nested array to flat array
  • Concat: concatenate two arrays
  • Min Key: search dictionary for minimum value
  • Max Key: search dictionary for maximum value
  • Four Fours: put it all together!
  • Selectors: converts selectors to blocks
  • Lessons Learned


The following type definitions make working with block types easier.

typedef id(^Generator)(void);

A block that takes no arguments, generates an object and returns it.

typedef id(^Transform)(id);

A block that takes an object, transforms it in some way and returns another object.

typedef id(^Operation)(id, id);

A block that takes two objects, performs and operation on them and returns the result.

typedef BOOL(^Test)(id);

A block that takes an object, performs a test and returns a boolean.



- (NSArray *) times:(Generator)block;

Returns a new array by calling the block a given number of times and returning the results.

NSArray *randomNumbers = [@10 times:randomNumber];

[14, 84, 2, 78, 100, 95, 54, 4, 100, 32]


+ (NSArray *) generate:(Generator)block count:(int)count;

Returns a new array by calling the block a given number of times and returning the results.

NSArray *randomNumbers = [NSArray generate:randomNumber count:10];

[14, 84, 2, 78, 100, 95, 54, 4, 100, 32]

Numbers in Range

+ (NSArray *) numbersInRange:(NSRange)range;

Generates an array of numbers in the given range.

NSArray *numbers = [NSArray numbersInRange:NSMakeRange(1, 100)];

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]



- (id) apply:(Transform)block;

Calls the block on the object and returns the result

[@25 apply:squareRoot]


Apply All


- (NSArray *) applyAll:(NSArray *)blocks;

Calls the blocks on the object and returns the results.

[@4 applyAll: @[decimalPoint, squareRoot, identity, factorial]]

[0.4, 2, 4, 24]

Apply Transforms


- (id) applyTransforms:(NSArray *)blocks;

Calls each of the blocks on the object, passing the result of each call as the input to the next.

[@2.0 applyTransforms: @[square, square, square, square, square]


Call All

- (NSArray *) callAll;

Calls each generator block in the array and returns the results.

NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
Generator timeInterval = ^{
    return [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start]];
[[@5 copiesOf:timeInterval] callAll]




- (NSArray *) copies:(NSUInteger)count;

Returns an array with the recipient a given number of times.

[@"Yeah!" copies:3]

[Yeah!, Yeah!, Yeah!]

Copies Of


- (NSArray *) copiesOf:(id)value;

Returns an array with the same object a given number of times.

[@3 copiesOf: @"Yeah!"]

[Yeah!, Yeah!, Yeah!]


- (void) each:(void(^)(id))block;

Performs the block on each object in the array.

NSArray *colors = @[@"red", @"orange", @"yellow", @"green", @"blue", @"purple"];
[colors each:^(id value) {
    NSLog(@"%@", value);



- (BOOL) every:(Test)block;

Returns true if the block returns true for every object in the array.

[colors every:^BOOL(id value) {
    return [value contains: @"e"];



- (BOOL) any:(Test)block;

Returns true if the block returns true for any object in the array.

[colors any:^BOOL(id value) {
    return [value length] > 6;


Contains Objects

- (BOOL) containsObjects:(NSArray *)objects;

Returns true if the array contains all of the objects.

[colors containsObjects: @[@"blue", @"purple"]]



- (id) find:(Test)block;

Returns the first object in the array for which the block returns true.

[colors find:^BOOL(id value) {
    return [value length] == 4;



- (NSArray *) replace:(NSDictionary *)dict;

Returns an array by looking up each object in the dictionary and replacing it with the corresponding value.

NSDictionary *frenchColors = @{
    @"red": @"rouge",
    // orange is the same
    @"yellow": @"jaune",
    @"green": @"vert",
    @"blue": @"bleu",
    @"purple": @"violet",
[colors replace:frenchColors]

[rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu, violet]

Replace With

- (NSArray *) replace:(id)object with:(id)other;

Replaces all occurences of an object with another object.

[colors replace:@"blue" with:@"turquoise"]

[red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, purple]


- (NSArray *) map:(Transform)block;

Calls the block on every object in the array and returns an array of the results.

[colors map:^(id value) {
    return [NSNumber numberWithLong: [value length]];

[3, 6, 6, 5, 4, 6]

Indexed Map

- (NSArray *) indexedMap:(id(^)(NSUInteger, id))block;

Calls the block on every object in the array along with the index and returns an array of the results.

[colors indexedMap:^(NSUInteger i, id value) {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%lu %@", i, value];

[0 red, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 3 green, 4 blue, 5 purple]

Zip Map

- (NSArray *) zip:(NSArray *)objects map:(Operation)block;

Given another array of the same length, iterates over both arrays and calls the block on one object from each array.

[numbers zip:colors map:^(id number, id color) {
    return [number copiesOf:color];

[orange, orange]
[yellow, yellow, yellow]
[green, green, green, green]
[blue, blue, blue, blue, blue]
[purple, purple, purple, purple, purple, purple]

Matrix Map

- (NSArray *) matrix:(NSArray *)objects map:(Operation)block;

Creates a matrix that is the result of calling the block on every combination of objects from this and the other array.

[numbers matrix:colors map:^(id number, id color) {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@", number, color];

[1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 purple]
[2 red, 2 orange, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 blue, 2 purple]
[3 red, 3 orange, 3 yellow, 3 green, 3 blue, 3 purple]
[4 red, 4 orange, 4 yellow, 4 green, 4 blue, 4 purple]
[5 red, 5 orange, 5 yellow, 5 green, 5 blue, 5 purple]
[6 red, 6 orange, 6 yellow, 6 green, 6 blue, 6 purple]
[7 red, 7 orange, 7 yellow, 7 green, 7 blue, 7 purple]
[8 red, 8 orange, 8 yellow, 8 green, 8 blue, 8 purple]
[9 red, 9 orange, 9 yellow, 9 green, 9 blue, 9 purple]
[10 red, 10 orange, 10 yellow, 10 green, 10 blue, 10 purple]

Square Map

- (NSArray *) squareMap:(Operation)block;

Returns a matrix that is the result of calling the block with every combination of two objects from the array. Equivalent to passing self to matrix:map:.

NSArray *multiplicationTable = [numbers squareMap:product];

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
[3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30]
[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40]
[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50]
[6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60]
[7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70]
[8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80]
[9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90]
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

Child Map

- (NSArray *) childMap:(Transform)block;

Given an array of arrays, returns the result of mapping the block on every array in the array.

[multiplicationTable childMap:twice]

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40]
[6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60]
[8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80]
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
[12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120]
[14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126, 140]
[16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160]
[18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180]
[20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200]

Nested Map

- (NSArray *) nestedMap:(Transform)block;

Given a deeply nested array, returns a nested array of the results of calling the block on each item.

NSArray *nested = @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @[@4, @[@5, @[@6]]]]];
[nested nestedMap:square]

[[1, 4], [9, [16, [25, [36]]]]]

Map All

- (NSArray *) mapAll:(NSArray *)blocks;

Given an array of blocks, returns an array of arrays generated by calling all of the blocks on each object.

[numbers mapAll: @[identity, square, squareRoot]]

[1, 1, 1]
[2, 4, 1.414213562373095]
[3, 9, 1.732050807568877]
[4, 16, 2]
[5, 25, 2.23606797749979]
[6, 36, 2.449489742783178]
[7, 49, 2.645751311064591]
[8, 64, 2.82842712474619]
[9, 81, 3]
[10, 100, 3.16227766016838]


- (NSArray *) generators:(Transform)block;

Returns an array of generator blocks that close over each value in the array and pass it to the transform block.

NSArray *greeters = [numbers generators:^(id number) {
    return [number copiesOf: @"hi"];
[greeters callAll]

[hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]
[hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi]


- (NSArray *) transforms:(Operation)block;

Returns an array of transform blocks that close over each value in the array and pass it to the operation block as the first value.

[@3 applyAll: [numbers transforms:product]]

[3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30]

NSArray *repeaters = [[numbers limit:3] transforms:^(id number, id value) {
    return [number copiesOf: value];
[colors mapAll:repeaters]

[[red], [red, red], [red, red, red]]
[[orange], [orange, orange], [orange, orange, orange]]
[[yellow], [yellow, yellow], [yellow, yellow, yellow]]
[[green], [green, green], [green, green, green]]
[[blue], [blue, blue], [blue, blue, blue]]
[[purple], [purple, purple], [purple, purple, purple]]


- (NSArray *) filter:(Test)block;

Returns an array consisting of all the objects in the array for which the block returns true.

[colors filter:^BOOL(id value) {
  return [value length] == 6;

[orange, yellow, purple]

[randomNumbers filter:^BOOL(id value) {
  return [value intValue] % 2 == 0;

[14, 84, 2, 78, 100, 54, 4, 100, 32]


- (NSArray *) remove:(Test)block;

Returns an array consisting of all the objects in the array for which the block returns false.

[colors remove:^BOOL(id value) {
  return [value hasPrefix: @"g"];

[red, orange, yellow, blue, purple]

[randomNumbers remove:^BOOL(id value) {
  return [value intValue] > 50;

[14, 2, 4, 32]

Filter Objects

- (NSArray *) filterObjectsIn:(NSArray *)objects;

Returns just the objects that are in the other array.

[target filterObjectsIn:fours4]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100]

Remove Objects

- (NSArray *) removeObjectsIn:(NSArray *)objects;

Returns just the objects that are not in the other array.

[target removeObjectsIn:fours4]

[73, 77, 81, 87, 93, 99]


- (id) reduce:(id(^)(id acc, id object))block;
- (id) reduce:(id(^)(id acc, id object))block initial:(id)initial;

Reduces the array using a block. Each time the block is called, it is passed the accumulator value and one object from the array, and returns a new accumulator value. The function takes an initial value and returns the final accumulator value. If the initial value is nil, uses the first value as the initial value.

[colors reduce:^(id acc, id object) {
    return [object length] <= [acc length] ? object : acc;


Operation sum = ^(NSNumber *value1, NSNumber *value2) {
    return [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [value1 doubleValue] + [value2 doubleValue]];
[numbers reduce:sum initial:0])



- (NSArray *) sort;

Returns an array sorted using the compare: selector.

- (NSArray *) sort:(NSComparator)block;

Returns an array sorted using the comparator block. Alias for sortedArrayUsingComparator:.

[colors sort]
[colors sort:^(NSString *a, NSString *b) {
    return [a compare: b];

[blue, green, orange, purple, red, yellow]

Sort By

- (NSArray *) sortBy:(NSUInteger(^)(id object))block;

Returns an array sorted by calling the block on each object and comparing the resulting integers.

[colors sortBy:^(id value) {
  return [value length];

[red, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple]

Group By

- (NSDictionary *) groupBy:(Transform)block;

Returns a dictionary where the key is the result of calling the block on each object in the array and the value is an array of objects with the same key.

[colors groupBy:^(id value) {
    return [NSNumber numberWithInt: [value length]];

{3: [red], 6: [orange, yellow, purple], 4: [blue], 5: [green]}

[colors groupBy:^(id value) {
    return [value substringToIndex:1];

{r: [red], y: [yellow], g: [green], b: [blue], p: [purple], o: [orange]}

[numbers groupBy:^(id value) {
    return [value intValue] % 2 == 0 ? @"even" : @"odd";

{odd: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], even: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]}


- (NSArray *) partition:(NSUInteger)size;

Divide the array into chunks of a given size.

[colors partition:2]

[[red, orange], [yellow, green], [blue, purple]]

[numbers partition:3]

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10]]

Partition By

- (NSArray *) partitionBy:(Transform)block

Divide the array into chunks, forming a new chunk each time the block returns a different value.

[colors partitionBy:^(id value) {
    return [NSNumber numberWithLong: [value length]];

[[red], [orange, yellow], [green], [blue], [purple]]

[randomNumbers partitionBy:^(id value) {
    return [NSNumber numberWithBool: [value intValue] % 2];

[[14, 84, 2, 78, 100], [95], [54, 4, 100, 32]]


- (NSArray *) reverse;

Returns an array with the objects reversed.

[colors reverse]

[purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red]

[colors reverse]

[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]


- (NSArray *) unique;

Returns an array with only the unique objects from the array. The order of the results is undefined.

NSArray *dupes = @[@1, @1, @1, @2, @2, @3];
[dupes unique]

[1, 2, 3]


- (NSArray *) dedupe;

Returns an array with the consecutive duplicates removed.

NSArray *dupes = @[@1, @1, @1, @2, @2, @3, @1, @2, @3];
[dupes dedupe]

[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]


- (NSArray *) limit:(int)limit;

Returns an initial slice of the array with a length up to the limit.

[colors limit:3]

[red, orange, yellow]

[numbers limit:3]

[1, 2, 3]

Take Nth

- (NSArray *) takeNth:(int)n;

Returns every nth object from the array, starting with the first.

[colors takeNth:2]

[red, yellow, blue]

[numbers takeNth:3]

[1, 4, 7, 10]


- (NSString *) join;

Joins the items in the array using commas, in square brackets.

[colors join:]

[red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple]

- (NSString *) join:(NSString *)separator;

Joins the items in the array using the separator. Alias for componentsJoinedByString:.

[colors join: @" - "]

red - orange - yellow - green - blue - purple

Nested Join

- (NSString *) nestedJoin;

Recursively joins the items in the array using commas, in square brackets.

[@[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @[@4, @[@5, @[@6]]]]] nestedJoin]

[[1, 2], [3, [4, [5, [6]]]]]

Random Object

- (id) randomObject;

Returns a random object from the array.

[colors randomObject]


Random Sample

- (NSArray *) randomSample:(double)probability;

Returns a sample of objects from the array, included with the given probability.

[colors randomSample:0.5]

[orange, green, blue]

[[NSArray range:NSMakeRange(1,100)] randomSample:0.1]

[4, 6, 19, 24, 28, 32, 45, 46, 50, 88]


- (NSArray *) shuffle;

Returns an array with the objects in a random order.

[colors shuffle]

[blue, orange, red, green, yellow, purple]

[numbers shuffle]

[1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 5, 9, 4, 3, 10]


- (NSArray *) zip:(NSArray *)objects;

Interleaves items with objects from the other array. The length does not need to be the same.

[numbers zip:colors]

[1, red, 2, orange, 3, yellow, 4, green, 5, blue, 6, purple, 7, 8, 9, 10]


- (NSArray *) flatten;

Returns the items in the array, flattening any arrays.

NSArray *nested = @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @[@4, @[@5, @[@6]]]]];
[nested flatten]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


- (NSArray *) concat:(NSArray *)objects;

Alias for arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:.

[colors concat:numbers]

[red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Min Key


- (id) minKey:(double(^)(id))block;

Returns the key for which calling the block on the value returns the smallest number.

NSDictionary *colorValues = @{
    @"red": @[@245, @27, @55],
    @"orange": @[@231, @119, @41],
    @"yellow": @[@254, @232, @23],
    @"green": @[@24, @180, @46],
    @"blue": @[@12, @129, @245],
    @"purple": @[@224, @41, @224],
    @"white": @[@233, @233, @233],
    @"black": @[@20, @20, @20]
NSArray *testValue = @[@255, @0, @0];
[colorValues minKey:^(id colorValue) {
    return [[[[colorValue zip:testValue map:difference] map:square] reduce:sum] doubleValue];


Max Key


- (id) maxKey:(double(^)(id))block;

Returns the key for which calling the block on the value returns the largest number.

NSDictionary *numberNames = @{
    @"one": @1,
    @"ten": @10,
    @"hundred": @100,
    @"thousand": @1000,
    @"million": @1000000,
    @"billion": @1000000000,
[numberNames maxKey:^(id number) {
    return [number doubleValue];


Four Fours

How many numbers between 1 and 100 can you make using the number four four times, and mathematical operations?

Using functional programming, we can reduce the main function of the program to a one-liner!

NSArray *combineFours(NSArray *foursA, NSArray *foursB) {
    return [[[[[[[foursA matrix:foursB map:[Tuple make]]
                 nestedMap:[Tuple bothWays]]
               mapAll: @[add, subtract, multiply, divide]]

void fourFours() {
    NSArray *target = [NSArray range:NSMakeRange(1, 100)];
    NSArray *fours1 = [@4 applyAll: @[decimalPoint, squareRoot, identity, factorial]];
    NSArray *fours2 = combineFours(fours1, fours1);
    NSArray *fours3 = combineFours(fours1, fours2);
    NSArray *fours4 = [combineFours(fours1, fours3) concat:
                       combineFours(fours2, fours2)];
    NSLog(@"Found: %@", [target filterObjectsIn:fours4]);
    NSLog(@"Missing: %@", [target removeObjectsIn:fours4]);

Found: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100
Missing: 73, 77, 81, 87, 93, 99


Selectors describe the name of a method, but cannot be used like blocks. These functions transform selectors into blocks that are compatible with functional programming.

Transform transformFromSelector(SEL selector);

Given a selector that takes no arguments, returns a transform block that will call the selector on an object and return the result.

NSArray *transformsFromSelectors(SEL selectors[]);

Given a NULL-terminated C array of selectors that take no arguments, returns an array of transform blocks that will call the selector on an object and return the result.

Operation operationFromSelector(SEL selector);

Given a selector that takes one argument, returns an operation block that will call the selector on the first object with the second object and return the result.

NSArray *operationsFromSelectors(SEL selectors[]);

Given a NULL-terminated C array of selectors that take one argument, returns an array of operation blocks that will call the selector on the first object with the second object and return the result.

SEL caseSelectors[] = {
[colors mapAll:transformsFromSelectors(caseSelectors)]

[red, Red, RED]
[orange, Orange, ORANGE]
[yellow, Yellow, YELLOW]
[green, Green, GREEN]
[blue, Blue, BLUE]
[purple, Purple, PURPLE]

- (NSString *) ish: (NSString *) color {
    return [self isEqual: color] ? self : [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ish-%@", self, color];

[colors squareMap:operationFromSelector(@selector(ish:))]

[red, redish-orange, redish-yellow, redish-green, redish-blue, redish-purple]
[orangeish-red, orange, orangeish-yellow, orangeish-green, orangeish-blue, orangeish-purple]
[yellowish-red, yellowish-orange, yellow, yellowish-green, yellowish-blue, yellowish-purple]
[greenish-red, greenish-orange, greenish-yellow, green, greenish-blue, greenish-purple]
[blueish-red, blueish-orange, blueish-yellow, blueish-green, blue, blueish-purple]
[purpleish-red, purpleish-orange, purpleish-yellow, purpleish-green, purpleish-blue, purple]


void background(id(^block)(void), void(^completion)(id));

Performs the first block in the background, and then calls the second block in the foreground with the return value of the first block.

    return @"It worked!";
}, ^(id result){
    NSLog(@"Result: %@", result);

Lessons Learned

  • Blocks were added in Objective-C 2.0, and relatively few functional methods are are built in. But new functionality can be added to base classes using categories.
  • Function names are verbose, like sortedArrayUsingComparator:. But it’s easy to add aliases like sort: that call existing functions.
  • The block syntax is attrocious, but typedefs can be used to make block type syntax manageable. Block return types can usually be inferred.
  • Methods, functions and operators cannot be used interchangably with blocks. If you want the functionality of a method, function or operator, you have to wrap it in a new block.
  • Scalars cannot be added to an array, but must be wrapped in NSNumber objects. However you can’t do math with NSNumber objects, which must be unwrapped to perform calculations.
  • Blocks are closures and can close over variables in the scope where they are defined.
  • Blocks can be added to NSArrays and enumerated using for loops.