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A telegram bot that helps to calculate the financial expenses of a family. Inspired by an article in Tinkoff journal


  1. Install globally localtunnel

  2. Run webhook server with lt --port 4444 --subdomain scroogie-test

  3. Create PostgreSQL database for project

  4. Create .env file at the root of the project with the following variables:

  • APP_URL - url of the webserver, for example
  • APP_PORT - port of webserver
  • DATABASE_HOST - host of PostgreSQL database, for example localhost
  • DATABASE_NAME - name of PostgreSQL database
  • DATABASE_USER - user that has access to PostgreSQL database
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD - password of the database
  • GIPHY_API_KEY - API key for Giphy
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_HELPER_TOKEN - token of helper bot (for DB dumps)
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_HELPER_USER - bot admin ID, for example 109470339
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - our bot token
  • TELEGRAM_USERS - array of Telegram user ids


Pull requests are welcome.


MIT © Azat S.