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Config Description

azhuge233 edited this page Oct 12, 2023 · 3 revisions


Name Type Default Description
EnableTelegram bool true Enable/Disable Telegram notification.
TelegramToken string Empty as in "" Telegram Bot token.
TelegramChatID string Empty as in "" Telegram user chat id.


Name Type Default Description
EnableBark bool false Enable/Disable Bark notification.
BarkAddress string Bark server address.
Do NOT add additional slash(/) at the end of the string.
BarkToken string Empty as in "" Bark device token.


go-cqhttp (Deprecated)

Before enabling this notify function, you need to setup go-cqhttp server first. You can find the instructions here.

Name Type Default Description
EnableQQ bool false Enable/Disable QQ notification.
QQAddress string go-cqhttp server address.
Do NOT add additional http:// at the head of the string.
Program will use http protocol in default.
QQPort int 5700 go-cqhttp server listening port.
ToQQID string Empty as in "" Receiver's QQ ID.

Red Protocol (Chronocat)

An alternative way to send notifications to QQ, since go-cqhttp is coming to an end go-cqhttp/issues/2471.

Before enabling this notify function, you need to setup Chronocat server first. You can find the instructions here.

Name Type Default Description
EnableRed bool false Enable/Disable QQ Red notification.
RedAddress string Red server (Chronocat) address.
Program uses websocket by default.
RedPort int 16530 Red server (Chronocat) listening port.
RedToken string Empty as in "" Red server authorization token.
ToQQID string Empty as in "" Receiver's QQ ID.

Both go-cqhttp and Red Protocol uses the same ToQQID, that means:

  • ToQQID should always be set when one of them is enabled.
  • If both of them are enabled, notifications will be sent to the same ToQQID.


Before enabling PushPlus notify function, sign up PushPlus to get a token first.

Name Type Default Description
EnablePushPlus bool false Enable/Disable PushPlus notification.
PushPlusToken string Empty as in "" PushPlus token.


You need to setup a DingTalk bot to use this funtion. Documentation can be found at 企业自建单聊机器人.

A webhook link, which contains the DingTalkBotToken (as in access_token), will be generated after adding a bot to a group.

Name Type Default Description
EnableDingTalk bool false Enable/Disable DingTalk notification.
DingTalkBotToken string Empty as in "" DingTalk group bot access token.


Once you add the device and key in PushDeer App, fill PushDeerToken with the PushDeer key.

Name Type Default Description
EnablePushDeer bool false Enable/Disable PushDeer notification.
PushDeerToken string Empty as in "" PushDeer key.


Get your Discord channel Webhook URL first.

Name Type Default Description
EnableDiscord bool false Enable/Disable Discord notification.
DiscordWebhookURL string Empty as in "" Discord Webhook URL.


Name Type Default Description
EnableEmail bool false Enable/Disable email notification.
SMTPServer string Empty as in "" SMTP server address, in smtp.xxxxx.xxxx format.
SMTPPort int 465 Default SMTP port.
FromEmailAddress string Empty as in "" Sender's mail address.
ToEmailAddress string Empty as in "" Receiver's mail address.
AuthAccount string Empty as in "" SMTP authentication account.
AuthPassword string Empty as in "" SMTP authentication password.
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