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Github Sponsor

Github Sponsor is open source applications for generate all sponsor github to image/png, this open source use technology (DART & Flutter).

This library create because i'want add github sponsor image on readme all my repositories so, i don't use time for useless

Technology / Framework / Depencies

  1. DART
  2. FLUTTER Generate Image
  3. XVFB Run Application without gpu or monitor (on server / github action)

Why Need Flutter

i don't have skills make image with svg / or canvas in dart, so i use flutter because flutter is very easy for make any widget and can save to image, so i don't need learn canvas for generate this image hehe 😦

How Work

Cara program ini bekerja, pertama kami menjalankan program xvfb di dart, hal ini kami lakukan sekalian check file sponsor apakah ada / tidak jika ada akan di hapus dahulu,

setelah berhasil jalan, applikasi automatis akan menggenerate gambar sponsor lalu mempublikasikan ke github repo setelah itu maka program akan automatis berhenti


Name Example Value Description
token_github ghp_ we need token for publish image result to repo
username_github azkadev we need username github for fetch data sponsor list
repo_github azkadev/azkadev we need repo for location release image result
release_tag_name sponsor we need tag name for location release
image_name sponsor.png
repo_update_github azkadev/general azkadev/general_framework azkadev/akadev

Example Github Actions

Example Result

I don't have expert or high value for design, if you wan't other style you can create issue in here