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MLBD - Nuxt 3 Boilerplate

How to Install and Run the Project

Step 1:

Make a .env file in the root directory. Put the below line:


Step 2:

Make sure to install the dependencies:

# yarn
yarn install

# npm
npm install

# pnpm
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist

Run in Development Server

npm run dev

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

How to Prepare the Project for Production Build

Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview

Checkout the deployment documentation for more information.

List of Contents Included

  1. Routing example
  2. How to components create and declare.
  3. Custom Single Fetch instance using useFecth hook and how to handle GET, POST, PUT, PATCH operations
  4. Composables example
  5. Pages Layouts declaration and hide/show layout according to route change
  6. Route Middleware example
  7. Typescript support
  8. Internationalization Support (using @nuxtjs/i18n)
  9. Theming support (using @nuxtjs/color-mode)
  10. State management (Pinia using @pinia/nuxt)
  11. SSR, SSG, CSR, SWR page example
  12. Basic example of custom directive and plugin
  13. Sass Support
  14. Basic Error handling
  15. Charjs example using vue components. (using vue-chartjs and chart.js)
  16. Reactiviy and ref example with form component.
  17. Form component validation (using @vuelidate/core)
  18. Integrated eslint, prettier, commitlint, husky and lint staged

Look at more the nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.


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