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caflint CI

⚠️ This solution, offered by the Open-Source community, will no longer receive contributions from Microsoft. Customers are encouraged to transition to Microsoft Azure Verified Modules for continued support and updates.

caflint is a linter that can validate configurations for the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones on Terraform (caf)

CAF uses .tfvars configuration files to define resources to deploy on Azure. Caflint valies that the tfvars file is syntactically correct and also ensures that configurations in the file are valid inputs for the specified landing zone.


go install 


  • linting:

  • Show all available configuration options:


Before using caflint please ensure you have a valid CAF landing zone and configurations folder.

For testing purposes you can clone the following repos :

  • git clone .caf/landingzones
  • git clone .caf/configs


caflint accepts either command line configurations or a .caflint.hcl configuration file. A combination of both can also be used.


config {
  landingZonePath = "<Path to landing zone folder>"
  configPath = "<Path to configurations folder>"

example (assuming the testing repos from above):

config {
  landingZonePath = ".caf/landingzones/caf_solution"
  configPath = ".caf/configs/configuration/demo/level2/networking/hub"

cli arguments

The following options can be passed into caflint. These can be used with the .caflint.hcl file or without.

  • -lz <path to landing zone>

    Example: caflint -lz .caf/landingzone/caf_solution

  • -var-folder <path to configuration folder>

    Example: caflint -var-folder .caf/configs/networking

  • -show-all Lists all possible configurations for the given landing zone.

    Example: caflint -var-folder .caf/configs/networking -show-all

If a a .caflint.hcl file exists, the configurations will be loaded from there first, but options passed in via the cli will always take precedence.

It is also possible to pas sin both -lz and -var-folder without a .caflint.hcl file.

Example: caflint -lz .caf/landingzone/caf_solution -var-folder .caf/configs/networking


make build

This will build an caflint executable in the bin directory.

Running Tests

From the root of the repo tests can be invoked via the make file and make test

or directly using go test ./... -v

Return Codes

caflint uses specific return codes to indicate different fail conditions. Please see return_codes.go

Code Constant Description
0 SUCCESS Linting passed, all paths are valid
1 LINT_ERROR Paths are valid, but there are caf lint errors
2 FILE_OR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND Invalid path, usually the landingzone or configuration path
3 INVALID_FILE_FORMAT A file it nor formatted correctly
4 INVALID_TFVARS_SYNTAX one of the .tvfars file is malformed
5 INVALID_VARIABLE_FILE_SYNTAX One of the variables.*.tf files in the landing zone is malformed
6 NO_TFVARS_FOUND No files with a .tfvars extension found in the config path
7 NO_VARIABLE_FILES_FOUND No files with the format variables.*.tf found in the landing zone path