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Allows breadcrumbs to be placed before and after the content on a post, page or other post type.

The getbreadcrumbs() function can be added to a theme template to position the breadcrumbs elsewhere on the page such as before the post heading; the [getbreadcrumbs] shortcode can also be used to place breadcrumbs.

Function usage, to avoid errors if the plugin is not active is:

if (function_exists(azrcrv_getbreadcrumbs)){
	echo azrcrv_getbreadcrumbs('arrow');

Shortcode usage is [getbreadcrumbs=arrow] or [getbreadcrumbs=text] to choose between arrow and text breadcrumbs.

The plugin supports both text based and arrow breadcrumbs; styles maintainable via the admin console.

Backward compatibility for those migrating from WordPress to ClassicPress has been maintained by retaining the azc_b_getbreadcrumbs() function..

This plugin is multisite compatible; each site will need settings to be configured in the admin dashboard.

== Installation ==

Installation Instructions

  • Download the latest release of the plugin from GitHub.
  • Upload the entire zip file using the Plugins upload function in your ClassicPress admin panel.
  • Activate the plugin.
  • Configure relevant settings via the configuration page in the admin control panel (azurecurve menu).

About azurecurve

azurecurve was one of the first plugin developers to start developing for Classicpress; all plugins are available from azurecurve Development and are integrated with the Update Manager plugin for fully integrated, no hassle, updates.

The other plugins available from azurecurve are: