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A ggplot2 layer for drawing brackets annotated with p-values and significance testing between barplot samples.


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A ggplot2 layer for drawing brackets annotated with p-values and significance testing between barplot samples.


Alex Azzo

What is it

ggBrackets is a very small R package which allows the adding of brackets and significance testing between samples/observations in ggplot2, a simple task which I found difficult and finicky to accomplish natively in ggplot. ggBrackets was specifically written for use with geom_bar() and has not been tested thoroughly with other geometries yet.


The two primary functions in ggBrackets are:

  1. gg_bracket_between() - draws the bracket between two samples
  2. gg_ttest_between() - peforms a 2-sample t-test and displays the resulting p-value on the plot

A third function, gg_value_between(), allows user specified text to appear between bars. This gives the flexibility to use the output of any statistical method in R with ggBrackets.

Some features of the package are:

  • Support for grouped or non grouped bargraphs natively
  • Option to display either p-values or several levels of stars to indicate significance
  • Automatic height adjustment based on the height of the two bars
  • Easy extra_y_space parameter to fine tune the vertical location of the brackets/p-values
  • Utilizes its own t_test2 function which allows summary statistics (mean, sd, n) in the dataframe to be used instead of sample vectors
  • Support for both equal (Student's) and unequal variance (Welch) t-test

That's about it!


The best way to install ggBrackets right now is by first installing the devtools R package.


And then install the latest version from the Github repository using install_github.


Data preparation

ggBrackets is designed to work with 'tidy data' formatting guidelines where

  1. Each variable is in a column
  2. Each observation is a row
  3. Each value is a cell

Data formatted in this way is also the most convenient to use with ggplot2 anyways. Additionally, gg_ttest_between() requires

  1. One column containing observation means data
  2. One column containing observation standard deviation data
  3. One column containing the n (number of replicates) of the observation

Basic Usage


# Data from ToothGrowth built in R dataset
ToothGrowth$dose <- as.factor(ToothGrowth$dose)
ToothGrowth$supp <- as.factor(ToothGrowth$supp)

tg <- data.frame()
for(dose in levels(ToothGrowth$dose)) {
    for(supp in levels(ToothGrowth$supp)) {
        len_mean <- mean(ToothGrowth[ToothGrowth$dose == dose & ToothGrowth$supp == supp, 'len'])
        len_sd <- sd(ToothGrowth[ToothGrowth$dose == dose & ToothGrowth$supp == supp, 'len'])
        len_n <- length(ToothGrowth[ToothGrowth$dose == dose & ToothGrowth$supp == supp, 'len'])
        tmp_df <- data.frame(len_mean, len_sd, len_n, supp, dose)
        tg <- rbind(tg, tmp_df)
rm(dose, supp, len_mean, len_n, len_sd, tmp_df)

# Standard grouped ggplot bargraph with error bars
p <- ggplot(tg, aes(x = supp, y = len_mean, fill = dose)) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = len_mean + len_sd, ymin = len_mean - len_sd),
                  position = position_dodge(width=0.9), width = 0.25) +
    xlab('Supplement') +
    ylab('Tooth Length')

# Minor theme tweaks for viewability 
p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 24, hjust = 0.5),
               axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
               axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
               legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
               legend.title = element_text(size = 14))

# Default ggplot2 bargraph

Default graph

# With ggBrackets
p + 
    # Between OJ-dose1 and OJ-dose2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 1, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 1, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 5)

ggBrackets graph

# Multiple brackets
p + 
    # Between OJ-dose1 and OJ-dose 2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 1, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 1, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 5) +
    # Between VC-dose1 and VC-dose 2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'VC', sample2 = 'VC', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 1, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'VC', sample2 = 'VC', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 1, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 5) +
    # Between OJ-dose2 and VC-dose2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'VC', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 2, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 10) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'VC', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 2, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 10)

Mult graph

# With stars instead of p-values
p + 
    # Between OJ-dose1 and OJ-dose 2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 1, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'OJ', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 1, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 5, p_value_star = T) +
    # Between VC-dose1 and VC-dose 2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'VC', sample2 = 'VC', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 1, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'VC', sample2 = 'VC', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 1, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 5, p_value_star = T) +
    # Between OJ-dose2 and VC-dose2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'VC', 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', group_col = 'dose', group1 = 2, group2 = 2,
                       extra_y_space = 10) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg, sample_col = 'supp', sample1 = 'OJ', sample2 = 'VC', 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', group_col = 'dose',
                     group1 = 2, group2 = 2, extra_y_space = 10, p_value_star = T)

Mult star graph

Works great for single group bar graphs as well, simply leave out the group parameters.

# Single group graph
tg_oj <- tg[tg$supp == 'OJ', c('dose', 'len_mean', 'len_sd', 'len_n')]

p <- ggplot(tg_oj, aes(x = dose, y = len_mean)) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = len_mean + len_sd, ymin = len_mean - len_sd),
                  width = 0.25) +
    xlab('OJ dose') +
    ylab('Tooth Length')
p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 24, hjust = 0.5),
               axis.title = element_text(size = 14),
               axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
               legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
               legend.title = element_text(size = 14))

p +
    # Between dose1 and dose2
    gg_bracket_between(data = tg_oj, sample_col = 'dose', sample1 = 1, sample2 = 2, 
                       mean_col = 'len_mean', extra_y_space = 5) +
    gg_ttest_between(data = tg_oj, sample_col = 'dose', sample1 = 1, sample2 = 2, 
                     mean_col = 'len_mean', sd_col = 'len_sd', n_col = 'len_n', extra_y_space = 5)

Single graph


A ggplot2 layer for drawing brackets annotated with p-values and significance testing between barplot samples.







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