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Perl scripts for the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method


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GCPSR (Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition)

This package contains perl scripts for the implementation of the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method. The detailed description of the algorithm, its implementation and recommendations are published as Additional file 2 in Brankovics, B., van Dam, P., Rep, M., de Hoog, G.S., van der Lee, T.A.J., Waalwijk, C. and van Diepeningen, A.D. Mitochondrial genomes reveal recombination in the presumed asexual Fusarium oxysporum species complex. BMC Genomics (2017) 18: 735. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-4116-5

Theory behind this method

A brief theoretical background for GCPSR is included in this repository (see md/ You can find more information in the main text of the publication, in Addtional file 2 and the articled referred to by this repository and by the publication.


You need to have perl 5 on your computer (on Mac and Linux this is by default installed).

The scripts in this repository use the Bio::Tree::Tree package.

# To install using cpan
cpan Bio::Tree::Tree

Data preprocessing

It is important to ensure that the right input trees are used for the GCPSR analysis. The majority-rule consensus trees produced from single locus phylogenies have to meet the following requirements:

  • Trees are rooted using the same outgroup
  • The outgroup contains at least two strains
  • The clades have bootstrap (BS) or Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) support values
  • Support values appear as internal node names (e.g. (((A,B)80,(C,D)92)100,(X,Y)100) or with branch lengths: (((A:0.03,B:0.02)80:0.07,(C:0.04,D:0.01)92:0.05)100:0.10,(X:0.07,Y:0.04)100:0.2))
  • Trees are in either newick ("*.nwk") or nexus ("*.nex.*.t" or "*.nex.*.tre") format and have one of the file extensions recognized by the scripts

Perl scripts

To print the usage information for the scripts, run

perl -h


perl -h

To run both steps with a minimal support of two

./ -count=2 *.nwk | ./ - -count=2 >gcpsr.nwk

Step 1: Concordance and non-discordance analysis

The script takes newick or nexus tree files (one tree per file!) as input and outputs a tree by keeping clades that are highly supported by single gene trees and are not conflicting with other clades with the same level of support.

Important: the names of the individuals/strains in the tree files have to agree across files and all the strains have to be present in all of the tree files.

The script has two parameters: the minimum support value (-min=<int>) to keep a clade as a potential concordant clade and the minimum number (-count=<int>) of single gene trees containing the given clade with sufficient support. (Default values are -min=95 and -count=1: a clade has at least 95 as support value and is found in at least 1 of the trees with that support.)

Step 2. Exhaustive subdivision

The script takes a single newick or nexus tree as input and does the exhaustive subdivision analysis and classifies all the individuals/strains into well (defined by -count=<int>) supported phylogenetic species.


Minimum support

Specified by -min=<int> using Default value is 95. Recommended value for trees with bootstrap support at least is 70, for trees with Bayesian posterior probability 0.95 (or 95 in percentage representation).

Ensures that only highly supported clades are recognized as concordant or phylogenetic species.

Discordance threshold

Specified by -count=<init> using Default value is 2. It is recommended to keep this value as low as possible.

Ensures that only those clades have to be compared for discordance that are concordant through multiple single locus phylogenies. This is needed when analyzing large numbers of loci for which we do not know whether they are under balancing selection or other influences that would compromise phylogenetic species recognition. Before identifying definitive phylogenetic species all trees that suggest conflicting groupings, should be carefully analyzed why they should be "ignored" (e.g. mating type loci and TRI gene cluster in Fusarium graminearum species complex are under balancing selection; or if the locus is difficult to align, which produces uncertainty in the correct homology estimation in the alignment.)

Concordance threshold

Specified by -count=<init> using Default value is 1. It is recommended have the majority of the loci supporting the recognition of the phylogenetic species (n/2+1, where n is the number of loci analyzed; e.g. 3 out of 4).

Ensures that only those lineages are recognized as phylogenetic species that are well-supported in a large number of the single locus phylogenies (preferably by the majority).


Example analyses using 4 test tree files:

./  files-for-testing/* -min=95 -count=1 | ./ - -count=3

This analysis recognizes three phylogenetic species in the test data set:

  • outgroup: (X,Y)
  • PS1: (A,B,C)
  • PS2: (D,E,F,G)

Because these clades were highly supported (>= 95) in at least 3 single locus phylogenies (out of the 4). Although, both (D,E) and (F,G) clades were highly supported in 3 trees these are removed, because the following clades (D,F) and (E,G) were also highly supported that were in conflict with clades (D,E) and (F,G).

./  files-for-testing/* -min=95 -count=2 | ./ - -count=3

This analysis recognizes three phylogenetic species in the test data set:

  • outgroup: (X,Y)
  • PS1: (A,B,C)
  • PS2: (D,E)
  • PS3: (F,G)

Because these clades were highly supported (>= 95) in at least 3 single locus phylogenies (out of the 4). Since a clade was only considered as concordant if it is supported by at least two trees, clades were (D,E) and (F,G) were not contradicted by other concordant clades.

GCPSR as implemented in this repository

Step 1. (Concordance and non-discordance analysis)

  1. Individual single locus gene trees are searched for clades with high support (support >= <int>, <int> comes from the -min=<int> argument).
  2. Highly supported clades are screened for concordance. Only those highly supported clades are considered as concordant that are present in at least <int> single locus gene trees (<int> comes from the -count=<int> argument).
  3. Highly supported clades that are concordant are screened for discordance. All clades that are in conflict with each other are removed. This way all clades that are kept are non-discordant.

This produces a tree that has clades that are both concordant and non-discordant across the single locus phylogenies. The support value for each of the clades is the number of single locus phylogenies containing the given clade with at least the minimum support values.

Step 2. (Exhaustive subdivision)

  1. The tree produced by step one is screened for clades with high the high support (support >= <int>, <int> comes from -count=<int> argument). This is the threshold value for recognizing a concordant clade as a phylogenetic species.
  2. Each individual/strain is placed into a potential phylogenetic species that has the fewest members (smallest clade) and includes the given strain. All subclades of the given clade are removed (clades that would specify a species within this potential phylogenetic species). This ensures monophyly and that each species contains at least two strains.

After all strains are placed into the least inclusive clade, the phylogenetic species tree is printed in newick format to the STDOUT (standard output).

How to use this method for phylogenetic species recognition

Phase 1: looking for dominant/general trends

The first question, whether there are multiple loci supporting the separation of the species in your data.

For this you can use a relatively large discordance threshold (-count=<int>, first script), so a small number of conflicting loci do not destroy your general pattern.

Phase 2: find which loci are in conflict with the general pattern

First, save the the result of the analysis in phase 1 to a file (e.g. trend.nwk). This after using a relatively large concordance threshold for the first script and using that result for exhaustive subdivision. This result contains potential phylogenetic species.

Check whether you get the same result if you set discordance threshold to 1 (-count=1).

Using 1 as discordance threshold, may prove to be overly conservative: the analysis is, basically, the same as the non-discordance analysis of the GCPSR method of Dettman et al. (2003). An alternative option could be using 2; which would ignore groupings supported by only one single-locus phylogeny.

The reasoning behind using 2 as discordance threshold is that some loci are probably contradicting the general trend in the genome, but this does not necessarily suggest that the two groups are not genetically isolated. However, multiple (>1) single-locus phylogenies showing the same grouping should be taken as a possibly significant deviation from the genetically isolated population hypothesis.

If not, then you have gene trees that contradict the general trend/pattern in your data set (gene tree forest). These should be identified. To do this, use the following command (this assumes that the reference tree is trend.nwk and all the individual single locus trees are in the single_locus_phylogenies folder and have the .nwk extension):

perl -ref=trend.nwk single_locus_phylogenies/*.nwk

Examine all the conflicting loci and try to identify why they are showing a conflict. Could it be that they are under balancing selection, which helps maintain ancestral polymorphism even through speciation, blocking lineage sorting. Lineage sorting is one of the phenomenon that GCPSR is exploiting. Another option could be that the locus has an unreliable alignment, which produces a tree with high support, but should not be considered as a reliable tree. (Tree estimation is based on assuming homologous relationship between nucleotides in the same column in the alignments. If the alignment is incorrect, then the tree does not reflect evolutionary relation, but the error itself.)

Some conflicts are not under these influences and demonstrate true discordance. Discordance indicates that we are examining below the phylogenetic species level. "The transition from concordance among branches to incongruity among branches can be used to diagnose species." (Taylor, J. W., Jacobson, D. J., Kroken, S., Kasuga, T., Geiser, D. M., Hibett, D. S., and Fisher, M. C. 2000. Phylogenetic species recognition and species concepts in fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 31, 21–32.)

Phase 3: final analysis on the refined locus set

If all conflicting trees could be reasoned away, then run the analysis once again on the trees that are kept with -count=1 for the first step. For the second script use -count=<int> where <int> should be a number representing the majority of single locus gene trees used (e.g. 5 out of 9, so -count=5).

This last part on the majority of loci supporting the separation, assumes that all the loci used for this analysis are relatively informative, which is not always the case.

The concordance threshold could be adjusted so that it corresponds to a number representing the majority of phylogenetically informative loci. Where phylogenetically informative refers to how rich a given locus is in parsimony informative sites.

The final result contains the phylogenetic species identified in your data set.


If you are using these scripts for a publication, then, please, cite the paper introducing the scripts:

Brankovics, B., van Dam, P., Rep, M., de Hoog, G.S., van der Lee, T.A.J., Waalwijk, C. and van Diepeningen, A.D. Mitochondrial genomes reveal recombination in the presumed asexual Fusarium oxysporum species complex. BMC Genomics (2017) 18: 735. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-4116-5


Perl scripts for the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method







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