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GlitchTip on Dokku

This repository contains all the information needed to self-host a GlitchTip v4 instance on Dokku.

If you are looking to self-host to Heroku or DigitalOcean App Platform, please refer to GlitchTip's own meta repo and documentation. This repository is specifically for Dokku only.


  • Dokku 0.28.1 (cannot guarantee this works on older versions of Dokku)


Create the Dokku app

On your Dokku host, create an app for GlitchTip

dokku apps:create glitchtip

Set up Postgres and Redis

Ensure that the Postgres and Redis plugins are installed

sudo dokku plugin:install postgres
sudo dokku plugin:install redis

Create a Postgres service and link it to your GlitchTip app

dokku postgres:create glitchtip-postgres
dokku postgres:link glitchtip-postgres glitchtip

Create a Redis service and link it to your GlitchTip app

dokku redis:create glitchtip-redis
dokku redis:link glitchtip-redis glitchtip

Deploy GlitchTip to Dokku

Clone this repository to your local machine

git clone
cd dokku-glitchtip

Add a new remote to the git repository pointing to your Dokku host

# Replace `` with your Dokku host's domain or IP address
git remote add dokku

Push to your new dokku remote to start deploying GlitchTip

git push dokku main

Dokku by default does not deploy the GlitchTip Celery worker.

On your Dokku host, run the Celery worker by scaling the worker service up to 1.

dokku ps:scale glitchtip worker=1

Configure HTTPS/SSL

Set up HTTPS/SSL with your preferred method. Dokku has a LetsEncrypt plugin you can use to get certificates.

Configure ports

GlitchTip listens on port 8080. Configure Dokku to forward requests from port 80 and 443 to GlitchTip.

dokku proxy:ports-set glitchtip http:80:8080 https:443:8080

Configure GlitchTip

Set your domain

# Replace `` with your domain
dokku config:set glitchtip GLITCHTIP_DOMAIN=

Set a secret key.

dokku config:set glitchtip SECRET_KEY=$(python3 -c "import secrets; print(''.join(secrets.choice([chr(i) for i in range(0x21, 0x7F)]) for i in range(60)));")

Create your GlitchTip superuser

dokku run glitchtip ./ createsuperuser

Refer to the GlitchTip Configuration documentation for other variables you can set such as for e-mail notifications, etc.

Start using GlitchTip!

You're now fully set up to use GlitchTip! Go to the address you've set for your GlitchTip app and log in with your superuser to get started!



🐳 self-host a glitchtip instance on dokku







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