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Attempting to simplify how complex data schemas are defined and maintained across numerous sources. I've tried other solutions out there, but there felt right. Not attempting to be a full ORM, but instead blue prints for stitching data together. This ended up more ORM-like than I had wanted, but in the end we do need to know fields and their data types to do anything with more complex models. I wanted to build a data access framework from the ground up, based squarely on the models and how they get stitched togeher. My goal is to allow a write once, apply multiple places philosophy.


I will be migrating all my bmoor libraries to a monorepo and to begin using TypeScript.


This will install bmoor-crud:

npm install bmoor-crud


In this example we are going to define a source (http), a model (a user), a decorator (to define a display method), and a guard (to expose the service). We also will set up a server and add the guard to it.


We will be defining the file src/source/otherService.js

module.exports = {
	connector: 'http',
	connectorSettings: {
		base: ''


We will be defining the file src/models/organization.js

module.exports = {
	source: 'otherService',
	isFlat: false, // come models can have `.` in the property, this says ignore that
	fields: {
		id: {
			read: true,
			delete: true // able to delete based on this value
		title: {
			create: true,
			update: true,
			read: true,
			query: true // able to query this model based on this value

We will be defining the file src/models/user.js

module.exports = {
	source: 'otherService',
	isFlat: false, // come models can have `.` in the property, this says ignore that
	fields: {
		id: {
			read: true,
			delete: true // able to delete based on this value
		title: {
			create: true,
			update: true,
			read: true,
			query: true // able to query this model based on this value
		organizationId: {
			read: true,
			link: {
				name: 'organization',
				field: 'id'

general schema options

  fields: {
    [property] : { // the path of the property, can have '.' in it for heirarchy
      create // can this field be included in a creation datum?
      read   // can this field be read from the system?
      update // can this field be included in a update datum?
      delete // can we delete based on this field?
      query  // can we query based on this field?


We will be defining the file src/decorators/user.js

module.exports = {
	hello: 'world'


We will be defining the file src/guards/user.js

module.exports = {
	eins: 'zwei'


We will be defining the file src/documents/combined.js

module.exports = {
  base: 'user', // no $ needed
  joins: ['> $organization'], // if you don't note it, assume base is always the first
  fields: {
    title: '.title', // short hand references the base
    org: {
      title: '$'

General schema options

  joins // array of the way to join the models, > is inner join, ?> left join
  filters // predefined query for the document
  fields {
    [structure]: '$' // The structure defined is the structure returned
                                   // each value is [model].[field]


We will be defining the file index.js



  • Checklist for next feature branch
  • HTTP Connector
  • Create / Update / Deleta via connectors
  • Update crud routes to allow custom field responses
  • Redo configure structures / flow
  • Set up integration test using http example
  • Copy integration test to ReadMe Example
  • Other features I'm kicking around
  • hmmm...


Framework for managing model interaction







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