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pasties is a simple interface to the pastebin API. It requires that you have a valid developer key which you can obtain just by creating a free account with them.

Using pasties in Your SBT Project:

Place into your build.sbt file:
        resolvers += "bintray/bmcg" at ""

        libraryDependencies += "org.bmcg" %% "pasties" % "0.0.1"

Example Usage

Create a New Paste:
    import pasties.PasteBinAPI
    import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

    // Instantiate the interface
    val APIInterface = PasteBinAPI("Whatever your developer key is")
    // Create some code to be pasted
    val codeToPaste = """
                          * This is a new paste!

                        // Simple factorial function using the foldLeft method
                        val fact = (n: BigInt) => (BigInt(1) to n).foldLeft (BigInt(1)) (_ * _)

       // Call the method responsible for sending the POST request to pastebin's API
       // See the source file: PasteBinAPI.scala for a full listing of parameters and their significance
       // All parameters default to an empty string except for the one accepting the code to paste
       val pasteResult = APIInterface.makePaste(codeToPaste, "A test paste" //This is the name of the paste file, "10M" // This sets the expire time,
                                "scala" // This sets the syntax highlighting, privateLevel = "1" // This sets the privacy level)

       // Consult the pastebin API documentation for a full listing of supported syntax highlights
       // Note: The return type of every method is either a Success[String] or a Failure[Throwable]
Delete A Paste:
        // Let's create a function real quick in order to extract the result from our responses
        def extract(result: Try[String]): String = result match {

            case Success(value) => value

            case Failure(err)   => "Error: Something went wrong"

        // Note: This method requires a user key which can be easily created using the createAPIUserKey method
        //       which will be shown next.  Also, in order to use this method you must have created a paste logged
        //       in with your user key.  Example:
        val myUserPaste = APIInterface.makePaste(codeToPaste, "A test paste" //This is the name of the paste file,
                                                    "10M" // This sets the expire time, "scala" // This sets the syntax highlighting,
                                                    "my user key", "1" // This sets the privacy level)

        val deleteResponse = APIInterface.deletePaste("my user key",
                                                        extract(myUserPaste).split('/').last // This grabs the paste key from the paste URL)
Create User Key:
        val userKey = APIInterface.createAPIUserKey("your username", "your password")
List Pastes by You:
        // This method simply returns pastes you've made
        // If a good response is returned it will be a string of xml, but as mentioned earlier it is either
        // a Success[String] or a Failure[Throwable]
        // Note: this method also requires a valid user key
        val pastesByMe = APIInterface.listUserPastes(extract(userKey))

        // The default limit is set to 50.  Minimum is 1 and maximum is 1000.
        // Example for getting back 30 results:
        val pastesByMe = APIInterface.listUserPastes(extract(userKey), "30")
List Trending Pastes:
        // This method lists the top 18 trending pastes on pastebin
        val top18 = APIInterface.listTrendingPastes
Get User Info:
        // This method returns information relating to the currently logged in user
        val myInfo = APIInterface.getUserInfo(extract(userKey)) // The only argument for this method is a valid user key
Get Raw Output of a paste:
        // This method returns the raw output of a given paste
        // Let's get the raw output of the initial paste
        val rawResult = APIInterface.getRawOutput(extract(pasteResult).split('/').last // Grab the paste key at the end of the URL)

That's it, those are all the actions that the pastebin API supports. To get more in depth coverage of the parameters of each method consult the source file: PasteBinAPI.scala


PasteBin API interface written in Scala







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