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dBranch Desktop

This is a desktop application to write and publish articles into IPFS. The GUI is created with react, it uses the electron desktop framework and electron-forge for packaging.


git clone
cd dbranch-desktop
npm install
npm start

The electron framework code is in the ./public folder and the react renderer code is in the ./src folder.


This will eventually support building for all OSs but testing is currently incomplete.

The following commands will build an OSX DMG if run on mac. It should build for linux or windows if run on their respective machines but it is still untested.

npm run build
npm run make

To build linux zip installer on any system with docker run the following command which will build a docker image and container and put the .zip in the local ./out folder via volume. It will delete the docker container and image after build.


Or run the following to save the container and image for inspection.

./ --save-artifacts

User guide

To run the application you will need an IPFS node to connect to, the easiest way to connect to run one is with IPFS Desktop.

  • Click the settings tab to connect to an IPFS instance (the default address is the IPFS desktop default).
  • Click on the editor navigation tab and fill out the form with metadata and your article text.
  • Use the save button to save a draft to your local hard drive or click publish to pin the file to your local IPFS node.
    • Click the random buttons to fill out forms with random data for testing.

icns convert (for making osx application icon)

known issues
  • navigation is adding redundant listeners on each page load, example error msg:

      MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 navigate-to listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
  • using legacy ssl in build-linux command, see reference.


electron desktop application for dbranch







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