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Computational Linguistics Team Lab Project

This repo contains code written for the CL Team Lab project at the Institute of Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart.

It contains a Rust implementation of IBM Model 1, along with Python implementations of byte-pair encoding and BLEU for tokenization and evaluation.

Korean-Chinese data:

To replicate our studies, please acquire the Korean-Chinese data through the following link:

Baseline Model - IBM-Model 1:

To build the Rust code, we assume that Rust and Cargo is already installed. Please follow the instructions on this page, which details how to use rustup to download Rust, and will have Cargo installed alongside automatically.

Assuming that is done, in order to compile the code, please run:

cargo build

Which builds the project. After the project is build, the code can be run while in the main directory:


The source and target corpora are to be specified in the file under src/, which should be parallel corpora of the two languages, each put in their own .txt file.

The BPE for ko-zh.ipynb file tokenizes the Chinese-Korean data, and the bleu_score.ipynb file evaluates the results.

Code in Paper - Word Segmentation:

The word_segmentation.ipynb file assumes the Korean-Chinese data to exist under data/. This produces the segmentation data used for phrase-based MT training in Moses.

Code in Paper - Moses Training:

1. Install Giza++ and Moses

make a directory for moses and giza++

mkdir smt
cd smt

install several packages required

sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core pkg-config automake libtool wget zlib1g-dev python-dev libbz2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsoap-lite-perl

clone Giza++ from Github

git clone

Enter to Giza++ directory and install the

cd giza-pp

copying Giza++ Binaries to "tools" directory

cd ..
mkdir tools
cp giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/GIZA++ giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/snt2cooc.out giza-pp/mkcls-v2/mkcls tools

download pre-built binary files of Moses and related tools

cd smt
tar -xzvf smt-moses-ao-ubuntu-16.04.tgz
cd ubuntu-16.04/
mv bin ../
mv scripts ../
mv training-tools ../
cd ..
rm -r ubuntu-16.04
rm -r smt-moses-ao-ubuntu-16.04.tgz

prepare corpus for training, test, and tuning in corpus folder

mkdir corpus
cd corpus
> test.ko  test.zh  train.ko  train.zh  tuning.ko  tuning.zh to this folder

2. Training an MT model

Train a language model for target language

/home/dojun/smt/bin/lmplz -o 3 < /home/dojun/smt/corpus/train.ko > /home/dojun/smt/corpus/

Binarise the LM

/home/dojun/smt/bin/build_binary /home/dojun/smt/corpus/ /home/dojun/smt/corpus/train.blm.ko

How to test the LM?

echo "안녕 하세요" | /home/dojun/smt/bin/query /home/dojun/smt/corpus/train.blm.ko

train work alignment, phrase extraction, scoring, reordering table, create Moses config file

mkdir working
cd working  
nohup nice /home/dojun/smt/scripts/training/train-model.perl -root-dir train -corpus /home/dojun/smt/corpus/train -f zh -e ko -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm 0:3:/home/dojun/smt/corpus/train.blm.ko:8 -external-bin-dir /home/dojun/smt/tools >& training.out &
tail -f training.out 
   # once the line starting with "(9) create moses.ini @..." appears, you can type CTRL+C to exit the tail mode.
cd ..


cd ..
cd working
nohup nice /home/dojun/smt/scripts/training/ /home/dojun/smt/corpus/tuning.zh /home/dojun/smt/corpus/tuning.ko /home/dojun/smt/bin/moses /home/dojun/smt/working/train/model/moses.ini --mertdir /home/dojun/smt/bin/ &> mert.out &
tail -f mert.out
    # once the line starting with "Saving new config to: ./moses.ini Saved: ./moses.ini..." appears, you can type CTRL+C to exit the tail mode.
cd ..

Binarise the phrase-table and lexicalized reordering models

cd working
mkdir binarised-model
/home/dojun/smt/bin/processPhraseTableMin -in train/model/phrase-table.gz -nscores 4 -out binarised-model/phrase-table
/home/dojun/smt/bin/processLexicalTableMin -in train/model/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.gz -out binarised-model/reordering-table
cp /home/dojun/smt/working/mert-work/moses.ini /home/dojun/smt/working/binarised-model/
cd binarised-model/
vim moses.ini

in the vim editor, type i to start editing mode and edit the following

        @1. Change PhraseDictionaryMemory to PhraseDictionaryCompact
        @2. Set the path of the PhraseDictionaryCompact feature to point to: /home/dojun/smt/working/binarised-model/phrase-table.minphr
        @3. Set the path of the LexicalReordering feature to point to: /home/dojun/smt/working/binarised-model/reordering-table
        @4. Save moses.ini
        # to save and quit, type ESC and type wq! followed by ENTER.


cd ..
cd working
/home/dojun/smt/scripts/training/ filtered-corpus-mini mert-work/moses.ini /home/dojun/smt/corpus/test.zh -Binarizer /home/dojun/smt/bin/processPhraseTableMin
nohup nice /home/dojun/smt/bin/moses -f /home/dojun/smt/working/filtered-corpus-mini/moses.ini < /home/dojun/smt/corpus/test.zh > /home/dojun/smt/working/test.translated.ko 2> /home/dojun/smt/working/test.translated.out
    # See the log
    tail -f /home/dojun/smt/working/test.translated.out
    cd ..

Calculate BLEU

/home/dojun/smt/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl -lc /home/dojun/smt/corpus/test.ko < /home/dojun/smt/working/test.translated.ko


Thanks to for this nice Moses tutorial

Team members: (Ryan) Soh-Eun Shim, Dojun Park


Statistical Machine Translation in Rust






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