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Added view endpoint for partitions
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b0wter committed Sep 23, 2022
1 parent 1009b1a commit 4e593bf
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Showing 8 changed files with 507 additions and 216 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Partition endpoint
| /db/_partition/partition | | ✔️ | | | | |
| /db/_partition/partition/_all_docs | | ✔️ | | | | |
| /db/_partition/partition/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name | | | | | | |
| /db/_partition/partition/_design/design-doc/_view/view-name | | ✔️ | | | | |
| /db/_partition/partition_id/_find | | | ✔️ | | | |
| /db/_partition/partition_id/_explain | | || | | |

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/CouchDb.Lib.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
<Compile Include="Generic\Find.fs" />
<Compile Include="Generic\View.fs" />
<Compile Include="Server/AllDbs.fs" />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
<Compile Include="Partitions\Infos.fs" />
<Compile Include="Partitions\AllDocs.fs" />
<Compile Include="Partitions\Find.fs" />
<Compile Include="Partitions\View.fs" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="4.7.0" />
Expand Down
248 changes: 38 additions & 210 deletions src/lib/Databases/View.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,258 +5,86 @@ namespace b0wter.CouchDb.Lib.Databases

open b0wter.CouchDb.Lib
open b0wter.CouchDb.Lib.Core
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

module View =

/// This type is only required for internal use and makes the
/// deserialization code cleaner. It cannot be made private because
/// Newtonsoft.Json does not work with private types.
/// A row contains a single response from a view.
/// A view will always return a list of rows.
type Row<'key, 'value> = {
Id: string
Key: 'key
Value: 'value

type Row<'key, 'value> = Generic.View.Row<'key, 'value>

/// Response for a single successful query.
type SingleResponse<'key, 'value> = {
Offset: int
Rows: Row<'key, 'value> list
TotalRows: int
// The `update_seq` property is missing
// because it is dynamic.

type SingleResponse<'key, 'value> = Generic.View.SingleResponse<'key, 'value>

/// This type is only required for internal use and makes the
/// deserialization code cleaner. It cannot be made private because
/// Newtonsoft.Json does not work with private types.
type MultiQueryResponse<'key, 'value> = {
Results: SingleResponse<'key, 'value> list

type Response<'key, 'value>
= Single of SingleResponse<'key, 'value>
| Multi of SingleResponse<'key, 'value> list

type Result<'key, 'value>
= Success of Response<'key, 'value>
/// Invalid request
| BadRequest of RequestResult.StringRequestResult
/// Read permission required
| Unauthorized of RequestResult.StringRequestResult
/// The database with the given name could not be found.
| NotFound of RequestResult.StringRequestResult
/// If the local deserialization of the servers response failed.
| JsonDeserializationError of RequestResult.StringRequestResult
/// If the response from the server could not be interpreted.
| Unknown of RequestResult.StringRequestResult

type MultiQueryResponse<'key, 'value> = Generic.View.MultiQueryResponse<'key, 'value>

type Response<'key, 'value> = Generic.View.Response<'key, 'value>

type Result<'key, 'value> = Generic.View.Result<'key, 'value>

/// Additional settings for a single view query.
type SingleQueryParameters = {
Conflicts: bool option
Descending: bool option
EndKey: string option
EndKeyDocId: string option
Group: bool option
GroupLevel: int option
IncludeDocs: bool option
Attachments: bool option
AttachmentEncodingInfo: bool option
InclusiveEnd: bool option
Keys: string list option
Key: string option
Limit: int option
Reduce: bool option
Skip: int option
Sorted: bool option
Stable: bool option
Stale: string option
StartKey: string option
StartKeyDocId: string option
Update: string option
UpdateSeq: bool option

type SingleQueryParameters = Generic.View.SingleQueryParameters

/// Instance of `SingleQueryParameters` with every property
/// set to a default value.
let EmptyQueryParameters = {
Conflicts = None
Descending = None
EndKey = None
EndKeyDocId = None
Group = None
GroupLevel = None
IncludeDocs = None
Attachments = None
AttachmentEncodingInfo = None
InclusiveEnd = None
Keys = None
Key = None
Limit = None
Reduce = None
Skip = None
Sorted = None
Stable = None
Stale = None
StartKey = None
StartKeyDocId = None
Update = None
UpdateSeq = None

let EmptyQueryParameters = Generic.View.EmptyQueryParameters

/// Parameter to execute multiple queries for the given view.
type MultiQueryParameters = {
Queries: SingleQueryParameters list

type QueryParameters
= Single of SingleQueryParameters
| Multi of MultiQueryParameters

/// Turns a `RequestResult.TString` into an actual `Result<'a>`.
/// It will never return `Success` because that takes a `Response<'a>` as parameter.
let private mapError (r: RequestResult.StringRequestResult) =
match r.StatusCode with
| Some 400 -> BadRequest r
| Some 401 -> Unauthorized r
| Some 404 -> NotFound r
| Some 200 -> JsonDeserializationError r
| _ ->
Unknown r

type MultiQueryParameters = Generic.View.MultiQueryParameters

type QueryParameters = Generic.View.QueryParameters

/// Returns the result from the query as a generic `FSharp.Core.Result`.
let asResult (r: Result<_, _>) =
match r with
| Success x -> Ok x
| BadRequest e | Unauthorized e | JsonDeserializationError e | NotFound e | Unknown e ->
Error <| ErrorRequestResult.fromRequestResultAndCase(e, r)

/// Queries the server and does some basic parsing.
/// The documents are not deserialized to objects but kept in a JObject list.
/// This allows the user to perform dynamic operations.
/// The `JOject` has a single property named `docs` that contains a list of `JObjects`.
let private jObjectsQuery<'key> (props: DbProperties.DbProperties) (dbName: string) (designDoc: string) (view: string) (queryParameters: QueryParameters) : Async<Core.Result<Response<'key, JObject> * RequestResult.StatusCode * RequestResult.Headers, RequestResult.StringRequestResult>> =
async {
let isSingleQuery = match queryParameters with | Single _ -> true | Multi _ -> false
let url = if isSingleQuery then
sprintf "%s/_design/%s/_view/%s" dbName designDoc view
sprintf "%s/_design/%s/_view/%s/queries" dbName designDoc view
// The match makes sure that we dont need a custom json converter that serializes the content in a "non-union-type-way".
let request = match queryParameters with
| Single s -> createCustomJsonPost props url [] s []
| Multi m -> createCustomJsonPost props url [] m []

let! result = sendTextRequest request

if result.StatusCode.IsSome && result.StatusCode.Value = 200 then
let results = if isSingleQuery then result.Content |> deserializeJson<SingleResponse<'key, JObject>> |> List.singleton
else result.Content |> deserializeJson<MultiQueryResponse<'key, JObject>> |> (fun x -> x.Results)

return match results with
| Ok singles when isSingleQuery ->
Ok (Response.Single (singles |> List.exactlyOne), result.StatusCode, result.Headers)
| Ok singles ->
Ok (Response.Multi singles, result.StatusCode, result.Headers)
| Error e ->
Error (RequestResult.createForJson(e, result.StatusCode, result.Headers))

return Error <| RequestResult.createTextWithHeaders(result.StatusCode, result.Content, result.Headers)

/// Deserializes a `JObject` as the given `value`.
let private mapSingleResponse<'key, 'value> (response: SingleResponse<'key, JObject>) : FSharp.Core.Result<SingleResponse<'key, 'value>, string> =
let rec step (acc: Row<'key, 'value> list) (remaining: Row<'key, JObject> list) : FSharp.Core.Result<SingleResponse<'key, 'value>, string> =
match remaining with
| [] ->
let r = Ok { SingleResponse.Offset = response.Offset; SingleResponse.TotalRows = response.TotalRows; SingleResponse.Rows = (acc |> List.rev) }
| head :: tail -> match head.Value |> Json.JObject.toObject<'value> [] with
| Ok converted -> step ({ Id = head.Id; Key = head.Key; Value = converted } :: acc) tail
| Error e -> Core.Result<SingleResponse<'key, 'value>, string>.Error e
step [] response.Rows

let asResult = Generic.View.asResult

/// Queries the given view of the design document and converts the emitted keys to `'key` and the values of the rows to `'value`.
/// Allows the definition of query parameters. These will be sent in the POST body (not as query parameters in a GET request).
let queryWith<'key, 'value> (props: DbProperties.DbProperties) (dbName: string) (designDoc: string) (view: string) (queryParameters: QueryParameters) : Async<Result<'key, 'value>> =
async {
match! jObjectsQuery<'key> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters with
| Ok (o, statusCode, headers) ->
match o with
| Response.Single s ->
match s |> mapSingleResponse with
| Ok mapped -> return Success (Response.Single mapped)
| Error e ->
let error = JsonDeserializationError.create(s.Rows.ToString(), sprintf "Error while converting `JObjects` to the actual objects: %s" e)
return JsonDeserializationError (RequestResult.createForJson(error, statusCode, headers))
| Response.Multi m ->
match m |> mapSingleResponse |> Utilities.switchListResult with
| Ok mapped -> return Success (Response.Multi mapped)
| Error e ->
let error = JsonDeserializationError.create(sprintf "The serialization to provide this output was performed without custom converters!%s%s" System.Environment.NewLine (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m)), sprintf "Error while converting `JObjects` to the actual objects: %s" e)
return JsonDeserializationError (RequestResult.createForJson(error, statusCode, headers))
| Error e -> return (mapError e)

Generic.View.queryWith<'key, 'value> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view queryParameters

/// Queries the given view of the design document and converts the emitted keys to `'key` and the values of the rows to `'value`.
/// Does not allow the definition of query parameters. Use `queryWith` instead.
let query<'key, 'value> (props: DbProperties.DbProperties) (dbName: string) (designDoc: string) (view: string) =
queryWith<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view (Single EmptyQueryParameters)
Generic.View.query<'key, 'value> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view

/// Queries the given view of the design document and converts only the emitted keys to `'key`. The values are returned as `JObject`s.
/// Allows the definition of query parameters. These will be sent in the POST body (not as query parameters in a GET request).
let queryJObjectsWith<'key> (props: DbProperties.DbProperties) (dbName: string) (designDoc: string) (view: string) (queryParameters: QueryParameters) : Async<Result<'key, JObject>> =
async {
let! result = jObjectsQuery<'key> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters
return match result with
| Ok (r, _, _) -> Success r
| Error e -> mapError e

Generic.View.queryJObjectsWith<'key> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view queryParameters

/// Queries the given view of the design document and converts only the emitted keys to `'key`. The values are returned as `JObject`s.
/// Does not allow the definition of query parameters. Use `queryWith` instead.
let queryJObjects<'key> (props: DbProperties.DbProperties) (dbName: string) (designDoc: string) (view: string) : Async<Result<'key, JObject>> =
queryJObjectsWith<'key> props dbName designDoc view (QueryParameters.Single EmptyQueryParameters)

Generic.View.queryJObjects<'key> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view
/// Runs `queryObjects` followed by `asResult`.
let queryJObjectsWithAsResult<'key> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters =
queryJObjectsWith<'key> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters |> asResult

Generic.View.queryJObjectsWithAsResult<'key> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view queryParameters
/// Runs `queryObjectsWith` followed by `asResult`.
let queryJObjectsAsResult<'key> props dbName designDoc view =
queryJObjectsWithAsResult<'key> props dbName designDoc view (QueryParameters.Single EmptyQueryParameters)
Generic.View.queryJObjectsAsResult props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view

/// Runs `queryWith` followed by `asResult`.
let queryWithAsResult<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters = queryWith<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters |> asResult
let queryWithAsResult<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view queryParameters =
Generic.View.queryWithAsResult<'key, 'value> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view queryParameters

/// Runs `query` followed by `asResult`.
let queryAsResult<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view = query<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view |> asResult
let queryAsResult<'key, 'value> props dbName designDoc view =
Generic.View.queryAsResult<'key, 'value> props (Generic.View.FindIn.Database dbName) designDoc view

/// Returns all rows of a response in a single list.
/// If the response is a `Response.Multi` then the items of all lists will be collected.
let responseAsRows (response: Response<_, 'value>) : Row<'a, 'value> list =
match response with
| Response.Single s -> s.Rows
| Response.Multi m -> m |> List.collect (fun r -> r.Rows)
Generic.View.responseAsRows response

/// Returns the response as a list of `SingleResponse`.
/// Will return a list with a single element for a single response query.
let responseAsSingleResponses (response: Response<_, _>) : SingleResponse<_, _> list =
match response with
| Response.Single s -> [ s ]
| Response.Multi m -> m
Generic.View.responseAsSingleResponses response


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