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TiB Rkt Arimana edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 6 revisions
Command Package URL: NodeJS betothreeprod/balena-cloud
post_install project initialization
Initialize and restore links with balena-cloud current installation.
Scan sub-folder for any Dockerfile to add to the template dependencies.
Template files dockerfile.template and docker-compose.yml include balena environment %variable% set in common.env and $(arch).env
init_functions daemon messaging and file logging
Its a wrapper to LSB /lib/lsb/init-functions (Unix-like)
It also provides minimal logging functions to all platforms
docker_build helper script to docker build
Base balenalib/raspberrypi3 images may be built from a Mac or PC without any specific cross-build backend software
It pulls, builds new layers and stacks in Docker Hub
This methods manages tagging functionality of docker CLI
balena_deploy helper script to docker_build and balena
Publish the package as a built image to different targets (local balenaOS machine, remote balenaOS machine, Docker Hub)
It can run a no-argument function which will prompt into the CLI
auto_reboot a small thread to keep up-to-date packages
Check if the debian package manager (dpkg) needs a restart and send the corresponding signal.
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