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This is an Appium TestNG Hybrid Framework based on Page Object Pattern. I am using Selendroid ( test apk as my Test App.

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Framework Overview

Language : Java (jdk version : 1.8)

Automation Tool : Appium	

Build Repository: Maven

Testing Framewotk: TestNG

Framework Model: POM

Reporting: Extent Reports

This is an Appium TestNG Hybrid Framework based on Page Object Pattern. I am using Selendroid ( test apk as my Test App.

Below are the screenshots of the selendroid test app







Eclipse IDE


Emulator Used While Testing


UI Automator Viewer [for spying the locators]


Important tasks before setting up project

1- Download and setup

java jdk 8
eclipse IDE
Git Bash
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.1 or above

2- Appium Installation

1- Install Appium through node command prompt

>npm install -g appium

2- To start appium from Command Prompt


3- To stop appium from running from Command prompt



4- To uninstall Appium from system

>npm uninstall -g appium

3- Android SDK Manager

If Android studio is already installed, Android SDK Manager comes bundled with it

Open Android Studio, Go to tools and select SDK Manager, Change Android SDK location to C:\android_sdk folder

Make sure latest version of following files are downloaded using SDK Manager.

  1. Android SDK Build Tools
  2. Android SDK Command line Tools
  3. Android Emulator
  4. Android SDK Platform tools
  5. Intel x86 Emulator Accelator (HAXM installer)
  6. Build Tools

In new downloads of Android Studio, SDK Tools is missing in SDK Manager

So in this case we have to download previous version of SDK Manager with SDK Tools

  1. Download SDK Manager

google this -> installer_r24.4.1-windows.exe or open following URL

  1. Install the file ( in a separate folder not in C:\android_sdk folder)
  2. Now SDK Manager window will open, Check Only Build Tools and download the file, uncheck everything else except Build Tools
  3. Copy the Tools folder and paste it inside C:\android_sdk folder
  4. Now Build Tools will show in SDK Manager of Android Studio (Update it)
  5. Now uninstall Sdk Build tools from control panel

Set Up Environment Variable

Create ANDROID_HOME -> C:\android_sdk

Inside Path add following location

  1. C:\android_sdk\tools
  2. C:\android_sdk\tools\bin
  3. C:\android_sdk\build-tools
  4. C:\android_sdk\platform-tools
  5. C:\android_sdk\cmdline-tools\latest\bin
  6. C:\android_sdk\cmdline-tools\latest\lib
  7. C:\android_sdk\emulator
  8. C:\android_sdk

Verify installation has done correctly

  1. Connect a device through USB or open an emulator device

    Open Terminal and type

> adb devices

This should show the connected device ID

  1. Open Terminal and type

> uiautomatorviewer

This is used To open UiAutomatorViewer to spy/ locate android UI elements

If this does not work, go to this path and run the batch file

C:\androidSdk(local android sdk folder)\tools\bin\uiautomatorviewer.bat

Steps to setup project in your local system:

1- create a folder with any name and right click inside it and select Git bash here

>git init

>git clone <repo_url>

Eclipse Setup

  1. Import the folder into Eclipse
  2. Install TestNg for version 6.14.3
  3. Right click on the project and Select Convert to TestNG ###4) Go to eclipse-> windows -preference - and turn off automatically find new update

Inside CreateSession class Change this paths as per your local system

main.js path

C:\Users\userName(your local system name)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\build\lib

node.exe path

C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs

Update the path of debug apk

to link your eclipse project to git repo

1- eclipse-> window -> showview -> other -> git -> git repositories -> open

2- Select -> add an existing local git repository to the view

3- Click on the browse button and navigate to the directory that contains the project source code

4- Click the Search button, Click OK

5- Right-click on the project in the Package Explorer

6- Go to Team

To know appPackage and appActivity

Open the Test App in your Test Device, open Terminal and check the device is connected

>adb devices

[ Here List of devices attached will show, now check app activity and app package name

>adb shell

>dumpsys window windows | grep -E ‘mCurrentFocus’

Example :


To Read Toast message

1.Need to add Tess4J dependency to maven project.

2.Need to add libtesseract304.dll to the System Variables.

3.Need to add liblept172.dll to the System Variables.

4.create one folder tessdata within your maven project. 

This tessdata will contain “eng.traineddata” for reading english text. 

Other FAQ's

1- Error related to your SSH Key While cloning the repository, Go through this blog


This is an Appium TestNG Hybrid Framework based on Page Object Pattern. I am using Selendroid ( test apk as my Test App.






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