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Blue Archive Monorepo

简体中文 | English

This project organizes a monorepo using rush.js to standardize code conventions and dependencies across various projects. It optimizes the inclusion of common packages in project setups.

Environment Information

  • Current Rush Version: 5.112.1
  • Recommended Node Version: 20 (Tested and working with version: v20.7.0)
  • Project Package Manager Version Information: pnpm@latest (Tested and working with version: 8.10.5)

Configuration Guide

Install Node 20 (Recommended to use nvm)

For Windows systems, it is recommended to install scoop first, then use scoop to install nvm, and finally use nvm to install Node.

# Windows
# Install scoop
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser # Optional: Needed to run a remote script the first time
irm | iex

# Install nvm
scoop install nvm

# Install Node
nvm install 20
nvm use 20

Install Rush

# Install pnpm
npm install -g pnpm
pnpm install -g @microsoft/rush
rush update # Execute this in the blue-archive root directory, same for the following commands
# Build and link projects
rush build

Project Structure

  • apps/ Application directory
  • lib/ Library directory
  • lib/ba-rig Rush rig package for this repository, see details: Rush Rig Packages
  • lib/ba-story-player Story player component library

Proper usage of eslint and lint-staged

eslint and lint-staged configuration files

  • .eslintrc
  • .eslintignore
  • .lintstagedrc.mjs
  • common/autoinstallers/rush-eslint/.eslintrc
  • common/autoinstallers/rush-eslint/.lintstagedrc_base.mjs

Global tsconfig

  • lib/ba-rig/profiles/default/tsconfig-base.json

Proper usage of the .vscode folder

The .vscode folder can store recommended extensions for the project. settings.json can also be used to unify some vscode settings, such as the dictionary for the typo plugin.