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[#39] Tokenization of single string + add sh
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borkdude committed Mar 27, 2021
1 parent f5b531f commit 498a82b
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Showing 3 changed files with 116 additions and 58 deletions.
78 changes: 38 additions & 40 deletions
Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ need it.
- `$`: convenience macro around `process`. Takes command as varargs. Options can
be passed via metadata on the form. Supports interpolation via `~`.

- `sh`: convenience function similar to `` that sets `:out`
and `:err` to `:string` by default and blocks. Similar to `cjs/sh` it does not
check the exit code (this can be done with `check`).

- `*defaults*`: dynamic var containing overridable default options. Use
`alter-var-root` to change permanently or `binding` to change temporarily.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,14 +208,6 @@ Forwarding the output of a process as the input of another process can also be d

`$` is a convenience macro around `process`:

``` clojure
(def config {:output {:format :edn}})
(-> ($ clj-kondo --config ~config --lint "src") :out slurp edn/read-string)
{:findings [], :summary {:error 0, :warning 0, :info 0, :type :summary, :duration 34}}

Demo of a `cat` process to which we send input while the process is running,
then close stdin and read the output of cat afterwards:

Expand All @@ -238,6 +234,40 @@ then close stdin and read the output of cat afterwards:
(.isAlive (:proc catp)) ;; false

## $ and sh

`$` is a convenience macro around `process`:

``` clojure
(def config {:output {:format :edn}})
(-> ($ clj-kondo --config ~config --lint "src") deref :out slurp edn/read-string)
{:findings [], :summary {:error 0, :warning 0, :info 0, :type :summary, :duration 34}}

`sh` is a convenience function around `process` which sets `:out` and `:err` to
`:string` and blocks automatically, similar to `` and unlike `$`:

``` clojure
(def config {:output {:format :edn}})
(-> (sh ["clj-kondo" "--config" config" "--lint" "src"]) :out slurp edn/read-string)
{:findings [], :summary {:error 0, :warning 0, :info 0, :type :summary, :duration 34}}
## Tokenization
Both `process`, `$` and `sh` support tokenization when passed a single string argument:
``` clojure
(-> (sh "echo hello there") :out)
"hello there\n"
``` clojure
(-> (sh "clj-kondo --lint -" {:in "(inc)"}) :out print)
<stdin>:1:1: error: clojure.core/inc is called with 0 args but expects 1
linting took 11ms, errors: 1, warnings: 0
## Output buffering
Note that `check` will wait for the process to end in order to check the exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,7 +298,6 @@ variables in the current environment you can proceed as follow:
:env (assoc (into {} (System/getenv)) "FOO" "BAR")

## Pipelines
The `pipeline` function returns a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,37 +387,6 @@ Another solution is to let bash handle the pipes by shelling out with `bash -c`.
## Notes
### Clj-kondo hook

To make clj-kondo understand the dollar-sign macro, you can use the following config + hook code:

``` clojure
{:hooks {:analyze-call {babashka.process/$ hooks.dollar/$}}}

``` clojure
(ns hooks.dollar
(:require [clj-kondo.hooks-api :as api]))

(defn $ [{:keys [:node]}]
(let [children (doall (keep (fn [child]
(let [s (api/sexpr child)]
(when (and (seq? s)
(= 'unquote (first s)))
(first (:children child)))))
(:children node)))]
{:node (assoc node :children children)}))

Alternatively, you can either use string arguments or suppress unresolved
symbols using the following config:

``` clojure
{:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:exclude [(babashka.process/$)]}}}

### Script termination
Because `process` spawns threads for non-blocking I/O, you might have to run
Expand Down
75 changes: 58 additions & 17 deletions src/babashka/process.clj
@@ -1,13 +1,56 @@
(ns babashka.process
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import [java.lang ProcessBuilder$Redirect]))
[clojure.string :as str]))

(ns-unmap *ns* 'Process)
(ns-unmap *ns* 'ProcessBuilder)

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn tokenize
"Tokenize string to list of individual space separated arguments.
If argument contains space you can wrap it with `'` or `\"`."
(loop [s ( s)
in-double-quotes? false
in-single-quotes? false
buf (
parsed []]
(let [c (.read s)]
(= -1 c) (if (pos? (count (str buf)))
(conj parsed (str buf))
(= 39 c) ;; single-quotes
(if in-single-quotes?
;; exit single-quoted string
(recur s in-double-quotes? false ( (conj parsed (str buf)))
;; enter single-quoted string
(recur s in-double-quotes? true buf parsed))

(= 92 c) ;; assume escaped quote
(let [escaped (.read s)
buf (doto buf (.write escaped))]
(recur s in-double-quotes? in-single-quotes? buf parsed))

(and (not in-single-quotes?) (= 34 c)) ;; double quote
(if in-double-quotes?
;; exit double-quoted string
(recur s false in-single-quotes? ( (conj parsed (str buf)))
;; enter double-quoted string
(recur s true in-single-quotes? buf parsed))

(and (not in-double-quotes?)
(not in-single-quotes?)
(Character/isWhitespace c))
(recur s in-double-quotes? in-single-quotes? (
(let [bs (str buf)]
(cond-> parsed
(not (str/blank? bs)) (conj bs))))
:else (do
(.write buf c)
(recur s in-double-quotes? in-single-quotes? buf parsed))))))

(defn- as-string-map
"Helper to coerce a Clojure map with keyword keys into something coerceable to Map<String,String>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +203,9 @@
:err :err-enc
:shutdown :inherit]} opts
in (or in (:out prev))
cmd (if (string? cmd)
(tokenize cmd)
^java.lang.ProcessBuilder pb
(if (instance? java.lang.ProcessBuilder cmd)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,27 +295,22 @@
(defmacro $
[& args]
(let [opts (meta &form)
args (if (and (= 1 (count args))
(string? (first args)))
(tokenize (first args))
cmd (mapv format-arg args)]
`(let [cmd# ~cmd
[prev# cmd#]
(if-let [p# (first cmd#)]
(if #_(instance? Process p#) (:proc p#) ;; workaround for sci#432
(if (:proc p#)
[p# (rest cmd#)]
[nil cmd#])
[nil cmd#])
#_#_[opts# cmd#]
(if-let [o# (first cmd#)]
(if (map? o#)
[o# (rest cmd#)]
[nil cmd#])
[nil cmd#])]
(process prev# cmd# ~opts))))

#_(defmacro my-foo [env]
(with-meta '($ bash -c "echo $FOO")
{:env env}))

;; user=> (def x 10)
;; #'user/x
;; user=> (-> (my-foo {:FOO x}) :out slurp)
;; "10\n"
(defn sh
([cmd] (sh cmd nil))
([cmd opts]
@(process cmd (merge {:out :string
:err :string} opts))))
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion test/babashka/process_test.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
(ns babashka.process-test
(:require [babashka.process :refer [process check $ pb start] :as p]
(:require [babashka.process :refer [tokenize process check sh $ pb start] :as p]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [deftest is testing]]))

(deftest tokenize-test
(is (= [] (tokenize "")))
(is (= ["hello"] (tokenize "hello")))
(is (= ["hello" "world"] (tokenize " hello world ")))
(is (= ["foo bar" "a" "b" "c" "the d"] (tokenize "\"foo bar\" a b c \"the d\"")))
(is (= ["foo \" bar" "a" "b" "c" "the d"] (tokenize "\"foo \\\" bar\" a b c \"the d\"")))
(is (= ["echo" "foo bar"] (tokenize "echo 'foo bar'")))
(is (= ["echo" "{\"AccessKeyId\":\"****\",\"SecretAccessKey\":\"***\",\"Version\":1}"]
(tokenize "echo '{\"AccessKeyId\":\"****\",\"SecretAccessKey\":\"***\",\"Version\":1}'"))))

(deftest process-test
(testing "By default process returns string out and err, returning the exit
code in a delay. Waiting for the process to end happens through realizing the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +127,15 @@
(testing "output to string"
(is (string? (-> (process ["ls"] {:out :string})
(testing "tokenize"
(is (string? (-> (process "ls -la" {:out :string})
(is (string? (-> ^{:out :string} ($ "ls -la" )
(is (string? (-> (sh "ls -la")

(defmacro ^:private jdk9+ []
Expand Down

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