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ThingWorx Foundation Dockerfiles


This package provides a set of Dockerfiles and supplemental scripts required to build Docker images for ThingWorx Foundation. Dockerfiles and scripts are provided for the following content providers:

  • H2
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Azure SQL

While there are very simple examples on how to run the images built here more in depth examples can be found in the ThingWorx Docker Guide on the PTC Support Downloads site alongside this release.


This topic covers the supported operating systems and required Docker software to run ThingWorx Docker images.

Operating System

Running the Docker images are supported on the following Operating Systems. Note that you must use the 64-bit versions.

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 Update 1
  • Amazon EC2 Linux (64-bit)
  • Ubuntu 16.04

Building the Docker images is supported only for Linux operating systems. The scripts have been validated on Ubuntu 16.04 and should work on other Linux operating systems that support Docker and Docker Compose. Note that PTC has not validated other systems.

Docker Versions

The following Docker versions are required:

  • Docker Community Edition (docker-ce)

    Version 18.05.0-ce or higher is recommended. To install the Docker Community Edition on your system, follow the instructions for your operating system on the Docker web site:

  • Docker Compose (docker-compose)

    Version 1.17.1 or higher is recommended. To install the Docker Compose on your system, follow the instructions for your operating system on the Docker web site:

Setting Up For ThingWorx Docker Builds

In order to build the ThingWorx foundation Docker images there are two major steps that need to be done. The first is to make sure the needed binaries are staged and available for the build process and the second is to modify the build.env variable file with appropriate values.

Required Files

In order for the variables and staging to make sense, knowing what files are required first will help.

All Platform Versions

  • template-processor

    This PTC provided program parses templates inside the Docker container when starting to inject variables and format configuration files based on the running environment. Example File: template-processor-

  • tomcat

    The Tomcat artifact obtained from Apache to run the ThingWorx Platform. Example File: tomcat-9.0.21.tar.gz

  • java

    The Java JDK (version 8) obtained from Oracle. Example File: jdk-8u172-linux-x64.tar.gz


  • ThingWorx Platform H2

    Example File:


  • ThingWorx Platform PostgreSQL

    Example File:


  • ThingWorx Platform MSSQL

    Example File:

  • MS SQL JDBC Driver

    The JDBC Driver for MS SQL obtained from Microsoft, Example File: sqljdbc_6.0.8112.200_enu.tar.gz

Azure SQL

  • ThingWorx Platform Azure SQL

    Example File:

  • MS SQL JDBC Driver

    The JDBC Driver for MS SQL obtained from Microsoft, Example File: sqljdbc_6.0.8112.200_enu.tar.gz

build.env Variables

The following are a list of variables in build.env that must be set.

Variable Default Comment
JAVA_VERSION 8u172 The version of the Oracle Java JDK.
TOMCAT_VERSION 9.0.21 The Apache Tomcat Version
TEMPLATE_PROCESSOR_VERSION The version of the template-processor archive as it exists in the staging folder.
PLATFORM_SETTINGS_FILE platform-settings.json The path to a base ThingWorx settings file. This is included in the staging directory.
BUILD_TEST_DBS true Set to true to build Database Images for testing, alongside the Platform Images.
PLATFORM_H2_VERSION 8.5.5-b103 The version of the ThingWorx H2 Platform to build. Only required when building H2 containers.
PLATFORM_H2_ARCHIVE The file name of the ThingWorx H2 zip as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building H2 containers.
PLATFORM_POSTGRES_VERSION 8.5.5-b103 The version of the ThingWorx Postgres Platform to build. Only required when building Postgres containers.
PLATFORM_POSTGRES_ARCHIVE The file name of the ThingWorx Postgres zip as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building Postgres containers.
PLATFORM_MSSQL_VERSION 8.5.5-b103 The version of the ThingWorx MSSQL Platform to build. Only required when building MSSQL containers.
PLATFORM_MSSQL_ARCHIVE The file name of the ThingWorx MSSQL zip as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building MSSQL containers.
SQLDRIVER_VERSION 6.0.8112.200 The version to install of the MS SQL JDBC Driver. Only required when building MSSQL containers.
PLATFORM_AZURESQL_VERSION 8.5.5-b103 The version of the ThingWorx Azure SQL Platform to build. Only required when building Azure SQL containers.
PLATFORM_AZURESQL_ARCHIVE The file name of the ThingWorx Azure SQL zip as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building Azure SQL containers.
AZURESQL_SQLDRIVER_VERSION 6.0.8112.200 The version to install of the MS SQL JDBC Driver. Only required when building Azure SQL containers.
MSSQL_DB_TWX_DATABASE_PASSWORD No Default Value Set - Must be manually set If BUILD_TEST_DBS is enabled, and MSSQL images are being built this must be set to be used during the Image build process.
MSSQL_DB_TWX_DATABASE_USERNAME No Default Value Set - Must be manually set If BUILD_TEST_DBS is enabled, and MSSQL images are being built this must be set to be used during the Image build process.
MSSQL_DB_TWX_DATABASE_SCHEMA No Default Value Set - Must be manually set If BUILD_TEST_DBS is enabled, and MSSQL images are being built this must be set to be used during the Image build process.
MSSQL_DB_SA_PASSWORD No Default Value Set - Must be manually set If BUILD_TEST_DBS is enabled, and MSSQL images are being built this must be set to be used during the Image build process.

The following are a list of other variables in build.env which only need to be modified if the default patterns do not match the files placed in the staging directory.

Variable Default Comment
TOMCAT_ARCHIVE tomcat-${TOMCAT_VERSION}.tar.gz The file name of the Tomcat archive as it exists in the staging directory.
JAVA_ARCHIVE jdk-${JAVA_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz The file name of the Java archive as it exists in the staging directory.
SQLDRIVER_ARCHIVE sqljdbc_${SQLDRIVER_VERSION}_enu.tar.gz The file name of the MS SQL JDBC archive as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building MSSQL containers.
AZURESQL_SQLDRIVER_ARCHIVE sqljdbc_${AZURESQL_SQLDRIVER_VERSION}_enu.tar.gz The file name of the MS SQL JDBC archive as it exists in the staging directory. Only required when building Azure SQL containers.
TEMPLATE_PROCESSOR_ARCHIVE template-processor-${TEMPLATE_PROCESSOR_VERSION}-application.tar.gz The file name of the template-processor archive as it exists in the staging folder.
SECURITY_TOOL_ARCHIVE security-common-cli-${SECURITY_TOOL_VERSION}-application.tar.gz The file name of the security tool archive as it exists in the staging folder.

Staging Files

You must put the required files for building the Docker images in the staging folder that is part of this release. The staging folder should already contain a base platform-settings.json file.

To assist with staging, Apache Tomcat and the configured version of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server (the default version) can be downloaded automatically.

To download automatically:

  • Make sure you have set the build.env file variables appropriately.
  • Run the command ./ stage. If there are no errors, the files should be in the staging folder and they should match your build.env settings.


Java must be download manually from Oracle due to needing to accept Oracle's Licensing terms on their site. Please visit the Oracle JDK 8 Downloads to obtain. After accepting the License Agreement choose to download the Linux x64 tar.gz. For example: jdk-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz

Save this file into the staging directory and make sure the JAVA_VERSION and JAVA_ARCHIVE variables in build.env match.

ThingWorx Platform Archives

The ThingWorx Platform Archives can be downloaded from the PTC Support Downloads site alongside this Dockerfile release. Make sure to use same ThingWorx version as this set of Dockerfiles as there could be differences. Example File:

Save this file into the staging directory and make sure the PLATFORM_*_VERSION and PLATFORM_*_ARCHIVE variables match the file.

Template Processor Archive

The template-processor program is included in the staging directory and should be included in the Docker builds automatically. Double check the version and archive file name in staging match your build.env settings.

Security Tool Archive

The security-tool program is included in the staging directory and should be included in the Docker builds automatically. Double check the version and archive file name in staging match your build.env settings.

Tomcat Archive

If the attempt to automatically download Tomcat does not work it can be downloaded directly from Apache at the following link: Tomcat 8 Downloads Choose to download the Core version and get the tar.gz. Example File: apache-tomcat-8.5.33.tar.gz

Save this file into the staging directory and make sure the TOMCAT_VERSION and TOMCAT_ARCHIVE variables in build.end match.


If the attempt to automatically download the MS SQL JDBC Driver doesn't work, or an alternate version is desired it can be obtained from Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 Choose to download the English version (as the file structure differs with alternate languages). One the following screen, select sqljdbc_<version>_enu.tar.gz and click Next.

Save this file into the staging directory and make sure the SQLDRIVER_VERSION, SQLDRIVER_ARCHIVE, AZURESQL_SQLDRIVER_VERSION, and AZURESQL_SQLDRIVER_ARCHIVE variables in build.env match as needed.

Building The ThingWorx Foundation Images

With the setup complete, it is now possible to run the build script to create the Docker images.

The included script is able to take the variables set previously and work with the staging directory to make sure the Docker build command has the appropriate variables and build context passed in.

To build the images run the command: ./ <type> type can be any one of the following: h2, postgres, mssql, or azuresql.

After the build process completes there will be Docker images available depending on the content provider you built.

  • H2

    Platform Docker Image: thingworx/platform-h2:latest

  • PostgreSQL

    Platform Docker Image: thingworx/platform-postgres:latest PostgreSQL DB Docker Image: thingworx/postgres-db:latest


    Platform Docker Image: thingworx/platform-mssql:latest MS SQL DB Docker Image: thingworx/mssql-db:latest

  • Azure SQL

    Platform Docker Image: thingworx/platform-azuresql:latest

NOTE The DB Docker Images for PostgreSQL and MSSQL aren't intended for production use. They are for testing and development.

Using and Running the ThingWorx Docker Images

Included in this release are some basic Docker Compose files intended to help test the build ThingWorx Images.

To start the compose environment, you can run docker-compose -f docker-compose-<type>.yml up -d type can be any one of the following: h2, postgres, mssql, or azuresql.

For example, to start, view the logs, and stop the H2 image:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-h2.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-h2.yml logs -f
docker-compose -f docker-compose-h2.yml down

This guide is mainly targeting the building of the Docker Images. For more detailed usage examples and configuration please see the full documentation that can be found in the ThingWorx Docker Guide on the PTC Support Downloads site alongside this release.


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