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Changed loops to iterating through Object.keys, so only own p…
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…roperties gets processed (#6748)

* Properly guard loops with Object#hasOwnProperty.

I noticed that babylon spends a lot of time in what we call *slow mode*
`` when running in Node (on V8), and the reason for that is that
the version distributed on npm is build with *loose mode*, which turns
methods on the prototype into enumerable properties. Let's look at a
simplified example of the `State` class from `src/tokenizer/state.js`:

class State {
  constructor() { this.x = 1; }

  clone() {
    var state = new State();
    for (var key in this) {
      var val = this[key];
      state[key] = val;
    return state;

According to the specification the `State.prototype.clone` method is
non-enumerable. However when transpiling this with loose mode, we get
the following output:

var State = (function() {
  function State() { this.x = 1; }

  State.prototype.clone = function clone() {
    var state = new State();
    for (var key in this) {
      var val = this[key];
      state[key] = val;
    return state;

  return State;

So all of a sudden the `State.prototype.clone` method is enumerable.
This means that the `` loop inside of that method enumerates
`x` and `clone` for `key`, whereas originally it was supposed to only
enumerate `x`. This in turn means that the shape of the result of a
call to `clone` will be different than the shape of a state that is
created via the `State` constructor. You can check this in `d8` using
the `--allow-natives-syntax` flag and this simple test driver:

const s = new State;

Using either the class version or the transpiled version we see:

$ out/Release/d8 --allow-natives-syntax state-original.js
0x2a9d7970d329 <State map = 0x2a9d40b0c751>
0x2a9d7970d3c1 <State map = 0x2a9d40b0c751>
$ out/Release/d8 --allow-natives-syntax state-loose.js
0x3729ee30d1b9 <State map = 0x3729af90c701>
0x3729ee30d251 <State map = 0x3729af90c7a1>

So as you can see, the transpiled version (using *loose mode*) produces
a different shape for the result of `clone`, whereas the original
version is fine. This pollutes all sites which use either a state
created from the `State` constructor or returned from the `clone`
method. The original one has only the `x` property in either case,
whereas in the transpiled version the result of `clone` has properties
`x` and `clone` on the instance.

To mitigate this effect, it's best to guard the `` loops with
`Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty` calls, such that the actual body of
the loop only deals with own properties and not with properties from the
prototype chain. This change does exactly that for the two affected
`clone` functions.

In addition to the performance hit because of the unnecessary
polymorphism, there's also the performance hit because of the *slow
mode* `` itself, which has to collect the properties from the
instance plus the prototype. Ideally the prototype properties shouldn't
be enumerable to avoid this whole set of problems. I see a couple of
possible solutions:

1. Distribute the original ES2015 version via npm.
2. Don't use loose mode, so that `Object.defineProperty` is used
   instead, correctly passing `enumerable:false`.
3. Globally change loose mode in Babel to generate the correct and
   fast `Object.defineProperty` instead.

I'd personally prefer a combination of 1. and 3. here, but I'm aware
that distributing the ES2015 code might not be an option yet. So the
mitigation of properly guarding the `` here should already help.
But it'd be nice to have a discussion on using `Object.defineProperty`
in general, as I imagine that this could easily bite other applications
as well and this performance cliff is completely unobvious to

* Switch to Object.keys and Array.prototype.forEach.
  • Loading branch information
bmeurer authored and Andarist committed Nov 6, 2017
1 parent d81cca3 commit de72ce6
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Showing 2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/babylon/src/parser/node.js
Expand Up @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ class Node implements NodeBase {
__clone(): this {
// $FlowIgnore
const node2: any = new Node();
for (const key in this) {
Object.keys(this).forEach(key => {
// Do not clone comments that are already attached to the node
if (commentKeys.indexOf(key) < 0) {
// $FlowIgnore
node2[key] = this[key];

return node2;
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/babylon/src/tokenizer/state.js
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ export default class State {

clone(skipArrays?: boolean): State {
const state = new State();
for (const key in this) {
Object.keys(this).forEach(key => {
// $FlowIgnore
let val = this[key];

Expand All @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ export default class State {

// $FlowIgnore
state[key] = val;
return state;

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