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Taliesin installation

Manual install Taliesin and its dependencies

Taliesin requires libav version 11, or equivalent ffmpeg, available in Debian Stretch or Ubuntu 17.04. It also requires orcania, yder, ulfius, hoel, rhonabwy, iddawc, libconfig, libshout and their dependencies.

$ # Install libraries
$ apt install -y libjansson-dev libavfilter-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswresample-dev libavutil-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt20-dev libsqlite3-dev libmariadbclient-dev libconfig-dev zlib1g-dev libshout3-dev


Download Taliesin from Github, then use the CMake script to build the application:

# Install Taliesin
$ git clone
$ mkdir taliesin/build
$ cd taliesin/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

The available options for cmake are:

  • -DWITH_JOURNALD=[on|off] (default on): Build with journald (SystemD) support for logging
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release] (default Release): Compile with debugging symbols or not

Good ol' Makefile

Download Taliesin and its dependencies hosted on github, compile and install.

$ # Install Orcania
$ git clone
$ cd orcania/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../..

$ # Install Yder
$ git clone
$ cd yder/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../..

$ # Install Ulfius
$ git clone
$ cd ulfius/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../..

$ # Install Hoel
$ git clone
$ cd hoel/src/
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../..

# Install Rhonabwy
$ git clone
$ cd rhonabwy/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

# Install Iddawc
$ git clone
$ cd iddawc/src/
$ make
$ sudo make install

$ git clone
$ cd taliesin/src/
$ make && sudo make install


taliesin.conf file

Copy taliesin.conf.sample to /usr/local/etc/taliesin/taliesin.conf, edit the file /usr/local/etc/taliesin/taliesin.conf with your own settings.

Change the value app_files_path to your taliesin/webapp if necessary.

Also, change the value server_remote_address to a remote accessible url if you want to access Taliesin from different devices.

Data storage backend initialisation

You can use a MySql/MariaDB database or a SQLite3 database file. Use the dedicated script, taliesin.mariadb.sql or taliesin.sqlite3.sql to initialize your database.

$ # Example to install the database with MariaDB
$ mysql taliesin < taliesin.mariadb.conf
$ # Example to install the database with SQLite3
$ sqlite3 [path/to/taliesin.db] < taliesin.sqlite3.sql
OAuth2 token validation

If you set the config parameter use_oidc_authentication to true, you must set the configuration values to verify the access tokens provided by the OAuth2 server.

In the oidc block, you must set server_remote_config or server_public_jwks:

  • server_remote_config: address to the .well-known/openid-configuration url of the OAuth2 server
  • server_remote_config_verify_cert: set to false if you want to ignore TLS certificate error in the .well-known/openid-configuration url
  • server_public_jwks: path to the OAuth2 server public keys to validate the access token signature
  • iss: issuer to verify when checking access tokens, mandatory if server_public_jwks is set
  • realm realm claim to verify, optional
  • aud aud claim to verify, optional
  • dpop_max_iat: maximum duration for a DPoP token, optional

webapp/config.json file

Copy webapp/config.json.sample to webapp/config.json and edit the file webapp/config.json with your own settings.

If you want to setup Taliesin without OAuth2 authentication, you can use have a config.json like this:

  "taliesinApiUrl": "http://localhost:8576/api",
  "storageType": "local"

The web application is located in webapp, its source is located in webapp-src. Go to webapp-src/ if you want more details on the front-end implementation.

You can either use Taliesin built-in static file server or host the web application in another place, e.g. an Apache or nginx instance.

To configure the front-end, rename the file webapp/config.json.sample to webapp/config.json and modify its content for your configuration.

  "taliesinApiUrl": "http://localhost:8576/api", // URL to your Taliesin API
  "angharadApiUrl": "http://localhost:2473/api", // URL to your Angharad API (optional)
  "storageType": "local",                        // Storage type to keep local config values like last player used, last stream or last data source
  "oauth2Config": {
    "enabled": true,
    "storageType": "local",                      // local or cookie
    "responseType": "code",                      // code or implicit
    "authUrl": "http://localhost:4593/api/oidc/auth",
    "tokenUrl": "http://localhost:4593/api/oidc/token",
    "clientId": "taliesin",
    "redirectUri": "http://localhost:8576/",     // Url to your Taliesin front-end
    "scope": "taliesin taliesin_admin angharad"
    "userinfoUrl": "http://localhost:4593/api/oidc/userinfo"

Install service

The files taliesin-init (SysV init) and taliesin.service (Systemd) can be used to run taliesin as a daemon. They are fitted for a Raspbian distrbution, but can easily be changed for other systems.

Install as a SysV init daemon and run
$ sudo cp taliesin-init /etc/init.d/taliesin
$ sudo update-rc.d taliesin defaults
$ sudo service taliesin start
Install as a Systemd daemon and run
$ sudo cp taliesin.service /etc/systemd/system
$ sudo systemctl enable taliesin
$ sudo systemctl start taliesin

Setup Taliesin in your Oauth2 server

If you use a Glewlwyd instance as Oauth2 server, you must setup a new client, don't forget to setup properly the new scope, here set to taliesin and taliesin_admin, the client_id and at least one correct redirect_uri value.

Taliesin front-end is a React JS application with Redux, it will need a non confidential client_id, and the authorization types code and/or token.

glewlwyd client configuration

Protect behind Apache mod_proxy

A good practice consists to protect Taliesin behind a http proxy. This way you can add specific security rules, redirect to a standard TCP port, e.g. 443, etc.

Since Taliesin webapp must be executed from a root path (e.g. http://localhost:8576/ and not http://localhost:8576/app/), you must set the apache proxy to the root of a domain or sub-domain.

For the following exemple, it configuration configures a reverse-proxy and encapsulates the http connection in a secured https connection, better for the outside world, the apache server must have the modules proxy_http.load (mandatory) and proxy_wstunnel.load (optional) enabled:

<VirtualHost *:443>

  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile    /path/to/cert.pem
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/privkey.pem

  ProxyPassMatch ^/api/stream/(.*)/ws$ ws://localhost:8576/api/stream/$1/ws
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:8576/ retry=0 connectiontimeout=30 timeout=300 nocanon

  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8576/

Start the server

Run the application using the service command if you installed the init file:

$ sudo service taliesin start

You can also manually start the application like this:

$ ./taliesin --config-file=taliesin.conf

By default, Taliesin is available on TCP port 8576, the API is located at http://localhost:8576/api and the web application is located at the url http://localhost:8576/.