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The Grammar class helps you build grammars that define operations whose results are defined over a set of CST node types (or AST node types for that matter).


  • Grammars are defined as a sequence of productions. Written as new Grammar({ productions: Iterable<[type, production]> }). Productions later in the sequence overwrite productions earlier in the sequence.
  • Aliases. Written as new Grammar({ aliases: Iterable<[supertype, subtypes[]]> }), an alias grammar.get(type) will return the bottommost production which is, or is an alias for type.
  • The Node alias always exists. It refers to all defined concrete types.
  • Implements the javascript Map API.
  • Grammars are immutable. grammar.set(), grammar.delete(), and grammar.clear() are errors.
  • new Grammar({ base: new Grammar() }).base. Grammars can be nested, and inherit productions from base grammars except where they are explicitly overridden.
  • Production chaining -- productions are (props, grammar, next) => result where next is the production that was overridden (if any). It is the responsibility of the user not to call next if it does not exist.


import { Grammar } from '@bablr/grammar';
import { objectEntries, wrap } from '@bablr/helpers/iterable';
// import { aliases } = from 'some-grammar/version';

const aliases = [
  ['Statement', ['ReturnStatement', 'ExpressionStatement']],
  ['Expression', ['PrefixExpression', 'SuffixExpression']],

const needsParens = new Grammar({
  aliases: wrap(aliases),
  productions: objectEntries({
    PrefixExpression(props) {
      props.path.parent === 'SuffixExpression';
    SuffixExpression(props) {
      props.path.parent === 'PrefixExpression';
    Node() {
      return false;


A utility for declaring grammars over trees







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